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Shadow Bound

Shadow Bound

Update:  Erin’s winner is…JUDY COX. Congrats, Judy!

Thank you so much for having me on your blog during Deadly Days in June. I’m giving away not one, but TWO books… Shadow Bound, my July release, and Shadow Fall, my August release, to a lucky, random commenter.

The world I’ve created for my characters is pretty dark and twisted (my poor parents) and it got me thinking about influences. How writers, particularly of fantasy or paranormal romance, come up with their worlds, and then enact stories of passion, mayhem, and magic in that setting.

For example, I’ve had this floater idea in my head from a short-lived TV series called Night Visions (2001). (I had to look it up on imdb.) It was a Twilight Zone/Amazing Stories kind of series, and the episode I caught was called, A View Through the Window, starring Bill Pullman. The premise is that in the middle of the desert, the US Army has discovered a “window” into another world. It’s lush green, with trees and grass, a picturesque cottage, tree swing out front. The family that lives there belongs to a simpler time. Bill Pullman is enamored and tries to get through the window. The eldest daughter, in particular, entrances him. Finally he locates a gap, runs toward this vision of wonderfulness, and uh… has a little violent surprise waiting. The epilogue is awesome, too.

I love LOVE the play on the perfect ideal vs. the monster within, and nine years later, I could still have fun riffing on “What Ifs…?” for this storyline. I think that dichotomy is what makes vampires, weres, and other paranormal beings so fascinating. They turn the norm on its head and dare to frighten as much as delight.  I go a wee bit darker myself with demons, wraiths, and a badass banshee.  Oh, and Death himself shows up as well 🙂

Here’s the text from the back cover of Shadow Bound:


Some people will do anything to avoid it. Even trade their immortal souls for endless existence.


Secretly, inexorably, they are infiltrating our world, sucking the essence out of unsuspecting victims with their hideous parody of a kiss.


Adam Thorne founded the Institute to study and destroy his monster of a brother, but the key to its success is held in the pale, slender hand of a woman on the run. There is something hauntingly different about Talia O’Brien, her unknowing sensuality, her uncanny way of slipping into Shadow.


This is the place between life and what comes after – a dark forest of fantasy, filled with beauty, peril, mystery. And Talia is about to open the door.

So my contest question is… what dark, troubled, or, eh… beastly hero intrigues you?

Check out my website,, for more information on my Shadow Series and to sign up for my newsletter.  Hope you hear from you!

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49 responses to “Talk About Deadly…”

  1. I’m all about the shifters. Love most kinds of shifters, especially cat and wolf. Oh, I really like dragon ones, too.

  2. Cynthia Eden says:

    Hi, Erin! Thanks so much for guest posting with me today. Your Shadow Series sounds fantastic! Can’t wait to read the books! And now, I think I have to go and google Night Visions b/c you have me curious!

  3. Shifters, especially large cats, are always in my heart. But, I just recently read Shade by Jeri Smith-Ready. I have to say that the idea of shades, or malevolent ‘ghosts’, is really intriguing, too.

  4. Valerie says:

    Dragon shifters are my all time favourite. I’ll read all kinds of shifter books…they all make great stories. Looks like there are some more books here to put on my ever growing wishlist!!!

    in Germany

  5. ZITA says:


    I love the books and would love to add them to my collection.

    I tweeted:

    My dark and beastly creature is all the male shifters that you can think about. I have been reading about them in all different books and now they are apart of my dreams. I guess they are telling me to write about them too.

  6. Edie says:

    Ooh, this sounds creepily exciting. lol I recently read ENEMY LOVER by Karin Harlow. I love her vamp hero. He’s raw and he’s hot!

  7. Sue Brandes says:

    I love the vampire heroes. Will be adding these to my to read list. They sound really good. Love the cover.

  8. Jean P says:

    I like dark and brooding stories, you always wonder why and how they turned that way.

  9. Bailey H. says:

    I love shifters (especially bear shifters) because they are passionate, possessive, and total alpha males =D

  10. Cole says:

    For dark, troubled, and probably brooding, I would have to go with the vamp hero. No one can brood quite like a vampire.

  11. Caroline says:

    I can say that I’m almost done with Shadow Bound and it’s an absolutely fantastic page turner!! That is, if you like sitting on the edge of your chair and biting your nails off. I LOVE this book!! Thanks, Erin, for giving me the chance to read it early!


  12. Quilt Lady says:

    It’s the wolf for me! Love me some wolves!

  13. Nancy Gilliland says:

    I am big into the dragon shifters, but for dark and brooding, nothing beats the vampires for attitude.

  14. Viki says:

    They all intrigue me but vampires are my favorites. They mood and brood more than the rest.

  15. Judy Cox says:

    Fantastic post!!! I love dark and moody books, I am not sure why 🙂 I have not read any of your books, but I am going to remedy that. I would have to say the vampire is my favorite. I started reading about vampires with Anne Rice and have continued for years 🙂

  16. Annie says:

    Personally I love the shifters…the characters in these books sound so intriguing though. Can’t wait to read them!

  17. Sheila Gallagher says:

    Beast from Beauty and the Beast intrigues me. In his quest to remove the curse from him he alienates others who could help him. It is through Belle’s acceptance then love he is saved. Love that story. Your book sounds interesting. It will take me out of my comfort zone because I don’t usually like dark romances.

  18. Nicole says:

    I love feline shape shifters, not overly particular on which feline they turn into as long as the author gets the cat characteristics right (ie big cats don’t purr – hate it when the author has a lion or tiger purring at least as long as they don’t put some kind of explanation in).

    I love reading paranormal, but the way it relates to things in the real world is important.

  19. Thanks again for having me, Cynthia!

    Hello everyone! So far we’ve got all kinds of shifters (wolf, bear, cat, dragon (there are so many great possibilities)) and vampires (who doesn’t love a good vampire?). Great responses!

    And Caroline, thanks so much. Means more than I can say.

    OH, and I am crossing my fingers that I get the actual printed book in the mail today (they sent one ahead of my author’s copies). I know it’s en route, and I was even tempted to check the mailbox on Sunday. I’m serious. It’s killing me. I can’t wait to send one right back out to one of you!

  20. Ilona says:

    I love shifters. Then Vampires, Demons, Gargoyles etc. In fact any dark hero at all if written with a bite 😉

  21. Denise T. says:

    I love shifter books! This one sounds awesome! Paranormal Romance Rocks!!

  22. Colleen says:

    I am also a fan of shifters… they are some of the best characters that have this darkness to them that intrigues us the readers… some embrace their “second side”, while others fit it!

  23. Colleen says:

    Oops I meant fight it!

  24. Beauty and the Beast is a great example! I think a lot of paranormals borrow from that structure.

    And we have our first mention of demons and gargoyles! But so far, the shifters have it! I am going to throw another into the pot with fallen angels–good guys gone a little bad. 🙂

  25. Ali says:

    My favorite beastily heroes are werewolves *sigh* 🙂

  26. Barbara Elness says:

    I enjoyed the post, your books sound fabulous. I love all kinds of paranormal creatures, but vampires are at the top of the list. If I were to choose a type of beast, it would be a dragon shifter.

  27. laurel says:

    I enjoy reading about the paranormal heros, my favorite are vamps!

  28. Chelsea B. says:

    Vampires and shifters, definitely!

  29. LSUReader says:

    So you’re including demons, wraiths and a banshee–you have been a busy girl with your writing! I enjoyed your post and I look forward to reading your books. I like reading about lots of booding heroes in paranormal books…of course shifters (especially the big cats and wolves) and vamps; some of the demon/half-demon folks are downright moody, too.

  30. Raonaid Luckwell says:

    Wraiths and banshees – Oooh now those sound interesting and different.

    Out of the shape shifters I really like my dragons and bears (well the bears because of Kenyon’s Dark Hunter series.. LOL)

    I also like how Ione does her demons.. and well I like the ideas of tieflings (half demons)

  31. Jane says:

    Congrats on the upcoming releases, Erin. I do enjoy reading about shifters and demons.

  32. Diane Sadler says:

    I love shifters for example Shelly Laurenston’s bear/lions; they make me laugh and enjoy.

  33. Liz Kreger says:

    I’m always on the look out for a new UF series and will have to add yours to my ever growing list. Shadow Bound sounds right up my alley.

    As far as favorite paranormal character, I’ve been rather partial to demons lately. Not the horned, cloven hooved variety, but the hot, I can hide what I am, demon.

  34. cories says:

    Hi! I like shifters as well.

  35. KC Klein says:

    I just wanted to post and say that I LOVED your book. Thanks you so much for letting me read it. You have such an imagination it boggles the mind (at least it does mine.) Ok so to answer the question….I’m a tad bit tired of the vamps and werewolves. I’m ready for a strong brooding sexy man to come up against powers bigger than himself. And that is exactly what you’ve got in your hero. Yum!
    So question. Do I have to wait until August for the next release?

  36. Thanks everyone for your kind comments! I hope you enjoy Shadow Bound. In KC’s case, I’m so glad you liked it. Shadow Fall comes out July 27, so no, not all the way until August. 😉

    Demons are making a rise on the list, joining the shifters and vampires.

  37. Martha Lawson says:

    I love reading about dragons, demons, wolf shifters!

    Your books sound awesome! You are a new to me author, I love finding them. I’m heading to your site now.

  38. Pam P says:

    Hi Erin, Shadow Bound sounds great, already on my wishlist.

    I like dragons, too, but dark and brooding makes me thinks vamps and demon, leopards and panthers.

  39. Casey says:

    That sounds like an excellent book and is so going on my TBR list!

    And, shifters are amazing. Any kind really. I just think its amazing (and sexy xD) that people (men) can change into any kind of animal (dragon, wolf, tiger, leopards, etc.)

  40. Larena Wirum says:

    I love demons as heros simply because they are the least likely hero around. 🙂

  41. Stacey Smith says:

    Yes it does maybe because when i was young my mom would take us to grave yard for fun sometime even had picnics in them.gruw up loving Paranormal stuff.


  42. Spav says:

    I love shifters, especially if they’re cats.

  43. Chris. says:

    oh I can’t decide – I love Nalini Singhs shifters, I love Larissa Iones demons, I love Lara Adrians vampires and there are a lot more to name!!!
    you are a new author to me and your series sounds great – will keep it in mind!

  44. Virginia C says:

    I fall for the lovelorn “beast” every time! I love “Beauty and the Beast”. Does it not touch on aspects of human nature which are far uglier than the cursed Beast? Does that make the love story even sweeter? To truly love someone is to love them with your mind, and see them in reality, and to soften that image by seeing them with your heart. Actor Ron Perlman portrayed Vincent (the beast) in TV’s “Beauty and the Beast. He also portrayed the title role in the “Hellboy” films. With his mesmerizing voice and amazing talent, Ron Perlman’s characters touch the heart of the beauty with the powerful and tender paw of the noble beast!

  45. stephenia says:

    vampires are my favorite and i’m starting to love werewolves (but please, just no “beastly” sex scenes or dog licking habits),lol

  46. Great Event! Thank you!

    I am a total “Shifter” chic! Particularly Were’s! Oh, they might get fury and fangy every so often. But, there are generally strong, tanned, muscled and dang hot! Lol, and above all else, they are generally fiercely protective of their mates!

    Have a great day every one!
    Kate (aka YzhaBella’s BookShelf)

  47. Tracey D says:

    This sounds like a great book.

    Hmmm, I must say, demons intrigue me a bit. Growing up, I always saw them as evil…nowadays, they’re heroes!

  48. Fantastic answers! Shifters, vampires, and demons abound! I happen to love them all. Thanks to everyone for stopping by. I’ve got a Nook contest running on my site, if you’d care to pop over to and enter!

    And the random draw winner is: JUDY COX
    Woohoo!!! Send me an email with your address, and I’ll get the books right out to you. 🙂 Hope you enjoy!

  49. Judy Cox says:

    Thanks!!! I went to your site and emailed you from there. I hope that was okay!!

    I can’t wait to start reading!!!