Technology–do I like it or fear it? Back to Blog

Nick brought my attention to a new (to me, anyway) wonder on Google Maps. Seems you can type in an address and you will be taken to that exact street–with a close-up view of buildings, houses, etc.  Now, I’m not talking about satellite images.  I’m talking about Wow-That’s-In-Front-Of-My-House technology.  Seriously, I typed in my own address and I saw my house, the pine trees out front, my drive, the two cars in the driveway…Then I typed in Canal Street in New Orleans, and I got a close up view of every building there.

Nick told me this program is called “Street View”–and that a car drove around the area, with 6 (7 ?) cameras on top of it to get all the images to upload.  So now, if you go to Google Maps and use the Street View program, you can literally (and pretty close to perfectly) see streets and buildings and landmarks, etc.  Now, not all cities are on the Street View program–but the major ones are.

Wanna see what I’m talking about?  Here’s Poydras Street in New Orleans, LA. To see another place, just type in the address you want to view.  A map will pop up, filled with blue lines–those lines are streets you can see.  Just click on the little computer image of a person to move him up and down the streets–and to change your view to see more.

Interesting technology. As a writer, I love this. I can see places now and get great descriptions for said places without leaving the comfort of my little black office chair.  But, from a non-writing point of view, this technology creeps me out a bit. The idea that any person can type in my address and get an up-close view of my house–complete with window and door count.  Hmmm…not sure about that.

What do you think?  Are Street Views something you like?  Or, um, maybe not?

In other news…I’m blogging over at The Bradford Bunch today about the RWA Blues.

And I’m having a crisis!  ACK!  When I opened my laptop this morning, about twenty ants crawled out from under my keys. So now I’m freaking and worrying that ants are inside my computer, slowly destroying everything.  I must go back up files!  Damn ants.

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8 responses to “Technology–do I like it or fear it?”

  1. Jeri says:

    I think it’s pretty cool for research purposes (I just wish I could put in a date and it would bring me a shot of the way a street looked in, say, 1958–Google Time Travel??), but it kinda freaks me out, privacywise. Luckily we live out in the boonies where no one can drive by with a camera on their car (without getting a face full of buckshot, anyway).

  2. Zoe Winters says:

    I think it sucks that privacy is so hard to maintain.

  3. Brandy says:

    Right now I’m lucky in that our subdivision is still private and that the maps haven’t been turned over to the local city. On one hand this is interesting and could be used for people like me who drive and navigate by landmarks. *G* But, as a lack of privacy issue this is a bit scary.

  4. Ali says:

    You’re right about it being great for research… but, yeah, it’s a bit scary. Have you seen this funny video on you tube:

    Shows how funny scary Google Maps can be, lol. It’s part of a five part series from The Vacationeers,

  5. Cynthia Eden says:

    Ah, Jeri–now a Google Time Travel option would be awesome. 🙂

    Privacy is getting harder to come by, isn’t it, Zoe?

    Hey, Brandy! I think that’s why I’m so torn. I can see the benefits of something like this–totally can, it does eat away at privacy.

    Ali–I’m off to watch the video! Thanks for the link!!

  6. Michelle says:

    Cindi, I just moved to Australia, and there seems a lot of people have a big problem with it here. I think a couple of buglars used it to case and then rob a house. I’d rather not have my privacy sacrificed, even if it’s a cool technology that would make my writing research easier. Too many people are going to use it for nefarious purposes.

  7. Edie says:

    I never thought of a burglar using google maps before. Er, anyone else thinking that would make a great plot premise??? 😈

    I signed up for Google Maps but then was afraid to load it. I’m so tech challenged. But it does look awesome and I will!

  8. Cynthia Eden says:

    Hi, Michelle! Interesting to know that this technology is creating a stir over there–and you’re right, I think there will always be folks out there who use stuff like this for less than honorable purposes.

    Hey, Edie–yep, I do think it would make a good plot. Use it, woman! Use it!!!