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Yes, it’s that time of year again (already?)…time for me to talk about my favorite ways to *give* during the holidays. This is just a simple list I’ve compiled, and I would love for you to add your favorite charity organizations or giving methods to comments.
First…let’s talk free giving. Money is tight this year, so if you want to help others but don’t have the money to share–how about doing a bit of clicking?
You can give food to the hungry by visiting The Hunger Site. (According to the site, one click is equal “to 1.1 cups of food.”)
You can give food and shelter to animals by visiting The Animal Rescue Site.
Other ways to give…
The Salvation Army Angel Tree program is one that I donate to each year. I particularly enjoy this program now that I have a son–Jack helps me pick out the presents for the child that we adopt and it really helps him to understand the concept of giving to others who are in need.
You can also donate a toy (any price) to the Toys for Tots program. There are usually Toys for Tots collection boxes at all the big stores (Wal-mart, Target, Toys R Us) this time of year.
But Christmas isn’t just about the kids. I love my local Walgreen’s b/c they always have a small tree up at this time of the year, and on that tree, you can find the needs of elderly people that you can “adopt” for the holidays. Their requests are so simple–socks, cookies. Just something to brighten the holidays.
Other ways to give…
Clean out your closet. Take those old clothes and give them to a charitable organization in your area. Need to make room for all the new toys your kids are getting? Donate some of the old toys to Goodwill.
Do you have any giving ideas you’d like to share? I’d love to hear them!!!
Happy Holidays!
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We always give to the Salvation Army this time of year. And I go to the Animal Rescue Site too. I vote every day for a local charity. As for Goodwill, I have a pile of stuff for them already. 🙂
Hey, Cynthia~~ You’ve pointed out some of my fav’s~~I try to do the Animal Rescue Site, and The Breast Cancer Stie every day, and this year we did the Angel Tree at the grocery store as well as a regular angel, since the food banks are running so short. I love Toys For Tots, and we always do a program at work~~ this year we’re collecting for St. Joseph’s, a home for abused children…I always try to give as much as I possibly can, and teach Alyx how important it is to share in your good fortune!! I truly belive in that saying there but for the Grace of God go I!
In October, my husband and I pick out a couple of the local elementary schools and contact the Guidance Counselors. We ask them if they have low income parents who might like Santa to bring their child a bicycle for Christmas. Once the guidance counselor clears it with the parents, DH and I go bike shopping. We usually buy 10 to 20 bikes depending on the year and leave them with the guidance counselors for pick up by the parents. I’m a firm believer that a bicycle can change a child’s life – I know it did mine.
Hi Cynthia
I’m ahead of you, gave to the Salvation Army three times this past year, the last in october; also we gave to the local foodbank a couple of weeks ago; and of course the ones just waiting for you to leave the grocery store; it’s that time of year and there are many needy out there.
Things are so critical at the local foodbanks…I have been following a friend’s idea of donating the free item from every buy one get one free deal at the store that I get these days.
Our Church does gift bags for the homeless. And we like to give to the Animal charities.
We donate to the Salvation Army pots and purchase a new toy for Toys for Tots. My daughter periodically clears out her clothes that no longer fit her and give them to Soljourn House. They’re usually in immaculate condition, so I’m sure its appreciated.
This year we signed up for Project Concern in our community and purchased gifts for four children who would have otherwise gone without presents this year. The great part is I’d planned on making this a donation in both my name and my daughter’s … but Erin insisted she wanted her own two kids … and paid for it herself. What a good kid.
Well, here’s one option:
Our family adopts angels from the Salvation Army. I think it’s very important that my kids are involved to help with this program. We also give to St. Jude’s. I think it’s a wonderful program, one I hope we would never need to use.