Trailer Time Back to Blog

My book trailer for The Wizard’s Spell is done! Yay!! I learned a great deal from this experience–and I had a darn good time. (I don’t know if Nick did–I think I might have driven him to near insanity with frustration a few times.)

Originally, I’d planned to do a “live action” trailer and “still-shot” sequence. But, well, time snuck up on me. When my editor from ImaJinn notified me recently that my book would be released on July 21st, I realized I would only have time for one trailer. So I opted for the still-shot.

I know I want to do another trailer. I’ve already started planning one for The Wolf’s Mate. I think I may be addicted now.

A quick note about The Wizard’s Spell: I don’t have an ISBN number for this book yet, and it won’t be listed on for a few more days. As soon as I get more info, I’ll list ordering information on my site.

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