Trying to plan for RWA Back to Blog

I just spent a good hour trying to map out my schedule for the upcoming RWA conference. I’m super excited to be heading to Atlanta for the event, and, of course, I am also super obsessive–so that means I’m attempting to plan out all the details of my conference days down to, oh, the exact minutes. 🙂

There are a few big events that I know I’m going to attend–the Gathering for FF&P, the Passionate Ink luncheon, several PAN activities, every publisher spotlight that hits my sub-genre…and, well, there are several craft workshops that just look cool and interesting. One even has the title of “50 ways to nearly kill your lover.” Come on–how can I not go to that one?

This conference is my big opportunity to network with other writers/editors/agents, and I’m sooo looking forward to this trip. I’m even going to print out nice little business cards to take with me–in case I meet a prospective editor or agent. Gotta think positive!

For anyone else out there going to RWA, is there an event or workshop that’s definitely on your to-do list?

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5 responses to “Trying to plan for RWA”

  1. Saskia Walker says:

    Would so love to be there with you! One day 😉 Meanwhile, have a superb time and enjoy for me too.

  2. Edie says:

    I’m with Saskia. I’ll miss the conference this year. Next year I’ll go for sure. My blog partner, Michelle, is coming from South Africa for next year’s National, and if she can come from halfway around the world, I can come from Wisconsin. LOL.

    Hopefully, I’ll meet you then. 🙂

  3. Cynthia Eden says:

    Oh, Saskia, I’d hoped you’d be able to cross the pond! I wanted to meet you in person! Maybe next year!

    And, Edie, I shall look forward to seeing you in Texas! 🙂

  4. Michelle says:

    Have fun, Cynthia. If you’re going next year, as Edie says, I’ll be there too. (I get a little flutter of excitement every time I think about that :)). I am so looking forward to seeing people I’ve emailed for two years and never met. It would be great to meet with you if you are going next year.

  5. Melissa Marsh says:

    This will be my first conference, as well. I think I’m looking forward to everything – but especially to being around other writers. I can’t imagine the energy that’s going to be in that hotel!