She wants it. He’s got it. Back to Blog

Update: Shelli’s winner is…Tracey D. Congrats, Tracey!

I’m so happy to be here! The on time I had the chance to meet Cynthia in person was last year at the RWA conference in D.C. We were tourist geeks together. And let me tell you, she is FABULOUS. About as fabulous as her books. And I remember riding in a taxi with her back to the hotel and she told me all about Deadly Fear–I am SO excited to read it!


And I have a release of my own coming up! (Tuesday actually! June 29th!) It’s from Kensington Aphrodisia (that means it’s really HOT, people!) and called Need Me. This is set in the same world as my book Take Me, which is a finalist in the Greater Detroit Booksellers’ Best contest.

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Nika has trained her body into a deadly weapon—the better to take what she wants from any world, especially the well-protected planet Belton. But the moment she sees Lt. Brendon Marshall, her weapon is turned against her. A man like him could incinerate a woman’s priorities with one look. And since he’s guarding the very object of her desire, it could be so simple to use him and never look back. As long as she can ignore a more intense pleasure than she’s ever known—and a wilder need than she’s ever imagined…

I had a lot of fun writing Need Me. It’s a futuristic, but I’ve been told my futuristics have a more modern feel (which I write a lot of contemporary, so I can see that).

Nika was my first real ‘kick ass’ heroine. Literally. She’s a trained fighter and thief. Just like Talia, in Take Me, Nika is a former and now liberated Rosabelle. A woman who was a cross between a courtesan/whore. She’s taken sanctuary in all all women planet and now finds herself on a mission to aid them. But it means stealing from the planet that liberated them, and the man she’s falling for.

My hero, Brendon, is a bit of a womanizer and trouble maker. He was amusing to write. And he most definitely gets into trouble (as you’ll see from the very first page!). He’s a smart guy, but he’s flawed. But I love a flawed hero. I love a good guy who likes to be a little bad.

I’d love to give away a signed copy to one commenter! Just leave me a comment with what summer plans you’re most excited about, and I’ll draw a name (or have Cynthia!) and send out a copy of Need Me.

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48 responses to “She wants it. He’s got it.”

  1. Valerie says:


    Looks like a wonderful read.

    I already had my holiday this year, but this summer I am getting all excited about my oldest daughter’s wedding party. She already got married in February, just with close family but now she’s having a huge big outside party with about 100 people. I get to make the girls dresses, we’ve got visitors arriving already next week and in two weeks the party begins!! Whoop!!!

    in Germany

  2. Stacey Smith says:

    My summer plans are to get to know my great nephew that was born a week ago.

  3. Carol L. says:

    This looks like a good read and I have it on my TRL. I love flawed characters. My only plans this summer sre weekend get aways down the shore.
    Carol L.

  4. Cynthia Eden says:

    Hi, Shelli!!! I had such a wonderful time with you in D.C.!! Our haunted tour was so much fun. 🙂 I am very much looking forward to reading Need Me–looks like another great read from you! I love your stories.

  5. I really enjoy futuristics and this one sounds great. I really don’t have any special summer plans.

  6. Amy Kathryn says:

    September still counts as summer here in Tennessee so I am most excited about my Alaskan cruise.

  7. Lindsey Ekland says:

    No real plans for this summer. Lots of books to read and this will go on the list.

  8. Viki says:

    This looks really good. Love how Brendon is a womanizer. I can just imagine how you straightened him out ;).

  9. Judy Cox says:

    This sounds like a great read!!

    My husband retired this past October, so we are going to see a few of his relatives that live in Georgia and South Carolina, making a small vacation out of it:)

  10. Denise T. says:

    This summer I plan to get my daughters wisdom teeth removed – trying to get her into a pain med study so alot of Dr appts!

  11. elaing8 says:

    I’m looking forward to my 2 weeks holiday. So I can just sit by the pool,drink,read and relax.

  12. Nikki says:

    Hmmm my summer plans are to lose more weight! Ive been working out since Feb and lost 22 lbs…Im hoping for another 15 by the time school comes back around for the kids. But the 22 Ive lost + steamy books has def kicked my sex drive…well…back on LOL…lucky lucky hubby:)

  13. I’ve very excited about my sister coming to visit. My kids love their auntie! We don’t get to see her nearly enough.

  14. whoa, girl that sounds like one hot read!

  15. Tracey D says:

    Unfortunately, I need to work all summer and weekends, too. I’m working on a big project and it’s due the end of September. I’ll take time off around Thanksgiving!

    I hope you folks have a wonderful and safe summer!

  16. Colleen says:

    Hmmm sounds like a great read!
    My sister has been talking about taking my nephews to Disneyland, so it looks like I get to see Disneyland myself for the first time… even though I will be in charge of my soon to be 2 year old nephew…

  17. Nancy Gilliland says:

    No big plans for summer-just get a lot of reading done, and maybe finish some jewelry that is in the planning and design stages so far.

  18. Jane says:

    Congrats on the upcoming release, Shelli. I’ll be going to visit my cousin for a week or two this summer.

  19. Jean P says:

    This looks like a really good book.
    Nothing planned for this summer, looking forward to September and a concert

  20. I’ve read Take Me and I loved it! Can’t wait to read Need Me as well!

  21. Chelsea B. says:

    Your new release sounds like a great read!
    And I don’t actually have anything planned….just kinda taking this summer as it comes!

  22. Your latest book sounds awesome. Looking forward to some beach time with a good book;-)

  23. Stephenia says:

    I love a flawed hero – your books sounds great. I’m looking forward to reading by the pool.

  24. kylie says:

    Hi! Sounds like a real good read. Unfortunately I’m not flying off to anywhere exotic this summer – just trying to fall back in love with the city I’m live. NYC and I have hit the 7 year itch; got to rekindle that raw excitement.

  25. Joder says:

    I don’t have any exciting plans. Money is tight so staying home, reading copious amounts of books, and eating lots of ice cream/sorbet (while sweating off the calories) is what I have planned.

  26. Shelli Stevens says:

    Wow, I love reading people’s plans (even the wisdom teeth–ouch!). I’m going to Maine and get to explore the East Coast, so I’m super excited!

    Shelli 🙂

  27. Scott says:

    Unfortunately, my summer plans are the same as my normal plans….working my tail off at my job and around the yard. The book sounds awesome. Do we need to read them in a specific order?

  28. Fedora says:

    We’ve got a week planned with friends, and I’m very much looking forward to that! Nothing like good company and good food to make time special! Happy summer to you, Shelli!

  29. cories says:

    I’m not sure if I’m excited or not, but I’ll be attending my brother’s wedding reception this summer (they had a civil wedding already). I’m not sure I’m all that happy about being in the humid East Coast in August. Ick.

  30. Casey says:

    It’s not really a summer plan, but I’m starting college in a couple months and I’m really excited about that!!

  31. Diane Sadler says:

    We are going to visit my Dad who is about a 3 hrs drive from where we live and from his home visit an aunt who is about another 3 hrs away from there; we’ll stay overnight at a hotel, visit some old haunts and then come back home 5 days later.

  32. Cecile says:

    Ohhh summer plans… Well my baby girl has left the nest for four wks for a school program… So I a not an extremely happy mother… but it will be well!!!
    Other than that… nothing! *sigh* Okay, not the best….
    Thanks for the chance to win!

  33. emmad says:

    We are just going into winter 🙂 Would love to sell our horse truck by the end of winter.

  34. Chris says:

    no summer plans for me – I will be working the whole time, but maybe some day trips will be possible 🙂

  35. Edie Ramer says:

    My sister is coming to visit in a couple weeks, and I’m looking forward to that. Today and friend and I are going to see Harlequin writers speak, including Emilie Richards and Susan Mallery. I’m excited about that too.

  36. Caitlin U says:

    I am looking forward to 4th of July Weekend. I have 3 different BBQ’s to go too. I am excited just to hang out and chill with lots of different groups of people.

  37. Blanche says:

    I’m really looking forward to our camping trip this summer, we are going for 2 weeks and will spend a week in Yosemite and then a week in Mt. Shasta….both beautiful places!!

  38. I don’t really have any exciting plans for this summer. The one thing on my agenda…get started on a container garden in my balcony…read at least half of the books on my TBR list and…well that’s about it.

    Congratulations on your upcoming new release.

  39. Armenia says:

    My Summer plans include lots of reading by the pool with the kids splashing around. The end of July our family trip is a long car drive *ugh* from Texas to Florida to visit DH’s family. Best part is the eating, laughing, and swimming in the ocean. Oh, did I mention pool bar, oh yeah, there’s a cocktail with my name on it. Happy Summer, Shelli!! Congratulations on your release of Need Me. Its sure to be a Hot Read.

  40. Shelli Stevens says:

    Scott, no the books don’t have to be read in any particular order. They’re both stand alone. 😀

    Shelli 🙂

  41. Larena Wirum says:

    So far my summer plans invovle trying to decide where we want to go for a trip this year. 🙂

    Congrats on the latest release. 🙂

  42. Virginia C says:

    My number one activity for Summer is preparing and consuming a steady supply of sweet iced tea with lemon. As long as the backup Iced Tea “IV” is operational, I might survive : ) Sitting under a shade tree in the backyard with my feet in a wading pool of cool water, with iced tea and a good book on hand, is taking the stay-cool routine a step further. Once I’ve made the big adjustment to the heat and humidity, I can function somewhat well. I do love fresh Summer vegetables! Tomatoes, yellow squash, corn, cucumbers, peppers and beautiful green garden lettuce–salad days! I love to visit Farmer’s Markets and scoop up wonderful produce and other goodies. Starry Summer nights, with the heat and humidity of the day gone away, sitting on my front steps and watching the lightning bugs glow. Feeling free, lighter clothes, bare feet, remembering what it felt like to be out of school for Summer vacation!!!

  43. CatsMeow says:

    Hi, We are doing a quasi spur of the moment trip to San Diego, leaving this coming Tuesday. I MUST get away from this AZ heat. I hope everyone has a wonderful summer however you are planning on spending it.

  44. sue brandes says:

    Our summers plans usually include visiting state parks that are close by.

  45. Jacki C says:

    My summer plans are to finally get around to reading the books piled up on the corner of my dining room table. I’ve already read “Take Me”, so I’ll have to start on my pile of Cynthia Eden books – I can’t wait to pick up my copy of “I’ll Be Slaying You” tomorrow!

  46. Okay I drew a random winner and that person is: Tracey D

    Tracey, please email me at with your address and I’ll send you a signed copy of Need Me!

  47. And I hope everyone has a fabulous summer! You still have a chance to win Need Me over at the Aphrodisia Blog until tomorrow (Tuesday)

  48. […] to Cynthia for inviting me to blog!  I had another blog written for today, but on Saturday I read Shelli Stevens’ guest blog for Cynthia.  At the end of Shelli’s blog, she said to leave a comment with what summer […]