Party Details! Back to Blog

Are you ready for some prizes?  Ready for fun? Then come back to my  blog bright and early on 6/28/11.

The party will kick off at 6:00 am Central time. Guest authors will be posting each hour of the day–the very last guest post is schedule to go live  at 10:00 PM Central time. During those hourly posts, you’ll have the chance to win some awesome prizes.  You see, each post will have a giveaway attached to it. In order to enter that giveaway, just leave a comment for the post/prize that interests you.

But, that’s not all…I will leave all of the comments open until noon on 6/29 (that way, folks in all the time zones can participate). At noon, I’ll go back and pick some random commenters to win gift certificates (Amazon, Barnes & Noble…).  I may also throw in some extra, surprise prizes, just for fun.

It’s a party, and I hope you’ll be able to make it! Come on–it’ll be a howling good time! 🙂

Here’s a list of all the fabulous authors who will be helping me to celebrate:

Terri Brisbin

Dale Mayer

Rebecca Zanetti

Caridad Pineiro

Lisa Renee Jones

Marie Force

Pamela Clare

Bella Andre

Elisabeth Naughton

Mary Wine

Joyce Lamb

Jennifer Haymore

Bronwen Evans

Dani Harper

That’s a lot of great authors–and a ton of prizes.  So don’t miss the fun! Swing by to check out the posts and leave comments to enter the giveaways.

Have a great weekend!

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15 responses to “Party Details!”

  1. Viki says:

    WOW! Great group helping you celebrate – looking forward to it 🙂

  2. Michele says:

    That is a great party list you have there. Very excited 😀

  3. Christina Madison says:

    I’ll definitely be there! Can’t wait!!

  4. Colleen says:

    Sounds great! 😀

  5. Diane Sadler says:

    Those are great authors, I will try to make some comments but I will be on vacation. Boo Hoo!

  6. AprilR says:

    What an awesome part.Count me in.

  7. Wendy says:

    Sounds exciting, I will do my best to be there…. ~lot of great authors too!

  8. Wendy says:

    Sounds exciting, I will do my best to be there…. Alot of great authors too!

  9. The Warrior says:

    ooooooooh! Can’t wait!

  10. Congratulations on your new release Cynthia and wow, this sounds like the party of the season, wouldn’t want to miss it! 😉

  11. Maria D. says:

    Congratulations on your new release! Waiting for it to hit my Nook…..

  12. Pam S (pams00) says:

    Congrats on your latest release Cynthia, can’t wait to read it!

  13. leisa prater says:

    Congrats!!!!! What a way to celebrate!!!!

  14. DANIELA says:

    Congrats on the new release! Haven’t been to this kinf of party. It rocks!