The Veil Between the Worlds is Thin…What Spirit Calls You? Back to Blog
Today is Halloween, otherwise known as Samhain to those less conventional folks. Samhain marks the end of summer and the beginning of winter. It is the New Year for Wiccans and/or pagans. It’s also thought to be one of the two times during the year (the other time being Beltane May 1st) when the veil between the worlds is thinnest. For those of us who wish to honor our dead on this day, it’s traditional to set a place at the dinner table for your departed loved ones. Participants eat in silence, in honor of those who have been silenced by death.
Since Samhain is also a time when many believe that it’s easier to foretell the future, participating in divination is also an appropriate way to spend the evening. Tarot cards, pendulum use, crystal ball gazing, scrying, tea leaf reading – there are endless possibilities for divining your future. A friend of mine (who loves Scrabble) suggested tossing scrabble tiles and seeing whether any particular words are formulated. A truly unique – and fun – idea!
So what do you say? Samhain is here. It’s time to reach out and make contact with departed loved ones, spiritual guides, angels, or any being not of this realm. That is, if they don’t reach out to you first! In my book Between Light and Dark, one of the characters is contacted by her dead sister on Samhain. Rather than being a frightening event, it ends up being a joyful, healing one. I know it will be the same for you as well, should you decide to make contact with the other side.
What do you plan to do with this day/night? What ancestor will you be honoring? What answers will you be seeking for your future? Lest you think this is all just too serious for you…well, please know that I enjoy having fun on Halloween just as much as the next person. Our family has plans for some serious trick-or-treating. And yes, I will be dressing up! What fun and frolicking do you have planned?
As a special gift from me to you on All Hallow’s Eve, I will be drawing a card for each person who comments. And I will post a very brief message message for you from….well…let’s just say, the beyond….
Happy Halloween! Merry Samhain!
Eager for more witchy goodness? Visit my website for information about Between Light and Dark and Darkness Rising, my Hidden Circle Coven books. And don’t forget to mosey on by my blog where I discuss all things paranormal.
Hi Elissa *waving from England*
Over here we do not celebrate Halloween/Samhain with the enthusiasm that people do in the States, although with the magic of the Internet we can join in a little, voting in Cynthia’s annual Pumpkin-face-off!
Really enjoyed nosying around your website and loved the part about Twin Souls/Twin Flames – that really struck a chord.
Happy Halloween/Samhain to you 😀
Hi Willa! Glad you liked my website. Check back on my News page: I hope to have good news to share regarding a book about Twin Souls soon!
And your message from beyond…Your card is “Freedom.” You’ve been feeling constrained of late, like you need to get out and do something new and different. This is changing. You’re about to throw off your constraints. You’re being urged to plan a trip if you haven’t already. Someplace green and lush, with hills comes to mind. Reconnect with nature to reinvigorate and revive your personal power.
Thanks for stopping by!
I don’t have any big plans for Halloween. Just to spend some time with my grandkids. Halloween is my favorite holiday. When I was married it was the one holiday we didn’t have to fight over whose family we were going to spend it with, so it became my favorite. I have tons of decorations that I have passed down to my daughters for the enjoyment of my grandkids. So happy Halloween to you and everyone.
I love Halloween! I’ll be passing out lots of candy, but I’m still trying to decide if I’ll dress up and scare the trick-or-treaters this year. And I’ll definitely keep my tarot cards close today. 🙂
Have fun tonight!
Hi, Elissa! Thanks so much for guest blogging! I love the cover for Darkness Rising. 🙂
Tonight, I’ll be taking my little one through the neighborhood for trick or treating fun. And,like you, I definitely plan to dress up, too! Have a safe and fun night!
Might have to set a place for my Uncle tonight, since we just lost him. Very interesting read Cynthia
Hi Linda! I am with you on Halloween. We love decorating for the holiday! The card I pulled for you is “Healing” -there have been some health issues concerning you of late. The message for you is to keep a positive outlook, and all will be well. Get out of the house as often as possible and breathe in fresh air. Drink lots of water and rest.
Hi Wendi!
Oh, you MUST dress up. That’s half the fun! 🙂 The card I pulled for you is “Understanding.” You’re trying to figure out some things right now. There has been confusion in multiple facets of your life. (We all feel that way sometimes!)However, there is clarification coming. Someone you’ve been talking to is helping you work things out and a lightbulb of understanding is about to go off!
Thanks for stopping by, ladies. Have a wonderful day!
Hi Scott!
I’m so sorry to hear about your uncle. I think it’s wonderful you will honor him tonight. The card I pulled for your is “Grace.” What this means is that you’ve been put through some challenges lately or you’re about to be – and it can be difficult to stay calm and level-headed. But you’ll handle the situation with grace. Keep it up! You’re being empowered to remain steadfast.
Blessings to you and your uncle!
Merry Samhain to you!! Today is pretty much normal for us with errands and so forth, but this afternoon and into the evening will be fun. We’ve got great yard art to turn on with the sun settles its sleepy head and candy for the trick-o-treaters. Yes, I’m dressing up too. 🙂
I’ve never actually done the setting a plate out a dinner thing, but I love that.
Sending lots of wonderful wishes your way today.
Hi Cynthia! Thanks for having me on your blog today. This is a fun day! The card I pulled for you is “Synthesis.” Everything is falling into place for you right now. The right people are showing up at the right time. Your career is about to take off! (cool!) Pay attention to the so-called coincidences surrounding you. The universe is moving all the pieces into place for you!
Have fun trick-or-treating!
All – I’m off to a chiropractor appointment but when I get back…more messages for commenters! So check back!
Hi Elissa,
I enjoyed your post. This is my favorite time of year and I love the idea of Samhain. Neat that we also have a waxing moon that looks nearly full for tonight.
Thanks for the post and I’ll check back to see what card you draw for me.
Kelly L Stone
Thanks for the great reading, Elissa!!
Hi Elissa,
I really would like to get in contact with the ghost that is living in our home. I am curious who he is.
Here in Germany Halloween isn’t as big in the States or England and I am sorry about it, because I love Halloween/Samhain.
This is so cool – Loved reading all the cards you’ve drawn so far. I adore Halloween, too. It is just such a great time of year and it speaks to my soul in a way I can’t describe. Sherry
Happy Halloween, everyone. We are spending the day with family watching the big college football game and then celebrating a birthday. Hopefully, there will be trick-or-treaters tonight.
Happy Halloween! I don’t have any particular plans tonight. Just watch a few spooky movies and have a couple glasses of wine.
I won’t be honoring of any of my ancestors, rather watching and listening in this old house for the spirits that reside here. I’m sure I’ll hear a few bumps in the night – what fun 🙂
When our kids were little, Halloween was a big event. Recorded spooky music, the garage turned into a grave yard, my older kids dressing up and handing out candy. Of course, the little ones from the neighbor wouldn’t come get anything. Too frightened. I don’t know who enjoyed it more, my husband, or my kids.
Now, it’s passing out candy and meeting the neighbors who accompany their own little ones.
A fun time.
I think there are people who are psychic, but I’m not one of them. I only want to know my future if it’s good. LOL
I’ll be passing out candy today, too, and trying not to eat any myself. We’re going out to eat tonight, so maybe that will help me abstain from the candy.
Hello Elissa,
You have a very cool website. I will visit again. Today is the one day when the dead can come back to visit the living. There are two ‘visitors’ I hope to see. Tonight we’ll hand out candy to the wee ones.
I am a ‘sensitive’. I am also a ghostbuster. I visit people’s home and help them with their ‘visitors’. I have lots of great stories to tell. I’m looking forward to my card. Thanks.
I’ll enjoy passing out treats to the neighborhood, especially the very cute little ones who have to be prompted to say trick or treat. I’ll be thinking of my departed loved ones – my mother and my beloved kitty Catalina. I love Halloween because my birthday is the next day, so it’s always been my time of year.
Happy Halloween! And maybe I should add Happy New Year!
Last year was the first year in 7 that we had tricker – treater (our neighborhood borders an even better neighborhood so I think they go there). Luckily I had just enough candy on hand (normally I don’t have any). If I buy some I’m sure no one will show, if I don’t they’ll be sure to come.
Thanks for your insightful blog! Hope you and yours have a merry and safe evening.
Hi Vicki!
I love it when folks really do up their decorating big! Sounds like your house will be delightfully spooky! The card I pulled for you is “Synthesis.” For you this is about following your hunches. You have a fair amount of intuition and you know this but don’t always trust it. If you listen to your gut you’ll keep building on the foundation you’ve already created for making your dreams come true. Watch for an opportunity in the next 2 months. Follow your hunch when it presents itself.
Hi Kelly! Waxing moons are great. It’s a good time for positive affirmations to bring luck your way! Did you know that for centuries farmers have planted crops on the waxing moon to ensure growth?! The card I pulled for you is “Healing.” In this case it isn’t so much about physical health as emotional. Whatever tough situation you’ve have been or will be faced with, hang tight and know that all is in divine order. All will be well.
BTW, I’m purposely keeping these posts as generic as possible, folks – for obvious reasons!
Hi Danny! Oh, a ghost in your home? This would be a good night to attempt contact for sure. Have you tried asking him questions and seeing you can get a response via use of a pendulum or even asking for him to, for instance, knock once for yes, two for no? (that sort of thing) Perhaps he needs a little help moving on. There are folks who specialize in such matters. My contacts are in Florida, but not England. 🙁 The card I pulled for you is “Openness.” There is something you need to tell someone close to you, but are having a difficult time doing it. Don’t worry. The conversation will go better than expected. The best relationships are built on mutual openness and honesty.
Hi Sherry! I’m with you on this one. This is my favorite time of year too. The card I pulled for you is “Clarity.” You have an amazing ability for cutting through the garbage and getting to the heart of any matter. This draws people to you for advice. Someone will be coming to you soon who needs advice in a very important, serious matter. Be prepared and try to help however you can. Your clarity is going to prove to be priceless in this situation.
Thanks for the card, Elissa. Makes sense! 🙂
Danny – meant to say my contacts are in Florida, not Germany. Sorry! So glad to see you here, BTW! Love hearing from folks in other countries!!
Kelly S. – I’m glad the card helped. I’m hopeful the messages are getting through despite my cryptic presentation. I could say more…but for the sake of privacy, I won’t! Have a wonderful Halloween!!
H Cheryl C.! Have fun watching the game tonight! The card I pulled for you is “Spontaneity.” You’re a planner who prefers to know exactly where you’re going, when, and how you’ll get there. Unfortunately, life hasn’t worked quite to your plans of late. Try to embrace the unknown of it all and enjoy each moment. Things will get back on track again soon and you can plan away to your heart’s content! 🙂
About your contacts…
In Cassadaga, Elissa?
Hi Susan! I adore old houses. Some of my favorite stories are about haunted houses. That’s still my favorite ride at Disney World. Susan, the card I pulled for you is “Adventure.” There is some kind of trip coming up for you within the next 3-6 months that is going to be a bit of a sretch outside of your comfort zone. Still, you’re going to have a ball! Enjoy the adventure! You deserve it!
Happy Halloween y’all!!! It is a lovely day here, and we will be greeting ourneighbors this evening with a Trunk or Treat, for the safe and secure fun fo the kids. Hope everyone has fun tonight, whatever your plans.
Hi Allison! I know what you mean. I don’t know who enjoys the night more – me and hubby or the kids! The card I pulled for you is “Transformation.” There is some sort of new health plan in the works that with alter you physically. However, you’re also transforming on the inside. You will be studying, learning, and connecting more with your spiritual roots. Both an innner and outer transformation. What an amazing time for you!
Halloween used to be much more fun when my kids were smaller. Now, I usually dress up to answer the door for the dozen or so trick or treaters. I’ll probably have a creepy movie on, too. Enjoy and have a great weekend. We’re just so glad to not have any rain today!
Hi Edie! Everyone is psychic. Seriously. Some folks have taken the time to learn how to use it. Some folks haven’t. It’s as simple as that. 🙂 The card I pulled for you is “Light.” There is a lot of Light, even angelic energy around you. You have a cozy, softness about you that makes you very likeable. People are responding to this light energy that surrounds you. Also, you seem to have an uncanny knack for avoiding narrow misses because of this – someone is looking out for you for sure! Don’t be afraid to say hello, and thank you, to those angels now and then. Lucky you!
Hi Mel! A ghostbuster! How cool! I bet you have some great stories to tell! The card I pulled for you is “Openness.” You are indeed quite intuitive. And in your case, the “openness” is referring to your energetic chanels being very clear and easily accessible from those beyond the veil. The only caution is to make sure to close up a bit when not on call (so to speak). You have a tendency to take on other people’s stuff without intending to do so. This can make you feel sluggish and cranky without knowing why. Lots of saging and grounding and putting up those psychic barriers when needed is a good idea for you. Have fun tonight! I hope you make contact with those you referenced. Oh – and re: my contacts. I love Cassadega, and there folks there who could help. But I was referring to a team of ghostbusters in south florida who a friend of mine used to work with (before she moved) – they are a great bunch. Sounds like you would know the right people to go to! Like yourself, perhaps? 🙂
LOL. Elissa, maybe I should ask him if he wants join on our next trip to Florida. He already moved once with us, why not also go on vacation.
Thanks for the card reading
Hey, hope every one has a happy halloween. I love halloween it’s my favorite holiday. I’m planning an dressing up as an Angel.
Happy Halloween!
Hi Barbara! Hugs on your mom and your kitty! And Happy Birthday! The card I pulled for you is “Truth.” You, even more so than most people, consider honesty to be one of the most important characteristics for a person to possess. You can be honest almost to a fault. There is someone who you don’t feel has been being completely honest with you. They are going to come clean soon. Try to cut them some slack. Not everyone will live up to your high ideals. But they’re trying!
Hi Kerry R! Hope you get lots of trick-or-treaters tonight (and that you have enough candy this time! LOL) The card I pulled for you is “Power.” You have a tremendous amount of personal power. Though you don’t always realize this truth. It’s time to sit down and be honest with yourself about what you really want in your life. And then believe in your own personal power to make it happen. If you believe it, you will achieve it!
Hi Nancy! I hope you have a blast with the trick-or-treaters tonight. 🙂 The card I pulled for you is “Transformation.” For you, this card is indicative of recent or soon to be experienced changes in several facets of your life. It feels like a whole new life. That can be scary, but it can also be a very good thing. Trust that all is unfolding exactly as it should. You’re also going to be compelled to transform your surroundings. Lots of clearing out and decluttering is in your future. It will be work, but you’ve got to get rid of the old to bring in the new.
Hi Allie! I hope you have a blast tonight. And no rain! (What was that song we’d sing as kids…rain, rain go away, come again another day…) (grin) The card I pulled for you is “Responsibility.” Right now it seems like everyone wants something from you. You’re responsible for a lot of people and sometimes it makes you downright tired (and leaves you feeling a bit unappreciated.) But you are dearly loved and needed and though folks forget to say it enough, you’re appreciated too. However, you just need a little break. It’s okay to ask for time for yourself. Perhaps a weekend away just for you? (You’ve been dreaming of this so go for it!) You deserve it!
Danny – that is so funny! Yes, why not ask him if he’d like to come to Florida with you? If he’s following you from house to house, he is most likely connected to you or someone else who lives with you. A deceased relative perhaps?
Hi Maddie! An angel! Fun! My hubby and I went as angels one year, although he did not wear a halo and he strapped a sword in his belt, announcing he was an archangel, not just a regular old angel…(Always has to one up me!) The card I pulled for you is “Patience.” This isn’t easy for you. (It’s not for me, either! LOL) You’re waiting on news about a project or undertaking of some sort and the waiting is driving you batty. You’ve heard the saying, a watched phone never rings? Relax and what you want will have an easier time coming to you.
A joyous Samhain to all. Interestingly, I awoke this morning with a keen sense of peace this morning. Yesterday I was at a loss for a costume since I had loaned them all to others. On my way out the door to the party at work, I grabbed assorted decorations from around the house, and arrived as… Autumn, hoping to call cooler weather to task. We tend to celebrate the season as long as it is respectable to leave pumpkins and golden leaves on display. As summer comes to a close, the energy of autumn swirls around our legs like an anxious cat, wanting to be paid special attention. Tonight, we will celebrate with friends~laughter, song, and of course the offering of candy to most. If I’m lucky I’ll get to take a walk beneath the moon with a loved one…maybe more if spirits of parents and friends show up…
Happy Halloween! Well, today I will celebrate Halloween with some friends and we will watch some scary movies. Since I am a scaredy cat, I wont be enjoying it as much. Then I have college exams next week and I have to study for them. So, its going to be an interesting weekend. 😀
Happy Halloween! A blessed Samhain for you and yours!
We’ve already participated in a Harvest Fest at out local Y where our two children participated and demonstrated their Karate. The rest of the evening will be spent either trick-or-treating for my kids and hubs (and kids friends) or me-handing out candy and awwwwing over all the little ones we get in the neighborhood. *G*
Have a great night!
Happy Halloween!
We just give the kids next door a bag of candy each since they are the only kids around our area. We like to go driving and looking at all the houses that decorate. Our kids are now 16 & 17 so they no longer go trick or treating, but they love to watch scary movies.
Elissa- you got me- spot on! esp the cut through the garbage stuff. And the advice thing. Helps a lot in my job. Sherry
Happy Halloween everyone. I am waiting for the trick or treaters to come(my kids are grown). And I will be watching Ghost Hunters live. I’ve been watching scary movies all week long. Love them! I had to work today & I dressed up in a cat shirt with cat ears & a tail. The residents loved it. Painted on whiskers too. LOL.
I love the scrabble game idea I might have to try it today. Halloween is a day where I spend it cooking a meal that reminds me of those I have lost in the past.
Your stories are new to me but I will be checking them out. I hope you have a great Samhain/Halloween.