Share & Win Contest – MINE TO KEEP Back to Blog

Update: Thank you, thank you for all of the entries & shares! I am going back through them all now (making sure no one’s comment got stuck in spam & pulling the Twitter entries). I will announce the winners ASAP. 

Oh, yes, it’s that time again! When I have a new release, I always enjoy holding one of my “Spread the Word” giveaways! MINE TO KEEP just released yesterday, so it seems like a perfect time to commence our Share & Win giveaway.

Mine To Keep

Here’s how the giveaway works:  Each time you help me to spread the word about MINE TO KEEP, your “share” counts as a giveaway entry.  So if you tweet about the book, that’s an entry, if you share a MINE TO KEEP image on Facebook (that’s an entry), if you share on your blog (that’s another entry)–see, the entries stack up! And you can share the image above, you can share the full cover image (it’s below), you can just write about the book–any form of sharing counts.

A lot of readers have already been sharing about the book (thank you!).  So all of those shares do count in the giveaway.  Since readers are being kind enough to share about the book, I figure that needs some kind of prize, right?  So let’s talk about those prizes…

What will you win? These are the prizes that are up for grabs:

$25 gift card

$25 Barnes & Noble gift card

$25 Bath & Body Words gift card

Kindle Paperwhite ($119 value)

Some rules: The contest will be open until midnight (Central time) on 9/21.  You can share on multiple days–each time you share, it counts as a separate entry.  If you tweet, please use the hashtag of #MineToKeep so that I can count your entry.  For your other “shares”, you can post about them in the comments section, and your entries will be counted.  After the contest ends, I will organize all of the entries, then the winners will be randomly selected.

If you have any questions, please shout!

Thanks so much for helping me to spread the word! Have a great day!!!



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156 responses to “Share & Win Contest – MINE TO KEEP”

  1. Tamara B. says:

    YAY, congratulations on your new book!

  2. Sherry Cammer says:

    Shared on my new facebook account Cynthia. Here’s the link!
    And I also tweeted. Don’t know what the hashtag thing means but I tweeted from Amazon so hopefully you can see that too. 🙂

  3. Sherry Cammer says:

    Oh and adding to my goodreads account too!

  4. rhonda m says:

    shared on facebook!

  5. ReneeW says:

    Super excited for the new book!!Will be adding to my Goodreads

  6. Chelsea B. says:

    CONGRATULATIONS!! I’m always up for a new book from you, of course 🙂

    I Tweeted!:

  7. Kris Lowe says:

    Shared on Facebook

  8. donna reynolds says:

    Tweeted Thank you for the great giveaway.

  9. Bessamy says:

    Just LOVE giveaways and sharing the good news!
    Shared on FB!
    I would love to win the Paperwhite!

  10. Lisa Ashley says:

    Posted to facebook

  11. Limecello says:

    I shared on twitter – and will go on FB later to share – can’t wait to read this book. 🙂

    Happy (belated) release day, Cynthia! <3

  12. Sheila Lord says:

    Shared on facebook

  13. Pamela says:

    I loved this story could’nt put it down Shared on facebook so Now its off to bed

  14. Tina B says:

    Congrats on your new release, Cynthia!!!
    Shared on FB.
    Liked on FB – all romance ebooks and Barnes & Noble
    Tweeted it x2
    +1 it on Google+ – Barnes & Noble

    Thank you for another awesome giveaway!

  15. Lisa Gillim says:

    I’m ashamed to say I have not yet read any of your books. I have friends who have and recommend your books. I’m normally not a paranormal enthusiast but I have resolved to try new things and what better than to not only try a new genre but a new author for me as well. Any suggestions on what book I should read first?

  16. Tina B says:

    Shared on FB – Amazon
    Tweeted it from All Romance & Amazon.

  17. Anna says:

    Tweeted repeatedly! 🙂 Comgratulations!