What makes you howl? Back to Blog
Update: The Amazon gift card winner is…leann! Congrats!
In HOWL FOR IT, my hero, Gage, is a werewolf. A pack alpha. One tough guy who won’t let anyone or anything hurt the woman that he loves. And when Gage gets angry with those who threaten his lady, his inner beast sure does come out.
For the first prize of the day, I want to know…what makes you howl? Is there something that just makes you so angry that you feel the urge to howl at the moon? Come on, share! Venting can be good for you.
And that venting could help you to win a $25 Amazon.com gift card. I’ll pick one random winner to win the prize. (Winner announced after 12 PM tomorrow. Good luck!
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What makes me howl? I hate when people trash talk their own family or friends for no reason. I’m talking about truly good people that are made fun of for their weight by their own family or friends. I think it’s dispicable and an awful thing to do. I would never make fun of someone’s looks and it pains me to see people be so cruel. These people have no self esteem and feel better about themselves by bringing others down. It’s very sad.
What makes me howl, people who go back your back, they don’t have the courage to face you head on to deal with problems, they sneak around and be underhanded about it.
Now and then my husband lol *wink* ha ha.
Ok you mean what makes me mad. um same goes i guess. Outside of that probably all this political crap. Everyone claims the other guys the bad one and they trash talk him and his family and whatever else. Twist things to make it appear a certain way. This is what we’re teaching our nations youth all the while trying to get them involved in the whole process of voting. Shame of those people. No wonder people don’t vote.
Lisa B
Kids being neglected and/or abused.
I hate it when the people in our library and super loud and let their kids run around screaming, while there are people there who are trying to work IN QUIET, like myself. It’s like people have forgotten what a library is for and use it was a playground instead. That definitely makes me want to howl!
What makes me howl… people who look down their noses at you. Encountering people like this just gets under my skin.
What makes me howl… RUDE PEOPLE…who think they are right and want it done their way.. I deal with them every day and I howl every day…LOL
People that don’t understand simple instructions no matter how many times you show them
What really makes me HOWL is when I discover the latest private school I’ve enrolled my special needs child has no desire to accommodate him whatsoever, and disregards the mandates of the child study team wholly after they receive the full tuition payment for the year. They were too happy to tell me there are no refunds after they cashed my check. It is extremely heartbreaking to be swindled by a religious school. I hope this new school will be different.
When I see my children struggling needlessly because those that are being paid to teach them have the attitude that they are doing my kid a favor. Even after I give them all the details and let them know the kids difficulties. Also, don’t deal well when other kids hurt others due to their differences.
I absolutely hate it when people don’t put their shopping carts in the shopping cart crate thing out in the parking lot when they leave. Seriously, walk a few feet and don’t be lazy, it will save someone’s car from a dent. Can’t tell you how many times I’ve come out from the store and seen a shopping cart that was slammed against my truck. If it’s windy and you just leave it out, hello, it’s going for a ride! I’ve rescued a few cars from that myself and while the people in the store have no idea I just saved them a dent, it felt good to save them from my own irritation
When someone abuses a child or animal, that makes me howl.
I want to howl when I see people being mean or verbally abusive to their children. If they are like that in public, what do they do in private?
People that are absolutely incapable of making a descision on anything on their own. No matter how much info you give them in advance they still cant do anything. And even if you explain it and send them the info they wont get it or read it and you have to do it all over again. You wonder how they could have possibly gotten where they are in life and how they function as working adults.
what makes me howl… there are so many..
mean neglectful people. rapist, child molesters, people who hurt others, bullies. religious people who are so fake they wouldnt know religion if it smacked em in the face….
I am a pretty mellow person, but mess with my family and I can be a pretty fierce Mama Bear. Rude people, prejudice, and crimes against children also make my blood boil.
A lot of things make me howl. But most recently it would be my DH and teenage DD fighting like cars and dogs. Can’t we all just get along?
I become a beast when immediatly after vacuuming the carpets and mopping the hardfloors I find crumbs and prints of dirty shoes.
Happy Release Day! What makes me howl is when I hear about childen and the elderly being abused, taken advantage of or abandoned. They are true treasures that should be loved and protected.
Injuries to my family, animals or children in that order.
What makes me howl? I’m going to keep it light and say Alcide from True Blood! Now that’s a werewolf worth howling over!
What makes me Howl? When members of my insane family start messed up problems and then makes it so we have to chose sides
Cutting me off while driving and then driving 10 MPH or more UNDER the speed limit. That makes me totally nuts.
Men in general make me want to howl. They can be so damn frustrating and confusing that it makes me want to stay single forever. I wish they came with user manuals so we could figure them out and know what to expect!
What makes me howl is when parents but their boyfriends/girlfriends/spouses above the needs of their children.
What makes me want to howl… Family drama, I can say whatever I want about my family… but someone who I do not consider family better not say anything, otherwise I become a pretty scatter person lol
That was supposed to say scary but… lol
Well, what really sets me off is random people telling me how my dog (who is like my own kid) should be handled, they don’t know him and what he is like, only what he did at that moment. Offering advice is one thing, trying to tell me what I HAVE to do is another, and it just makes me want to hit them! Ugh…
When people abuse children or animals I get so mad I could do way more then howl. To hurt an innocent child or animal there is no excuse for it.
It makes me Howl when someone talks behind your back. I think if they ain’t brave enough to say it to your face then they should just shut the H#@# up..lol Their is nothing worse than a backstabber.
What makes me howl is when people are rude.
My dog when he won’t stop barking! 😝
One of my pet peeves is repetitive people. I’m pretty sure I got it the first time, so why do they keep saying it over and over? Drives me nuts!
I used to almost get road rage over stupid unthinking drivers who don’t know HOW TO MERGE. We have several local urban freeways that connect parts of the city that are really the only way to get from point A to point B. We have really thoughtless drivers who don’t understand how to be courteous drivers and yield or slow down to help traffic flow…I finally figured out I could help by leading by example…it helped 🙂
You asked for it. My 22 year old daughter and her 2 year old moved back in 12/16/11. It’s like she reverted back to the teenager I had come to dread. She does not pick-up after herself or her son. Ask her to do something and you have to wait a eon, then she says “I didn’t hear you, I didn’t know you wanted me to do this”.
AAACCCKKK! Thank you that makes me feel a little better.
I hate prejudiced people. It makes me especially angry if they are ignorant and their prejudices steam from stupid bigotism and not from personal convictions. That really gets me when they are just repeating something they heard without really knowing what or why they are saying it.
People that abuse others and pets there is just something wrong with someone that does that
I can’t take authors who have a place on their website for blogging, but don’t blog. They start to blog, and then they stop.
I want to know how the books are going and especially when they will be released. I’m not asking for once a day, once a week, or even once a month. Sometimes, life throws too much at you and you just don’t have time. I get that. If an author changes his mind, and wants to stop blogging, why not make that announcement in the last blog entry? That’s not so hard!
I’ve read authors who just send out a newsletter when they have a a new book release. It doesn’t bother me because no one’s teased me with a blog tab.
I’m most frustrated with one author in particular who hasn’t blogged in well over a year, and is late (by that same amount of time) on updating her website after two new releases!
Thank you Cynthia, for blogging on a regular basis. I really do appreciate it.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA……….STOOPID people! Yup, I said it. People who think the whole wide world revolves around them and only them…Nope, sorry, folks!
When someone degrades or makes fun of their spouse or partner to other people. You’re supposed to love this person right?
Right after this comes people who are just plain rude.
People who abuse their pets. If you aren’t going to take care of them, why on earth did you get one? It honestly makes no sense.
Two faced people!!! If you have nothing nice to say keep your mouth shut…. cause girlfriend you ain’t perfect either!!! AAAAaaahhooooo!!!!
and did I mention: “KissAzz people” (yes, I said it) that think that IF they butter someone up enough, stroke their egos enough or be enough of a brown noser that they are gonna get what they want!!! Ah-Ah-aaaaahhhhhhooooooooooo!!!
I hate to be driving down the road and have somebody come out of nowhere and pass me, then get in front of me and immediately turn off the road. Couldn’t they have just stayed behind me in the first place? This just makes me so mad!
I hate it when your co workers complain over every little thing all day everyday!!!
Totally become angry if someone threatens or upsets my loved ones. Friends and family. People that hurt animals suck too! I think people that hurt animals have to be evil. Or hurt anyone that cant defend themselves.
People who think they are better than everyone else and that their way is the ONLY way. It absolutely drives me batty. Everyone was created differently for a reason. They are entitled to be their own self and believe in what they want. Plain and simple. Others who try to force people to change to suit them wether that be physically or in their beliefs bug me. Just accept that not everyone want to be you and move on. And no I don’t get into discussions with these types of people I stay away!
I have several things: my idiot neighbors….(LONG STORY), my stalking, stuck up sis in law (even longer story), people who judge me and my family and anyone who is mean to my children… GRRRRRRRRRRR
What makes me howl is other people thinking they know what’s best for my children. I’m the one raising them so I know what they need more than anybody else.
Somethings that make me howl are when driving with people who can’t use a simple turn signal. It drives me nuts.
When someone wouldn’t treat my husband with respect.