The Haunted Book Shop in Mobile, Alabama Back to Blog

In the past, #IndieBookstoreDay typically fell on the last Saturday in April. Because of the current situation in the world, this year’s Indie Bookstore Day has been postponed until Saturday, August 29, 2020.

However, since today was supposed to be the big day…I still wanted to do a shout-out to my absolute favorite indie bookstore: The Haunted Book Shop in Mobile, Alabama. My friend (and fab author!) Angela Quarles owns this shop, and it is absolutely fantastic. So many wonderful books!! And the store is SUPER romance friendly.

Angela has several of my autographed books in stock:

She goes out of her way to support local authors, to encourage literacy in the community, and in general, to just make the world a better place (because she is awesome!).

Angela, thank you for all that you do! I love your store so much!

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