Tuesday Update Back to Blog

Hi, everyone!  Want a chance to win some free books? Then head over to The Good, The Bad, and The Unread! I’m giving away 3 copies of BELONG TO THE NIGHT.

I’m now on chapter three of my new WIP–slowly sneaking into the heart of the story.  These characters are fun.  My hero is a demon, and my heroine, well, so far she’s a pretty bad girl, uh, woman.  🙂  She likes to blow things up for fun.

Hope you have a fabulous Tuesday!

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8 responses to “Tuesday Update”

  1. Brandy says:

    Ooh, your new story sounds really good! And your heroine sounds cool! *G*
    I’ll be sure to check out the other blog post.

  2. Edie says:

    Your hero/heroine sound like lovely people to hang around with. 😈

  3. Willa says:

    Been, commented, questioned, received answer – thankyou! 😀

    Ooooh is always exciting to get little titbits about current WIP’s. Have you got a title yet?

  4. Cynthia Eden says:

    Thank you, Brandy! She’s a wicked, wicked woman. I thought it was time for a woman like her.

    LOL, Edie, I think they’d be awesome to have over for dinner!

    Thanks for heading over, Willa! No title yet. Sigh. I think I want something with the word “Fire” in it since my heroine can make fires with her mind. Maybe an idea will come to me right before bedtime. That’s when I got the idea for “I’ll Be Slaying You” (out next July!).

  5. Willa says:

    Hmmm . .

    Dark Fire
    Playing With Fire
    Touched By Fire


  6. Diane Sadler says:

    Love the sound of your new book, see you over at The good the bad and the unread.

  7. Michelle says:

    Cindy, I love writing the first third of a book. I love writing the final third. The middle third . . . let’s not got there :).

    Your new WIP sounds really great. Mmmm. Fire Me Up? 😉

  8. Armenia says:

    Heroine that blows up things for fun…sounds like my kind of gal.

    Hope I’m not to late to enter the contest. I was MIA on Tuesday but I managed to visit Duck Chat and commented.