Wednesday Notes… Back to Blog

Today, I’m getting back in the groove. Yes, that means I’ll start work on a new project today. Oh, the joy. Oh, the fear. 🙂

I’m also guest blogging at Riding With The Top Down–and giving away a prize. Come on by and chat with me about sharing the romance love for a chance to win!

And, on a different note, as I type this, I’m watching the video of the journalists who were just released from North Korea. Such an emotional reunion with their families. I’m certainly glad that they are back home.

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5 responses to “Wednesday Notes…”

  1. Diane Sadler says:

    A new project?
    Have fun and hope it goes well

  2. Edie says:

    Exciting getting back to a new book. I know the joy and the fear very well.

  3. Melissa says:

    I’m glad they are coming home, too. I hate that it’s been made into such a political thing, and wonder if they even crossed into where they shouldn’t have, or if it was just a ploy. I’m thrilled for their families!!

  4. Michele says:

    Fun, fun and more fun 😀 I would think it would be exciting, I’m sure you have ideas in your head of how you want to lay everything out.

    I know what you mean about how the journalists being reunited with their families. Started crying, happy tears 🙂

  5. Brandy says:

    New project means new book, right? Write on dear lady, write on! *G*