Nearing “The End!” Back to Blog
Well, I’m nearing “The End” on my current WIP, anyway. In just a few days, I’ll finish my current work in progress–my fallen angel story. I love nearing the end of a book I’m writing. The pages come faster and the thrill of the finish has me wanting to write constantly–I want that story done!
After I finish a book, I like to put it aside for a few days before I start editing and polishing up the story. During that break, I try to distance myself from the story. This is usually my reading madness period. I grab as many books as I can and read as quickly as I can–by reading all these books, I create a sort of mental distance to my own work so that I’m able to go back and review it with more objective eyes (and, of course, I get the bonus of having read lots of great books).
But this time…I’ll be working on revisions for DEADLY HEAT during my break period (I’m actually working on those now, as I finish up my WIP). I don’t have a problem working on two stories at once, particularly if I’m doing a revision job on one, but I am looking forward to being able to focus totally on just one tale. I feel like I can get deeper into a story if I work on just one at a time.
Different authors have different styles, though, and I know some authors who always work on multiple projects. I also know some authors who write their books out of sequence. Me? Well, I’m a start to finish girl–straight line.
If you’re a writer, what’s your style? Share!
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Hi Cynthia, yay on nearing the end!
I’m close myself and it feels great. I’ve written each wip differently – and just recently starting having edits fall into my lap in the middle of working on another project. I don’t mind doing two things at once, but at this stage, I tend to stop writing on focus on edits for a couple of days – I’ve been lucky – edits have been pretty easy so far!
I try to write in order, but sometimes I do jump around with in a wip. And I currently have a novella I’m finishing, a full I’m self-editing, and a proposal, and two other… lol, yeah I’ll leave it at I have writer ADD!
It’s so lovely nearing the end. I’ve heard of some writers who slow down, hating to finish it. But to me that last 70-100 pages seem like a race. The earlier pages were the momentum, and I’m speeding through to the end. I usually have a lot of action.
I’m linear and usually work on one project at a time — though I am collecting ideas for my next book and even have a title. But I did stop my current book a couple times to do other quick projects. You gotta do what you gotta do. 😉
Like Edie, I race toward the end and try to write start to finish. Though I’ve been known (too often!) to switch projects when I’m stuck with one.
Congratulations on nearing the end. I love fallen angel stories, so I’ll look forward to this one. 🙂
Oh, Rhonda, you are one busy woman!!!! Good luck with all of your projects!
Edie, those last pages seem like a race to me, too! I’m hoping to finish my race (maybe) tomorrow but definitely by the end of the day on Wednesday.
Hi, Kate! Thanks! I’m a project switcher when I’m stuck, too. I think that switch helps me to stay motivated!
Thanks for the comments, ladies!!