Submissions Tracker Back to Blog

I think every writer–both the beginning and the seasoned pro–should have a submissions tracker. I’m not talking anything super fancy here. Heck, my tracker is just an Excel file that has the following fields:

Person/House Submitted To
Date of Submission

Simple, huh? I just complete the fields every time I send a manusript out–that way, when I haven’t heard from a publisher after a few months, I know exactly when it is (and is not) acceptable to send a follow-up letter.

And looking at my submissions, well, it’s a little ego boost. It’s nice to see that I’ve got stories out there, nice to see all that I’ve done.

So, if you don’t have a submissions tracker, make one, pronto! Use a Word file, use Excel–use whatever works for you. Just use one.

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3 responses to “Submissions Tracker”

  1. Edie says:

    I have to keep a file, otherwise I don’t remember. Sometimes I’m sending out more than one book at a time and it can get confusing.

  2. Cynthia Eden says:

    Same thing with me, Edie! I’ve got three books that I’m shopping around right now, and if I didn’t have my tracker, I would be hopelessly confused.

  3. Michelle says:

    I will do that from now. I only had one book out before, and will only be subbing one now, but I think its worth it. Specially if I can up my production rate.