Reading like a demon, writing about satyrs Back to Blog

Elizabeth Amber

Hi Cynthia!

Elizabeth Amber here for the Month of Monsters! Thank you so much for inviting me. I finished writing the first draft of my 5th novel, Dane, The Lords of Satyr, about two weeks ago. Since then, I’ve been reading like a demon. A fiend. Attacking the TBR stack I couldn’t get to for months.

I usually pick up a new book in the evening as I sit down with a glass of wine, often as a defense against my husband’s TV-watching tastes. Not that my tastes are more refined, but we’re just different. He rarely reads books, but devours magazines. However, if a book is really gripping, I’ll stay up till 4 in the morning to finish.

I was with a group of authors and readers a few nights ago, and I revealed the fact that I almost always decide which book I’m going to read by going through these steps, in this order. I . . .
1. Look at the cover
2. Read the back cover blurb
3. Read the first few pages
4. Read a random paragraph or two within the book
5. Read the ending

Number 5 drove everyone I was with insane. Is it really so unusual to do this? I’ve always done it. I had to come up with a reason why on the spot. People were really upset with me. Authors especially. I can understand that–we write a book in a certain order, and that’s the order we’d prefer events to be revealed to a reader.Β  I think the reason I read the endings early on is because I worry about the characters so much that I can’t bear to be in suspense. I’m so busy wondering what’ll happen to these characters I care about–if they’ll be okay–that I can’t focus on the story. Reading the ending doesn’t spoil the book for me.

So what are the steps you follow in reading a book? Do you ever read the ending before reading the book? Does it spoil things for you?

To celebrate Cynthia’s Month of Monsters, I’d like to give away a copy of my first novel, NICHOLAS, THE LORDS OF SATYR, to one person (over 18 in the USA) who drops a comment below. If you already have Nicholas, no problem. You can choose another of the satyr novels. Good luck and Happy Halloween!

Elizabeth Amber
erotic historical paranormal romance
Nicholas | Raine | Lyon | Dominic | Dane: The Lords of Satyr
Kensington Aphrodisia

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51 responses to “Reading like a demon, writing about satyrs”

  1. Amy Kathryn says:

    My steps are the same as yours except I don’t read anything from the middle. I have to read the end for the same reason or at least a similar one. I believe in happy endings in my relaxation reading (or movies). I don’t want gritty reality or dead main characters! It only takes the epilogue or the last few pages to reassure me that I can spend the time getting involved with a story and not have to worry that I will want to throw the book across the room when I am done.

  2. Hi Elizabeth!
    Nicholas is my favorite Satyr πŸ™‚ When deciding which book to read from my TBR mountain this is the process I go through:
    1)decide which genre I’m in the mood for. Sometimes I want something more romantic so will go for a historical romance…sometimes I want somthing a little steamier so will go for a book like Nicholas.

    2)after that I take a look at the covers and read the back blurb. Usually I am able to get it down to two or three different choices

    3) if I am still undecided I may start the one that looks the most enticing and if I don’t get into it right away I will set it down and start one of the others I was considering. This does not happen too often as the book in my TBR are all books that I want to read so they stand a pretty good chance of being read.

    I never read the last page, as that kind of spoils it for me. Being a romance I know that it should have a HEA but sometimes the ending isn’t as meaningful as it should be if read before what comes in between the beginning and end which ties it all together. I know people who do this and it doesn’t ruin it for them, but for me it does.

    Can’t wait for Dane!!!!

  3. sara hurt says:

    Hello. I want to start by saying I love your satyr books. They are action packed and so hot I cant put them down when once I start reading them.
    I pick my books to read by: the author, the blurb, the cover, and the genre. I dont ever read the ending and very seldom do I read a a random chapter.

    thank you so much for the great post.

  4. Shari C says:

    I pick my books by the author, the blurb and if it is a series I enjoy. I hate to admit it, but usually I read the first few chapters so I know what is going on and most of the characters involved and then, even if I know it will have a HEA, I have to read the ending and verify the hero and heroine are safe and together. Then I can cheerfully go back and continue the story where I left off. I am glad to find out I am not the only one who has to know the ending…although my husband can’t believe I do that.

  5. Linda Henderson says:

    It depends on my mood what books I will pick to read first. If I want feel good, romance book, if I want mystery, romantic suspense, if I want suspense and spooky, paranormal. I usually won’t pick a book by the cover. I do read the back blurb. I have looked at the ending before in a book but I don’t usually. I would rather find out what happens as I read.

  6. Liz Kreger says:

    Mood dictates what I’ll read next. Since I try to buy books that I KNOW I’ll love, it usually isn’t a hard choice. However, I can NEVER read the ending before going through the entire book. Gotta start at the beginning and read it through. I’ll admit that I’ve put down a book and never picked it up again (maybe I should read the endings to those), but that doesn’t happen often.

  7. Susan says:

    When visiting a bookstore I usually look at the covers first, then read the blurb on the back cover. If it sounds interesting, I read the first paragraph.

    However, this would be a moot point in the case of your book posted. I can’t get past the cover πŸ˜‰ Oh my!

  8. Melissa says:

    Hey, Elizabeth!! LOL, this has been a big debate on a loop I’m on. YES, I’m one of those people who will occasionally flip to the end if I have my doubts about a HEA, or book is dragging. Call me a fence rider!!
    And I’m such a mood reader. I’ll buy any book that catches my eye or sounds good or has been recommended, but might not read it until I’m in the mood.

    And congrats on book 5~~you make us here in KY proud!!

  9. Diane Sadler says:

    Hi Elizabeth
    I’m one of those who read:1) the ending before buying a book, 2) then a passage here and there, 3) the blurb and then decide if I’ll purchase the book; also it depends on my mood too: even if I’ve purchased the book and get home to start it, after reading the first chapter I sometimes won’t continue the book for a while.I will come back to it but it could be months before I do.

  10. Valerie says:

    Oh, firstly I want to say…wow!!! Nicholas looks really yummy!!!

    So, yes, covers really grab my attention!!!

    Then the back blurb…then I am usually hooked.

    I only read the end if the suspense is just too much too handle. I sometimes have to make sure the heroine and hero really are together at the end. It doesn’t spoil it for me. I just want that peace of mind, then I can get on with the story.

    in Germany

  11. Sue R says:

    Hi Elizabeth.

    In deciding a book to read: 1) I look at the cover. I shouldn’t judge a book by its cover but the ones with the pretty cover or fascinating cover always get my attention first. 2) I look at the blurb in the back and if sounds promising I consider it. 3) I read the first chapter and see if Im hook on the book or not. Or see if I like the writing style.

    Sometimes when the suspense is killing me, I read the ending of the book. Like you, I worry about the characters and I want to make sure they get their happily ever after. It doesnt really spoil me. Actually, it ease the burden of wondering if the characters will be okay.

  12. I never read the ending first, probably because I like surprises! I usually look at the cover and read what is on it, read the exerpt, then glance at a few pages before I read it.

  13. Danny says:

    I choose my books either by cover or by the author, but I really like to look at the cover and discovered many new authors when I go shopping in a real bookstore. Second comes the blurb, but I never read the end of the book

  14. Pamk says:

    lol I never start with the end. If I have to know it’s usually about half way through the book. And from what I’ve seen lots of folks do it.

  15. Brandy says:

    When I’m at the bookstore I follow most the steps you’ve listed. All except reading a paragraph from the middle. Maybe I’ll try that one next time. *G* Like you I have to read the ending before beginning the book. I want a HEA.

  16. Lindsey Ekland says:

    I choose books based on what is being released soon to make sure I am caught up on a series, then on the cover or what I just bought. I have always read the last paragraph on a book usually after I have read 2 or 3 chapters of the book. Reading ebooks has decreased that since I tend to read straight though and can not flip the pages.

  17. Jody F. says:

    I’ve been so wanting to read this series! The covers are to die for! And my process for choosing a book is similar to yours, except I would never do steps 4 and 5. That’s way too spoilery for me.

  18. Mel K. says:

    I look at the cover, read the back blurb, and read the first page. If I know the author personally I usually buy the book as I know I’ll enjoy it. I NEVER read the last page.
    Happy Halloween, Elizabeth!
    Lord! I’d love the Lords of Satyr. πŸ™‚

  19. Jane says:

    There have been a handful of times where I checked out the ending to see who ends up together and who the villain is. Congrats on finishing the first draft of Dane.

  20. Deidre says:

    Oh no! I could never do that. It would definitely spoil things for me. I do steps 1 & 2 but then I continue reading. It’s the anticipation of the ending that keeps me going.


  21. Sue Brandes says:

    I had to laugh when I saw you read the ending before reading the whole book. My MIL would read the ending in a store before she would decide to get the book. If it was sad she didn’t want it. LOL. I myself couldn’t read the end because it would spoil the fun of not knowing. I usually look at the cover or title of the book and read what the book is about. Your book cover made me drool. LOL.

  22. Darkreader says:

    I pick my books:
    1. Author – some are automatic buys!
    2. Cover – It has to be hot
    3. Back blurb – Has to have a good story line
    4. Who recommends it – If it has a good recommendation from a author I am familiar with.

    I never read the middle or end.

  23. Morning Glow says:

    My steps are the same.. except the last one. I think I’ve only looked at the ending once..

    I definitely love to open up to a random page and get a little snippet though. TO see if I like the writing style..

    Morning Glow
    ohmorningglow AT aol DOT com

  24. Jacki C. says:

    I love the Covers of the books – the stories are just the icing on the cake – sweet!
    I have been known to read the end of the book to decide if I really want to continue reading it or not. I actually just did that with a book I was reading about 10 minutes ago!

  25. stacey smith says:

    I never read the end First in fact If the book is a series then I get all the books that are out before I read the First book.

  26. Karin says:

    My steps in reading a book are almost identical to yours. Like you, I find myself so wrapped up with the characters that I want to know I don’t have to worry too much about them. Very seldomly do I not skip ahead in a book and it usually only happens when I know I’ll be able to finish it all in one sitting and won’t be preoccupied worrying over what’s going to happen when I have to set it aside to do something else.

  27. Nancy Gilliland says:

    I absolutely loved Nicholas, Raine and Lyon. While each was set in similar circumstances, each was from a unique POV. Waiting fo my library to get the others, so I can read them as I save up for more books.

  28. Sue A. says:

    I do cheat with new authors and read the ending first or before I’m suppose to, only because for me the lasting impression of a book is all important. I never remember the first lines or the first chapter. Once I’ve established that an author will deliver the ending I need to feel satisfied that my time was well spent and invested, then I can comfortably read the book front to back.

  29. Pat Cochran says:

    I never, ever read the end of the book, it would ruin
    the flow of the story for me. For me, it’s author, cover, blurb, and excerpts/reviews, in making my decisions.

    Pat Cochran

  30. Leah says:

    I follow almost exactly like your steps except I read the ending of the story before I actually start it and then I’ll read a couple pages in the beginning and then read a paragraph or two from the middle. It never ruins the story for me. Happy Halloween.

  31. Mary Jo says:

    Love your books,
    I choose a genre first ,depending on mood…ie I’ll decide to read something lighter ore happier/funnier if I’ve been reading alot of dark books or vice versa.

    the blurb or excerpt will get me to read it more than the cover, altho nice covers like yours are very attracting.

    I never read the ending out of order unless the book is either holding my attention, or i’m disturbed by the direction the story/characters are heading in … in which case I will read the ending to see if I want to continue with the book.

    Happy Halloween!!

  32. Joni says:

    I don’t know that I choose a book, I think it chooses me. Something catches my eye, then I read the excerpt, scan thru a couple of pages, yep I check out the last page & Viola the book has to go home with me. My problem is I can’t stop. If I go to a book store on payday, instead of making payments on utilities & such I make arrangements. I know, pretty sad, but I just love books!! They easily take me out of where ever I am. I’m a pisces, so daydreaming is like breathing to me and a book just extends the dream for me. Happy All Halloweds Eve!

  33. Michele says:

    For me when I’m in a bookstore the cover is what first draws me, then it’s the blurb on the back that either grabs me or has me putting the book back on the shelf.

    After hearing some of the readers talk about your Satyr series I’m intriqued. Looks like I have some books to add to my TBR list πŸ˜€

  34. Norma Keglovitz says:

    I have to agree with you Elizabeth!! I always read the ending also and for the same reasons………….I really get involved with my characters. I really enjoy your Satyr Series and find the books really original in ideas and concept. Of course, I didn’t know anything about Satyrs before and now I find them facinating. Keep up with this series!!

  35. Lisa N. says:

    I do sometimes read the ending early. I try not to, but sometimes I just want to know now how it works out! I do pick books by the cover and back blurb and I sometimes read a few pages at the beginning to help me decide. A really great book sucks me in enough that I can resist turning to the end!

  36. annalisa says:

    When I’m deciding which book I’m going to read usually it’s the cover & author that grabs me first. Then I read the blurb and the first few pages. Very seldom do I read the end of the book first.

    Love the covers on your books! They’re real eye-catchers! πŸ™‚

  37. Virginia C says:

    I love the covers on books and the excerpts and author information inside the front cover. I never skip to the last page. Even if I know the ending, I like to read the whole book, down to the last word. The Total Experience!

  38. CatsMeow says:

    Hi Elizabeth, LOL. This blog was like reading about myself… from our husband’s differing tastes in tv-watching and reading habits (we learned a long time ago we needed 2 tv rooms, one for him to watch his programs and one for me to read in every spare minute I have) to exactly the same order (including #5) of choosing a book to read. I have read and loved the first three books in your Lords of Satyr series. Also like you, I have a huge TBR pile and my hubby asked (strongly recommended) me not to purchase any more books until it’s not so high, so I don’t have Dominic yet. Where do you get those cover models? Yummm. Congrats on finishing up the draft for Dane. c.

  39. Mitz says:

    I like the way you choose your next read. Would love one of your books, you sound like a great writer. I’ve never read anything by you as of yet, but I believe that’s going to change.

  40. Andrea Infinger says:

    I decide what I’m in the mood for paranormal, romance, mystery, fluff, etc.
    I then check out the cover and back blurb.
    I’ll read a few pages and If I’m still interested, I read the book. I never read endings first.

  41. jennifer says:

    Well, I first go through the process of what do I feel like reading…. I check out the little excerpt. Sometimes I just start at beginning and read through, sometimes I jump around, sometimes I read the end…just depends on what I want to know.
    Jennifer B

  42. Pat L. says:

    I read the prologue or teaser in the front and the back blurb. Sometimes I do peek at end but only after having read a good part of the book.

  43. Susan Lathen says:

    Depending on my week has been going I decide what type of gene I’ll be reading, Then I’ll narrow down my choice by book jacket and prologue.

  44. Joan Woods says:

    I look at the cover to find out who the author is and the type of book. I always read the back cover before deciding if I want to read it or not. I like reading books in a series or trilogy.

  45. Karin says:

    I really only do your number 5 two times: 1) if the book is dragging I read the end to see if I really want to read the rest and 2) if it is an older book I read the end to see if I read the book before. Other than that, I pretty much follow your steps!

  46. Carol G says:

    I follow pretty much the same steps you do, but seldom read in the middle of the book. I don’t always look at the ending, but do it often enough that it doesn’t seem at all strange to me if others do it. Doesn’t ruin the story at all for me–at least it hasn’t yet.

  47. Evelyn says:

    I would love to win

  48. Sara says:

    I’d love to win this book! Looks like a great read πŸ™‚
    I do pretty much the same, minus step #5. Granted, that’s because I assume that, with romances at least, writers will follow the pattern at least to the point of an emotionally satisfying conclusion. I’ve only ever run into one romance that thoroughly flouted the happy ending, and I threw it into the wall.
    It was some author – can’t remember who – that taught me the middle-read when I was very young… she said, open to a random page and start reading. If you find yourself dragged in even when you don’t know what’s going on, it’ll be a good book for you.

  49. Jackie says:

    I read every word in the book and I never read the last page first…if you do then why bother reading all the rest of it.

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