My Favorite Monsters Back to Blog

It’s so fun to be here to kick off Cynthia’s Halloween Blog Party!

clash-of-the-titans-kraken-poster_572x836I am a huge fan of October – the trees are changing, leaves are falling, weather’s cooling and I have an excuse to break out the jeans, sweaters and snazzy boots I’ve been missing since winter.  And then, of course…there’s Halloween! Who doesn’t love Halloween?  The costumes, the candy, the trick-or-treating fun. I even like a good monster now and then. Oh, I’m not one of those people (like Cynthia!!) who likes to be scared senseless, but I do love a good creepy monster.

There’s something about a scary monster on the big screen that stays with you long after a movie is over. Some of my favs include:

Jaba the Hut from Star Wars – Okay, yeah. He looked like a big giant turd, but he was twisted and that made him memorable.
The orcs from The Lord of the Rings – Nasty looking creatures with really bad teeth. For some reason I couldn’t look away from the teeth.
The bug from Men in Black – Especially when it turned into the giant cockroach at the end and ate Tommy Lee Jones. Ew.
The Kraken from Clash of the Titans – Thank God that thing isn’t real or I’d never set foot on a boat.
Tyrannosaurus Rex in Jurassic Park – I nearly came out of my seat when he flashed on screen.
King Kong – A classic that just can’t be ignored.
The aliens in Independence Day – Creepy ESP abilities.
The alien in Alien – No one but Sigourney Weaver could have fought this thing.
The genetically twisted human monsters in I Am Legend – This movie gave me nightmares for a week. I vowed to stop avoiding the doctor and get every immunization I needed.

entwinedHow about you? Who are some of your favorite monsters from movies or books? In honor of Cynthia’s Halloween bash I’ve got a book to give away today! Since I write about my own twisted monsters from the Underworld, I’ll give one commenter their choice – either a copy of MARKED, book one in my Eternal Guardians Series or ENTWINED, which just released in August.


A previous junior-high science teacher, Elisabeth Naughton now writes sexy romantic adventure and paranormal novels full time from her home in western Oregon where she lives with her husband and three children. Her debut release, Stolen Fury, heralded by Publisher’s Weekly as “A rock-solid debut,” was recently nominated for two prestigious RITA® awards by Romance Writers of America in the Best First Book category and the Best Romantic Suspense category. When not writing, Elisabeth can be found running, hanging out at the ball park or dreaming up new and exciting adventures. Visit the author’s website at

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39 responses to “My Favorite Monsters”

  1. Desiree says:

    I am a chicken when it comes to monsters. The Kraken in Pirates of the Carribean. All the snakes in Anaconda Aragog and the Basilisks in Harry Potter Chamber of Secrets. The Orcs in LOTU were scary yeah but the head Orc for some reason I thought was kinda hot.

  2. Cynthia Eden says:

    Hi, Elisabeth! Thanks so much for blogging with me–and for sharing your favorite monsters. 🙂

  3. Lisa Guertin says:

    Giant spiders always creep me out but my favorite monster is still Dracula . That was the first scary book I ever read. I have enjoyed both Marked and Entwined very much!

  4. Jillian says:

    I still have a thing for the Creature from te Black Lagoon. He was very sensous to me. Yeah, I know, I’m crazy. But really, check him out sometime.

  5. Valerie says:

    You’ve already mentioned some of my favourite monsters. I like a lot of the monsters and strange creatures from Men In Black. Yeh, and Dracula is pretty cool too. Remember The Forbidden Planet. That monster was usually invisible, until it hit the electric fence and appeared….very cool.

    I would love to read about your monsters.

    in Germany

  6. Donyale says:

    I’m not really into scary movies if I do watch them I’m paranoid for a month. The creature in the Aliens movie was pretty scary.

  7. Jean P says:

    I guess my favorite would be Dracula. I don’t watch a lot of scary movies though.

  8. CrystalGB says:

    I am really freaked out by serial killers like Hannibal Lecter and by snakes.

  9. Lynn Rush says:

    I LOVE the Kraken, too! That thing was wicked-cool. I’d have to say that’s my fav 🙂

    Happy Friday. Gonna love the halloween blog party!

  10. Colleen says:

    Lately I have been wanting to see SwampThing… it has been a very long time since I watched it… Love October!!! 😀

  11. Viki says:

    Hi Elisabeth,
    Thanks for being on Cynthia’s blog. The thing in THE GRUDGE kind of freaked me out. Didn’t really scare me but gave me the heebie jeebies (have no idea how to spell these words ;)). Thanks for the giveaway. I haven’t bought ENTWINED yet so I’d love to win it!

  12. Julie says:

    I love movies and books with monsters…I’d have to say the Predators are among my favorites, especially in AVP.

  13. Melanie S. says:

    I love watching the TV serie Fringe, but the monsters there (or people becoming monsters) freak me out every time!
    ugh, and the bug from MiB was really awful!

  14. cories5 says:

    The monster in the original “Alien”. I was just a kid when I saw it. I was freaked out for a long time.

  15. I’m not really into monsters unless you count vamps, demons and were’s as monsters. If so, I like my monsters sexy!!!

  16. Michele says:

    My favorite monster would have to be a more fun kind of monster in honor of my kids and that would have to be “Bob” from MONSTERS VS ALIENS.

    Love your books Elisabeth, totally into your Eternal Guardians series 🙂

  17. I guess, that I’m a traditionalist because I like Dracula, the Wolfman, and the Mummy. Also, I like the Aliens in alien and the monsters in Tremors. I love the creature features that come on syfy. I missed Sharktopus but hope to see it online.

  18. jennifer mathis says:

    The Predator was just freaky . and i have to agree with Melanie S fringe is awesome and the monster have serious ewww factor

  19. Thanks so much to Cynthia for inviting me to launch her Halloween Blog Party! I always love hanging out here. 🙂

    These comments are awesome! Love the monsters you’ve all added.

    Desiree – I nearly spewed my coffee all over my netbook this morning when I read your comment about the “hot Orc leader”. OMG. Don’t think I’ve ever heard that one! (though I do see the allure now that I’m thinking about it…big, hard body, long dark hair…maybe he could be redeemed and become a hero…so long as he had major plastic surgery on the face…LOL…and perhaps veneers?)

    Lisa – the giant spider in LOTR actually really wigged me out. I forgot to add that to this list. And thanks for telling me you’ve enjoyed my Eternal Guardians. Love hearing that!

    Jillian – oooh, Creature from the Black Lagoon. GREAT suggestion! Forgot that one.

    Valerie – gotta love Dracula. My relatives on my mom’s side actually hail from the region of (what used to be) Hungary where Dracula is from (yes, Transylvania). My poor 5 yr old actually thinks he’s a vampire because I’ve teased him about this a little too much. 😉

    Donyale – Alien was definitely creepy.

  20. JoAnna says:

    I don’t know if you could call it a monster but I hated that creepy puppet thing in the Saw movies.

  21. Jean – I don’t like horror movies, per se, but there are some great monsters in thrillers and sci fi/action movies.

    Crystal – me too! I watched Silence of the Lambs with my hands over my eyes, peering through the gap between my fingers.

    Lynn – Wicked-cool Kraken. Love it!

    Colleen – oooh, Swamp Thing. Maybe a netflix add…

    Viki – Yes, the Grudge was just weird. Another one that creeped me out was The Ring. I had nightmares after that one.

    Julie – I have yet to see AVP. Was it good?

  22. Melanie – I haven’t seen Fringe, either. Will have to check it out.

    Cories5 – Ditto!

    Heather – LOL! Sexy vamps, were’s and demons are a definite plus.

    Michele – I LOVED Bob! He was great. My kids loved that movie too. And I’m so happy to hear you’re enjoying the Eternal Guardians. Thanks so much for telling me!

    Marlene – the Mummy! How could I have forgotten that one? Definitely one to add to the list of favs.

    Jennifer – you’re the second one to mention Fringe. I must check it out…

    JoAnna – oh I’d call that a monster. I saw part of Saw I and couldn’t watch it. That’s one of those movies (series?) that, when my hubby watches it (them), I disappear into the other room with my laptop and ipod. LOL

  23. Diane Sadler says:

    Predator 2 in Aliens versus Predator 2. That’s one of mine.

  24. Cathy M says:

    I always cover my eyes during the scary part, lol, but my top two favorites are Alien and Predator. Great special effects, with storylines that totally worked for me.

  25. Chelsea B. says:

    Hmmm….Lets see….King Kong, definitely, but also The Headless Horseman from Sleepy Hollow 🙂

  26. Mariska says:

    all those creatures in Fringe really freak me out. and still i love to watch this series 🙂

  27. Jodi says:

    I remember reading It by Stephen King when I was pregnant with my middle son 21 years ago. The clown in that book gave me such horrible true to life nightmares that I never finished reading that book. I do not watch any scary movies because I am a giant sissy.

  28. Tracey D says:

    For some reason, the wolfman always creeped me out!

  29. Jolene Allcock says:

    Scary movies creep me out, I’m more into the action ones, those I can sit through. Anything like the Saw, or paranormal activity and my eyes are covered. I love Blade, the Underwolrd series and Queen of the damned. Those have monsters in them and some hot monsters I must add!! I refuse to watch Halloween, Nightmare on elm street and just recently watched Jeepers Creepers on fast forward. It’s not as scary to go through the gory scene at warp speed. 🙂

  30. Casey says:

    Since I get scared really, really easily, I rarely watch scary movies. But the thing that scares me the most is a snake. In real life, movies or even in books. They scare the crap out of me! Giant snakes are worse because they’re that much bigger!!

  31. Pamk says:

    the walking dude from the stand scaared the crap out of me. Only good thing in the movie series was who they got to play him. He nailed it I agree that only signorney could have beat those aliens. I just watched a shark series where they experimented on the sharks and made them genius level smart. not cool. they had the brawn and you gave them the smarts. very stupid imo.

  32. Joan Swan says:

    Maybe I watch too much documentary TV and not enough cinema…because the monsters that immediately come to mind are the Ted Bundy’s, the Richard Ramirez’s (Night Stalker) and the Jeffrey Dahmer’s of the world. They definitely fit my definition of paranormal (in the brain).

    As far as fictional monsters…Dexter and Freddie Kruger came to mind. Dexter as a monster I love to love and Kruger as a monster I love to hate.

    Then there is the monster of all monsters…Satan. Not sure if he would be considered fictional or not. Now there’s a debate!

    So many monsters, so little time.

  33. Edie Ramer says:

    I don’t care for really scary movies, so I’ll say Jabba the Hut. He didn’t really scare me, but he was yucky.

  34. CatsMeow says:

    my all time favorite is the original Halloween movie.

  35. sue brandes says:

    Freddy Kruegger, Michael Meyers, Alien, I am Legend, the orginal Dracula. I love scarey movies and Halloween.

  36. Oooh! There are some many great monsters mentioned here! I thing my fave is the Grim Reaper. He’s been portrayed ins so many different ways, across so many different genres, and still manages to send tingles of fear up your spine!!!!

  37. Hey admin, very informative blog post! Pleasee continue this awesome work..

  38. Barbara Elness says:

    My favorite monster has to be the alien from Alien and all the rest of the Alien movies. That thing was so scary, especially the baby one that jumped out of a man’s chest.

  39. Colleen says:

    I was curious if a winner was chosen yet!? Happy October! 😀