National Bookstore Day Back to Blog
Did you know that November 7 is National Bookstore Day? Both chain bookstores and independent stores are celebrating the event. Many stores are bringing in authors for signing events and lots of stores are offering great sales. (BAM mailed me a coupon for 20% off everything in the store.) If you’re like me and you love to give the gift of books for the holidays, this is the perfect early shopping time!
And if you know of a bookstore event that is occurring on November 7–whether it is a signing in your city or a big sale–feel free to post in the comments. I’m excited about National Bookstore Day and I hope it’s a great success for all the stores!
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I am for this new SPECIAL DAY . We should have a special day for readers, books and bookstores more often in a year, what does everyone think? susan L
I think I got a coupon for Borders. It’s all good!
I had no idea there was a special day for this! Awesome!
This is great! I received this 25% Off coupon on orders of $65 or more. The code is: NBD-25 only good Sat. / Sun on Healthy Learning on-line Bookstore. Enjoy the Savings!
No wonder I got the same mailing Cynthia:)