Thank you! (And another Kindle–or Gift Card, Your Choice!) Back to Blog

And the winner of the Kindle (or equivalent gift card) is…JessS. Congrats!

Thank you all so much for coming to my HOWL FOR IT party! I’ve had a great time reading all of the comments (and I’ll keep reading them as they come in–the giveaways will remain open until noon tomorrow).  I really appreciate you all taking time out of your day to come by and help me to celebrate the anthology’s release.

I’ve already received so many nice emails about the anthology–and I am so glad that readers are enjoying the stories! Thank you!!! I love writing paranormal tales, and being in an anthology with Shelly–well, that is always a pleasure because I am such a fan of her work.

For the last party prize, I’m going to offer a Winner’s Choice deal. You can either win this Kindle or I can send you an gift card that will the the equivalent of the Kindle (and you can use the gift card on anything you want).

I am currently spending the day inside my house–Isaac has sent showers (and fluctuating power!) my way.  So, let’s incorporate a bit of Isaac in this giveaway…tell me, how do you like to spend rainy days?  The winner will be selected randomly.

(And for all of those in Isaac’s path–stay safe!)

If you haven’t entered the other giveaways yet, please go back and check out all of the posts. All contests will remain open until noon, Central time, tomorrow.  Winners for all giveaways will be randomly selected (so sorry to sound like a broken record with that info!).

Thank you, again, for coming to my party.  Have a great night!

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205 responses to “Thank you! (And another Kindle–or Gift Card, Your Choice!)”

  1. Colleen says:

    Love spending rainy days curled up with a great book… sometimes if it is a nice springtime shower, I will take a walk in it!

  2. Jane says:

    Thanks again for the fun, Cynthia. Stay safe. I like to spend rainy days either reading or watching my favorite comedies like The Hangover and the Porky’s trilogy.

  3. Amber says:

    Thank you for the awesome contests! I can’t wait to pick up a copy of your new book! mostly I spend rainy days reading and watching old movies. 🙂 Thanks again!!!

  4. Joyce says:

    I like to crack open the window a bit so I can hear the rain, have a cup of Earl Grey tea and then snuggle up with a great book – like one of yours!!!

  5. Renee Meyer says:

    Rainy days are perfect spent in front of the large picture window in the living room and if it is winter time a nice fire in the fireplace

  6. I love to spend rainy days reading and watching movies. Isaac is causing trouble here in MS, too.

  7. leann says:

    I spend rainy days with a good book, with my feet tucked under a blanket. But then again, I’m always reading. lol Seriously, Thank You for giving us something to enjoy. Leann

  8. Rachel says:

    First, stay safe. Second, I love to spend my rainy days on my covered porch. I curl up in a blanket & read my books. I love the peace & quiet. No neighbors out. i is just so relazing. I love the fall. That is how I spend my rainy & fall nights. Congratulations on your release day.—Rachel

  9. JeanMP says:

    Thank you for all the great contests. I like to spend rainy days catching up on my reading, usually with the tv turned to TCM on in the background.

  10. Rita Wray says:

    I love to spend rainy days under the blankets with a good book. I also would have a bunch of snacks so if I get hungry I won’t have to get

  11. Alisia says:

    I spend rainy days cuddled in a blanket, switching between good movies and great books!

  12. Melissa says:

    I suspect everyone is going to say the same thing but I curl up with a good book (or three) and a cup of tea when it’s rainy outside. Everyone else where I live complains when it rains on the weekends but I actually enjoy it since it is a good excuse to lay around and read all day! That’s for regular rain, of course, not hurricanes!

  13. samantha atkin says:

    Rainy days mean movie time in our house mainly kids movie’s
    but if they are at school i can watch my True Blood dvd’s and get my eric and alcide hit.thanks for a great contest.

  14. J.C. says:

    I like to sleep when it rains. Very relaxing.

  15. Jolene A says:

    Thanks for all this fun, I love spending rainy days with a book

  16. Khelsey says:

    I love to read and write on a rainy day. I don’t get too many here in Vegas 🙂

  17. Mia Horn says:

    First I bake something delicious like cinnamon cupcakes, make a cup of tea and than I pick a book -like yours- and sit down on my favorite place under the window and read the book and enjoy the tea and cake 😉 Perfect rainy day

  18. lorraine h says:

    There have been plenty of rainy days this week, whilst I have been off work.
    I love to read a book, there’s nothing better than to be in a completely different world when it rains. Listening to the water as it falls against the window. Knowing I don’t have to go anywhere, only where my imagination leads me.
    Great day, Thanks for letting me celebrate with you.

  19. Lorraine says:

    TV show marathons! We had Isaac hit Sunday and I curled up on my couch with a True Blood marathon. Thankfully I didn’t lose power which was a miracle

  20. elaing8 says:

    I also hope everyone in Isaac’s path is safe.
    On a rainy day,I like to curl up and read a good book and listen to the rain hit the house.But we haven’t had many rainy days this summer.

  21. Dana Gold says:

    If it’s a warm rainy day then I go on the covered deck and just enjoy it. If it’s too chilly out I will cuddle with my dog under a blanket and watch a movie or read a book depending on my mood.

  22. cait045 says:

    Thanks for the great day of giveaways! I can’t wait to read Howl For It! I love rainy days on the couch watching movies or reading. Vegging out!

  23. Sheryl Nyary says:

    I am usually laying on my bed with a book!!!

  24. Michele says:

    I love to just curl up on the couch with my favorite book and a glass of wine

  25. Christy Duke says:

    Oh that’s easy – reading! I lived in WA for 12 years and I really miss the overcast drizzly days. That’s when you curl up with a blanket and a good book. There’s too many sunny days here in Tucson 🙁

  26. Barb P says:

    I usually just sit and watch TV or read on such days although those are also days that I like to bake. Congrats on the new release my friend! I can’t wait to read Howl For It!

  27. Brooke F. says:

    Are you kidding?? — of course, I like to sit in my rocking chair or curl up in bed and read with a nice cup of chai latte. 🙂

  28. Heather M says:

    Rainy days are perfect for reading.

  29. Josette Schaber says:

    I love to curl up in a fuzzy blanket with a good book. In front of a fire or by a window so you can look out and see the rain. Yeah, that’s my ideal of heaven.

  30. Melody May says:

    You know it’s just nice of you to have this give away.

  31. Bobbie B says:

    I love rainy days curled up with a good book. Thank you for the party!! Congrats on your Release Day!!

  32. Chelsea B. says:

    I like to sleep. I never sleep as good as I do when it’s gloomy, moody and pounding rain on the roof 🙂

  33. Vicki H says:

    Thanks for the par-tay and chances to win! Good luck with the book. Can’t wait to read it!

  34. Regina Ross says:

    Rainy days are best spent in bed with the hubby 🙂

  35. Amy R says:

    This was a very fun way to spend my day at work – checking in each hour to see how things are going on your blog. I like to spend my rainy days curled up on the couch reading a book! Thanks for all the giveaways you offer to your readers! Congrats again on your release. 🙂

  36. Hi Cynthia! 🙂

    I hope your doing well since Issac is huffing and puffing lol

    Since I live in Scotland, I’m use to the rain and I love to go on long walks in the rain or sit in a coffee shop with a good book or watch all four season of True Blood while curled up in bed with a coffee and chocolate or bake cupcake…..or if I’m truly board I will…clean 🙂

    I loving the contests and I hope to be a lucky winner 😀

    Kind Regards,

    Michelle xxx


  37. Joye says:

    Thanks for having this fun contest. I have read a couple of your books and enjoyed them. Your are a good writer.

  38. Tina B says:

    I hope you stay safe! I live in SWFL, so we already went through the whole rain and wind thing. Thankfully it wasn’t bad this time. 🙂
    I like to spend my rainy days reading and relaxing. If the hubby is home, sometimes we watch movies.
    This has been yet another great party!! 😉
    Thank you for sharing it with us and for all of the wonderful prizes.

  39. Kelsey Summer says:

    My favorite way to spend rainy days is in bed with a good book. Unfortunately it doesn’t usually work out that way with three kids. Thanks so much for all the great giveaway. I love your books.

  40. Larena Hubble says:

    if just raining? reading and/or watching tv or movies
    if storming well then just knock me out until it is over.

  41. Tiffaney says:

    I like to spend my rainy days in bed, wrapped in a cozy blanket with books and chocolate and cookies and my husband 🙂 Thanks so much for the giveaways, and I hope that you and your family are safe.

  42. Amy Rice says:

    I only need 3 things on a rainy day, a book, a couch and a blanket 🙂

  43. Marianne says:

    After sleeping in late on a rainy day I enjoy reading quietly away from everyone while enjoying a favorite adult beverage!

  44. Elizabeth Hicks says:

    It depends on my mood.. Sometimes I love to walk in the rain. Others are spent on the back porch with a book, and a cup of tea.

  45. tami bates says:

    Rainy days is only good for for reading

  46. Lisa Uranker says:

    I love just reading in my chair or watching old movies with the kids.

  47. Puna says:

    I love rainy days when I can relax with a good book and snuggle in bed. I’m probably one of the few ppl that wish for rainy Sundays. 🙂 Wish it was a rainy Sunday now, rather then a sunny Tuesday at lunch time. I have what looks to be a good book, Howl for It (yay!), and no time to really get into it before I have to get back to work. *pout*

  48. Shannon Owens says:

    Curled up with a book and some a cup of hot coffee course!!! Usually in my room with the door shut away from the kiddos;) Stay safe!!!!!

  49. Crystal Leo says:

    Depends on whether my girls are clinging to me or not. If they are we watch a movie until the lights go out, lol. If they’re off playing barbies, then I have my nose stuck in a book or I’m writing.

  50. January says:

    Rainy days are perfect for sleeping and laying in bed reading a book.