The only pirate I like… Back to Blog

…is Jack Sparrow.

Okay, I’m having a bad morning, so I’m going to do something I don’t normally do on my blog–rant.  You see, I woke up today to find out that more folks were stealing from me. Yep, stealing.

You see, when you post an author’s book online illegally and allow 1400+ of your friends to all download their own copies of that book–you’re stealing.  That’s against the law.  Um, you know, the thing that if you break, you’re supposed to be punished for?

You are NOT helping me by posting illegal copies of my books.  You are NOT spreading the word about my stories in a positive way.  You’re hurting me.  And seriously, I don’t steal from you–please don’t steal from me.

End rant.

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5 responses to “The only pirate I like…”

  1. Willa says:

    Rant away – that was fairly restrained as rants go and considering why. Mine would have had a lot of *&$%£*& and *£%$^* in it . . .

    It is sooo wrong on so many levels. Bar-stewards.

  2. Edie says:

    Stealing is a bad thing to do. I hope you get them to stop.

  3. I think people got Talk Like A Pirate Day confused with “act like a pirate” 🙁

    I’m sorry. That really really sucks! 🙁

  4. […] Eden blogged on Friday about pirates. Not the good looking kind like Jack the Ripper, but the creepy, rotten kind who post […]

  5. Brandy says:

    I am so sorry to hear there are those that are BREAKING THE LAW and stealing your books to do it. Hugs.