The Assassin and the Virgin Princess… Back to Blog

Update: The winner of INSATIABLE is…Kate N. Congrats, Kate N.!

In two weeks, my third Federation Chronicles novel, INSATIABLE, releases from Berkley Heat. It marks the start of a three book mini-series called Phantom Corps, which is, you guessed it, about the men and women who are part of a shadowy special ops military team called –wait for it- Phantom Corps.

Desire is the most dangerous sensation of all.

With tensions between the Federation and Imperial ‘Verses rising, one woman may hold the key to victory. The dangerous mission to smuggle her out of Imperial Territory falls to Daniel Haws and his team, the ultra secret Phantom Corps. This elite squad of the Federation Military is the only one trusted and skilled enough to remove her from under the watchful eye of her father, the Supreme Commander of the Imperial ‘Verses.

Carina is used to wearing a mask. Her father and his men think her little more than a pretty prize to be won by a man more ruthless than the rest. When he announces his intention to marry her to one of his henchmen, a man known for his cruelty, Carina knows she has to move as soon as possible to get out. But getting secret information to the Federation has served her well for years and she appeals to them for help.

She expected rescue from a man who’d been her enemy. But she wasn’t prepared for just how intense her attraction to Daniel Haws would be. Born as adversaries into different ranks, and on the run for their lives, they now need each other to survive–by holding on to the only thing they have in common: a growing desire that is dangerous, irresistible, and insatiable…

Guest blogs are always fun, but sometimes it’s hard to know what to write about and not sound like a dork. So here’s my effort, though I am sure I’ll still sound like a dork 😉

For me, the key to every book, the heart and foundation of it all at once are the characters. I want to know who they are and what they mean to each other. How they draw things from each other. Do they make each other better people? Fill in the cracks? Shore each other up in bad times?

As I wrote Relentless and I began to draw Daniel as a character, I knew I’d want to write about him and what he got up to in an official capacity. He was real to me when I began to write Insatiable, even though he has a lot of flaws.

Daniel Haws is an assassin. He kills people for his job and he’s not really one to mope around about it. He knows there are things that have to be done and sometimes they aren’t pretty.

He presented a challenge – because he’s not, well, heroes aren’t supposed to kill people.

The kernel for Insatiable came to me as a flash of a scene. The hero standing, shooting a weapon, glittering cartridges shimmering in the light, falling to the ground all around the heroine, crouched at his feet. It was so vivid and so real to me, I even heard O Fortuna, from Carmina Burana in my head as I imagined the scene.

I wrote that one first. Because it rode me so hard there was no choice. And that scene is the one that helped me write Daniel as the hero he is. Because he’s there, taking the heat, making himself a target to protect his men and most definitely the woman at his feet.

As I wrote, I gained more understanding of Daniel, both as the leader of Phantom Corps and as a man falling in love with a woman he’s under orders to protect as his cargo.

Insatiable is an epic book. Daniel and Carina spend the first ¾ of the book on the run from people trying to kill them to stop them delivering the intelligence Carina has smuggled out of the Imperium.

Which brings me to Carina. I’ve written a lot of heroines over the years. Some are more memorable to me than others. Some were really easy for me to write. Nina Reyes from Enforcer comes to mind. Erin Brown from Laid Bare is another. Polly Chase. Other times, more usually, it takes me a while before I really get a handle on who my characters are.

When I’d finished the book, I realized Carina is one of my very favorite characters. Certainly not because she was easy to write. She wasn’t. I knew early on she’d have to be a virgin because of how she was raised and the level of security on her at nearly all times. But I wanted to make her inexperienced but not naïve. Which was harder than I thought.

She’s vulnerable in many ways, but also really strong. Intelligent. Cunning and at times, fearless. It’s why she throws herself into love with Daniel. She knows what she wants, even if there are times she knows she’s in over her head, she knows she wants him and she knows she wants to see the mission through. I loved writing her as a mix of all sorts of things and I hope the balance works for readers as much as it did for me.

In the end, the assassin and the virgin princess end up together and though I’m obviously biased, I think the combination works. I think she is exactly what he needs and she would be the first person to agree that he is exactly the person she needs.

I hope you all enjoy meeting Carina and Daniel when you read Insatiable!

SO, to help you do that (meet Carina and Daniel via the book, that is) I’m giving away a brand spanking new copy of INSATIABLE (they just came yesterday) to a lucky winner. What do you all think of unlikely heroes and heroines? Any that you love and want to recommend?

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71 responses to “The Assassin and the Virgin Princess…”

  1. Virginia C says:

    Congratulations! Your series sounds fun and exciting! I agree that characters are the key. Fully-developed, involving characters and a detailed, interesting story line are the essential elements of great storytelling. Unlikely heroes and heroines are terrific, espcially when they surprise themselves : ) I’d love to win that “brand spanking new” copy of INSATIABLE!

  2. Cynthia Eden says:

    Hi, Lauren! Thanks so much for guest posting! Insatiable sounds fantastic and I can’t wait to read this book. I love assassins–that sounds wrong, but I do. 🙂

  3. Lauren Dane says:

    Hello Virginia – I totally agree with you! Thanks for commenting 🙂

    Cynthia – thank you for having me!

  4. Heather S says:

    Oooh, that makes me want to read Insatiable even more! I can’t wait! As for the unlikely hero/heroine, I love them. Sometimes they are those bigger than belief characters that really explode in your face and other times they are just the guy/girl next door who saves the kitten in the tree. No matter which personality they are portraying the surprise moment when you realize “wow, this is the hero?” is really worth it.

  5. I don’t really go looking for unlikely heros and heroines, but I do enjoy them when I come across them.

    As for my recommendation…is there a more unlikely romance h/h than an ex-con and the town crazy lady? LaVyrle Spencer’s MORNING GLORY is one of my favorite romances, a keeper and a comfort read.

  6. blodeuedd says:

    I really liked Relentless, the world you created, fascinating 🙂

    Heroes, must go with fantasy and the death gate cycle by margaret Weis, Haplo is this spy and thinks of himself as a god..but then he meets the people and starts to think that they are nice too

  7. Valerie says:

    Well, first of all I had a hard time getting past that delickable cover!!! Phew!!!

    I also think that unlikely heros and heroines are great stories. Make it a bit more realistic and shows that everyone deserves their happy ending.

    in Germany

  8. Viki says:

    Hey Lauren – You are new to me but I have to say the book cover shown here is incredible. I think I will enjoy your work. As for unlikely heroes – not a problem for me. Everyone has something they will risk everything for so I don’t think anyone can be ruled out.

  9. Diane Sadler says:

    Reading paranormal always gives you the most unlikely heroes and heroines you could imagine; there are so many to recommend I won’t even begin. But such authors such as yourself, Cynthia, Nalini etc. the characters just jump out at you.

  10. Denise T. says:

    I love all your books, can’t wait to get my hands on this book! (hope I get picked to win!)
    I also have to agree that unlikely heros and heroines make great stories!

  11. CrystalGB says:

    Hi Lauren. Insatiable sounds great. I love the cover. I always find unlikely heroes and heroines to be the ones that are most memorable.

  12. Jennifer D. says:


    I have not had the opportunity to read any of your Federation Chronicles books, yet. I have to admit I don’t usually read a lot of futuristic books. However, the excerpt from your website and back cover blurb are totally intriguing. I actually do enjoy books with unlikely heroes. It usually brings to mind some of Lisa Kleypas characters’ in her historical books (Derek Craven from Dreaming of You). She sometimes has heroes, who I think are not redeemable, and then manages to make me fall for them. Congrats on the new book.

  13. I enjoy unlikely heroes and heroines. It is fun to see how a author can surprise you by making a yummy hero out of someone you never expected it of. My book choice is THE MADNESS OF LORD IAN MACKENZIE by Ashley. The hero has Asperger’s Syndrome.

  14. Lauren Dane says:

    Jennifer – Derek Craven is a perfect example! Kleypas has so much talent.

    Crystal- thanks for commenting!

    Denise – aw thanks!

    Viki – I wish I knew that model so I could kiss him and thank his abs for selling my book so well, LOL!!

    Valerie – I know! It’s totally distracting, LOL.

    blodeudd – thank you!

    ms. bookjunkie – oh nice example!

    Heather – very good point – I love that moment in a book.

  15. kylie says:

    Hi Lauren! I do like the concept of the unlikely hero/heroine especially if their story is believable and written well. Laura Kinsale’s “Shadowheart” (incidentally with an assassin protagonist)is perhaps the first book I’ve read where the hero was as unlikely as it came. However,during the course of the story, his humanity though tarnished did emerge (or at least that’s what my mind told me at the time).

  16. Judy Cox says:

    These books sounds like great reads!! I will have to check them out!!

    I am a fan of unlikely heroes or heroines! It is nice to give the little man is just rewards!!

  17. Armenia says:

    Hi Lauren. I can’t wait to read Carina and Daniel’s story. Unlikely pairs always present a challenge, but what a thrill when one finds that chemistry works. The journey the characters take in discovering the magnetic bond makes their HEA much more satisfying.

    Congratulations on the release of Insatiable. And I must say what an eye-grabbing book cover!

  18. Connie T says:

    I don’t see any reason why an assassin can’t be a hero. I think it works in this case. I mean who better to protect a princess than an assassin. I can’t wait to read this!

  19. Nichole says:

    LOVE the cover for Insatiable! I really enjoy stories with unlikely hero/heroine…makes for a more realistic story

  20. Colleen says:

    Hmmm… What a cover! I just want to continue looking at it! 😉 Your characters sound really interesting… I believe every character should get their chance to shine!

  21. Lillie A says:

    The first that comes to mind is Death Angel by Linda Howard. The hero is a hit man and the heroine is a paid mistress. Loved that book!

  22. Chelsea B. says:

    Love them. Definitely 🙂 I adore the cover to your book!

  23. Fedora says:

    Hi, Lauren! I can’t wait for Insatiable! As for unlikely hero/ines, I do love reading stories that feature the unexpected–we don’t all fit into molds, and I like stories where people we might not expect get a chance to find their HEA. Lucy Monroe’s The Accidental Countess has a heroine who’s the plain-Jane town spinster… it’s a delight to read how she stumbles into love 🙂

  24. Angie Malone says:

    As far as unlikely hero and heroines go, I would have to say I enjoy seeing them change from caring only about themselves to caring for others and sometimes a cause as well. My favorite movie hero to do this is Han Solo from the Star Wars series! In books, when a hero sees past a heroines outer self to see inside of her and she does the same for him is one of my favorites. The characters in The Charm School by Susan Wiggs come to mind. Another favorite is the heroine in Noah by Jackie Frank; I couldn’t see how she was good enough for a character I had come to love over a 5 book series!

  25. Amy Kathryn says:

    I love coming across unlikely H/H…I am so impressed when authors can pull that off. I have to second Ian MacKenzie that someone else mentioned above from Jennifer Ashley.

  26. Chris says:

    I’ve no special recommendation, but I really like unlikely heroes – that are some of the best stories I’ve read 🙂

  27. LSUReader says:

    With assassins on the brain…Karen Robards recent historical romance, Shameless, has an unlikely hero in Neil Severin (the Angel of Death) and Jennifer Estep’s UF series has heroine Gin Blanco(the Spider.) Strong, well-defined characters are the key those books. The unlikely set-ups work nicely. I look forward to reading Insatiable. Thanks for visiting.

  28. Cathy M says:

    Unlikely heroes/heroines in stories give us characters that dig deep, show us their strength of spirit and determination, their courage and give us someone to root for.

    One that comes to mind is Raine Cameron in Shannon McKenna’s, Behind Closed Doors.

  29. I love reading stories with characters who are slightly unorthodox or unconventional even in the hero/heroine “must be perfect” formula. I love characters who are unique and flawed…it makes the story that much more interesting in learning more about the various sides to the character’s personality and even physical flaws or abilities add to getting to know the hero/heroine even more. I think that these characteristics make them more 3-D…attainable and relateable.

  30. azteclady says:

    I. Want. So. Much.


    Sorry… what?

  31. Kris M says:

    I am with Azteclady, i want this so badly!!!
    I love bad boy heros especially ones that are redeemed dangerous bad boys. I just finished a good book with one, Passion Unleashed by Larissa Ione, Wraith was such a great hero to watch find his woman.

  32. Caitlin U says:

    I have to go with John from J.R. Ward’s Black Dagger Brotherhood series because he is strong and good but mute.

  33. cories says:

    Congrats! And, oh, yes, the abs on the cover!

    Unlikely heroes and heroines who find themselves together are great. They each bring something unique to the relationship. I’ll be adding this book to my list, if only to read more about Carina.

  34. Jane says:

    Congrats on the upcoming release, Lauren. It is refreshing to read about unlikely heroes and heroines. I’ve read a few where the hero was a villain in a previous book.

  35. Terri says:

    Congrats on your upcoming release and I love the cover!

    I love bad boy heroes who are redeemed by love (ex: Zarek from Kenyon’s Darkhunter series and Zsadist from Ward’s Black Dagger Brotherhood series!

  36. Unlikely heroes and heroines – I can’t get enough of. One example I can think of is Gena Showalter’s The Darkest Passion, the heroine being an angel, the hero, a demon possessed warrior.

    Much love for the synopsis and cover!

  37. Lucy says:

    I agree that characters make the story – and the virgin and the assassin seem like they’d make a perfect pair! I can’t wait to read about them!

  38. Yvonne R. says:


    Your new release sounds exciting! Can’t wait to read it. I think that unlikely heroes make the story more realistic.

  39. Sue R says:

    I like unlikely heroes. Individuals who chose to do the right thing is more interesting to read about. I love reading about their character development. It reminds of the movie that is coming out titled Despicable Me. He is an evil villain turn into a hero.

  40. Nancy Gilliland says:

    I love Lauren’s work, and this sounds terrific. But I’d buy it just for the cover alone, yum!!!

  41. Jeanette Juan says:

    I’m loving the story and cover if Insatiable! I also love the concept of the unlikely hero/heroine and one of my favorites is Stryker from Sherrilyn Kenyon’s Dar Hunter series.

  42. Edie Ramer says:

    I agree that characters make the story, and your characters sound great! Love the image you showed us of your assassin hero shooting his weapon.

  43. Joder says:

    I love unexpected heroes, charcters that don’t seem heroic at first but then do something to help others. A character that sticks out for me is Zarek from Kenyon’s DH series.

  44. emmad says:

    I like them. I think everyone has the ability to be a hero so enjoy it when the unlikely ones shine.

  45. Casey says:

    Wow! Sounds like a great book! I love it when totally unlikely characters end up together!

  46. I have to agree with a previous commenter about Derek Craven….I love him as a character even years after reading Dreaming of You. Love that book!

    Insatiable in one of my most anticipated reads this summer. Seems like I have been waiting for this book to come out forever…I’m so excited that it’s finally here. After reading your post…which doesn’t make you seem like a dork 🙂 I am even more excited about it. Congrats!

  47. Lauren Dane says:

    Wow you guys are giving some great examples here today.

    Marlene – I was just recommending The Madness…to a readers group I spoke to this week. Really great recommendation.

    Kylie – another for Shadowheart – good one

    Judy – thanks for commenting

    Armenia – thank you! I’m staring at that cover right now. I have a copy on my desk and I can’t stop looking at it.

  48. Mariska says:

    you are a new for me Author, and I’m soooo want this book !

    I think I’m gonna love your Character “Carina” ! She’s one of the kind 🙂

  49. Lauren Dane says:

    Connie – this is what Carina tells him, LOL

    Nichole – thank you, I love it too!

    Colleen – Definitely! I think the key is to keep that in mind – characters will find a way to be together if they possibly can, no matter their make up.

    Lillie – Linda Howard is a master at unlikely pairings and unlikely characters. I love her.

    Chelsea – thanks!

    Fedora – I’ve been recommended that book multiple times, I really do need to grab it.

    Angie – oh I do love Han!

  50. Lauren Dane says:

    Amy Kathryn – Nice suggestions!

    Chris- Thanks for commenting

    LSU Reader – I’ve heard a lot of good things about the Estep, I should check it out. Thanks for the recs!

    Cathy – Love her books!

    Anna – so true. I love messed up characters!

    Azteclady – hey dollface! *hugs*

    Kris – I’ve yet to be disappointed when Larissa’s books are concerned. Love them

    Caitlin – Oh nice one!

    Cories – thank you!

    Jane – Reformed villains are a personal favorite! Susan Elizabeth Phillips does this like no one else.

    Terri – Love Zarek – great example of the tortured hero.