September Newsletter Winner Back to Blog

The winner of the September newsletter giveaway is…Rachel Keane! Congrats, Rachel! I sent you an email with prize claim instructions. 😉  (If you didn’t get it, just email me at


Thank you!

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4 responses to “September Newsletter Winner”

  1. Michele says:

    Congratulations Rachel!! 🙂

  2. Rachel Keane says:

    i can’t believe i actually won something, it really doesn’t happen to me 🙂 of course now im going to go out some it on some lovely books, thanks you so much Cynthia its very much appreciated, Rachel xx

  3. Rachel Keane says:

    the way i write sometimes, i think i have some sort of writing disorder, im writing a sentence hit send then find out i’ve missed complete words or placed them back to front…very frustrating…lol…apologies to anyone reading what i had written earlier… 🙁