Monsters that make us care… Back to Blog
Did you cry when you watched Frankenstein? So misunderstood. The guy didn’t ask to be created, didn’t understand the world he’d woken to find.
Did you cry when King Kong died? All the guy wanted was his pretty blond girlfriend. Dying for love. 🙂
Sometimes, the monsters in books and movies can be so sympathetic that they slip past our guards and yes, they make us care. When I found out that Jason (from the many, many Friday the 13th movies) was supposed to be a kid who’d drowned years before and that the camp counselors weren’t watching him–just weren’t paying attention while he struggled to live–he got my sympathy, too.
Those tricky monsters. Sometimes, they can sneak up on your emotions.
What monster has made you care? What monster got under your skin? I’ll pick one commenter to win a $15 gift certificate.
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What monster? Hmm well both that you mentioned made me cry, poor misbegotten souls!OMG! I have one! The creature from Aliens Resurrection? I cry every TIME I watch that! It didn’t ask to be created either! And to be killed by one it looked on as its mother! *Sigh*
I’m thinking Disney movies. The Hunchback, all he wanted was Esmerelda. My daughter cried everytime we watched that movie.
Yes! I cried when watching Frankenstein. King Kong, too. I’m such a movie cry baby.
So many monsters, so many tears!
Glory (Angel)had me blubbering in her final scene, and my heart dropped when Deacon Frost buggered up his evil mastermind plan in Blade.
But Mighty Joe Young, if he can be considered a monster, turned my eyes into a water feature, and my throat stung as I held back as much as I could. Bless his cottons.
Even Godzilla made me cry!
Yup, I’ve a soft spot in heart for those monsters 🙂
@Nicole, Aliens have me screaming, not crying! I’m a scardy cat, too!
Honestly, in the Halloween remake by Rob Zombie, I found myself feeling very sympathetic towards Michael Myers. I mean, he had a horrible, horrible childhood that made him snap and then he ended up being separated from the only one who ever loved him and he loved, his baby sister. All he wants during the movie is to find her again and to let her know she is not alone.
That scene where he shows her the picture breaks my heart, because he is trying to say “This is you and me. We are family.” but all she does (quite understandably though) is try to kill him and escape.
Godzilla….never asked to be created, was attacked, then called upon for help….poor creature
Okay, some might think it’s weird but I think Dracula was misunderstood and he wasn’t as bad as he seemed
the creatures I have a soft spot are the beasts,those that are different by way of genes or whatever.
TV show Beauty and the Beast is one that comes to mine, you had to love Vincent
to me he was not a freak just as Catherine didn’t.
people tell me I’m different by what I read, watch and write guess I can relate
werewolves are miss understood also- lol
NESSIE! Leave the poor old gal alone already!
I would say Nomak from Blade 2 got under my skin. I really didnt want him to die at all. His father favored his sister and turned him into a vampire/monster. I could actually understand his need for revenge and didn’t care that he was the “monster”.
Hm… I don’t tend to watch or read many “monster” books… but yes – Frankenstein’s creature, the Hunchback…
Growch in Lloyd Alexander’s Black Cauldron books… maybe even Gollum. I pitied him. Smeagle.
I have two, and they were both ‘evil’. The first was the lead Predator in Aliens v Predator. He and his buddies start off killing the humans in order to get the devices back that keep the aliens in check. He then partners up with the lead heroine…and later dies. The second was the human who was changed into a creature in the end of Resident Evil 1 and the beginning of Resident Evil 2. He killed anyone while under orders, than later protected the one person he was programmed to kill….then he died.
Is it sad that ive never seen frankenstien. anyway, i cry for everything. i cired for Beauty and the Beast…and i agree with the person a few above me: werewolves are misunderstood. i love werewolves, they arent evil at all!!
It doesn’t really take that much to get me sniffly. I remember getting very upset for Lestat in Tale of the Body Thief, for example.
King Kong, Mighty Joe Young, Mothra yep, I cried like a baby when they died. It’s just not fair, they were torn from their homes and they were killed because they attacked their tormentors. Teenage Werewolf & The Creature from the Black Lagoon got to me too.
I didn’t cry for them, but King Kong got to me. Same with Frankenstein. I might have cried for the Hunchback (it’s been a loooong time since I saw that movie), but he wasn’t really a monster, just a human with a deformity. Maybe that’s why I cared so much.
Dr. Hannibal Lecter was scary, but I was honestly happy when he got away in Silence of the Lambs. And Brundlefly in The Fly. Jeff Goldblume just broke my heart.
I did cry for King Kong when I watched the movie. I was so upset at the whole thing that I had to take a nap to calm myself. Same goes with Frankenstein when I read the novel. I dont know if E.T would be considered a monster. But I cried my eyes out watching E.T.
I have a thing for Bram Stoker’s Dracula…especially as played by Gary Oldman. He just wanted the love of Mina (and lots of blood and death but who’s perfect?).
Oh man, the guy from ‘See no Evil’ had me caring about him! I thought it was sad! All the problems he had was because of his crazy mother! I mean yeah, the movie was freaky and disturbing, but still! I felt sorry for him!
I cried for the Hunchback, for Godzilla (just wanted a safe home for babies-the remake), for Frankenstein especially. I also cried a bit for Ghostrider. He never asked to be like that, he just wanted his Dad to be okay and to have a future with the girl he loved. Why can’t the monster get the girl, especially when the “Monster” isn’t all bad?
I love the Alien series and got a little weepy with Alien Resurrection and Alien vs Predator.
I have to say I was really sad for the girl from the first Species, it wasn’t her fault they decided to create her. She only did what she did to survive and keep her line alive.
This may sound silly, but i cried at the end of Stephen King’s Christine when Arnie died. Because he’d been picked on his whole life, he was easy prey to be taken over by a mean guy’s spirit and and suckered in by Christine. And well, who wouldn’t fall in love with Mighty Joe Young, he did after all, love to play hide and seek!
The Phantom, from Phantom of the Opera. I really wanted him to get Christine. It would have been a wonderful Beauty and the Beast story. She could have really redeemed him. So sad!!!
in Germany
Terminator 2 when he sacrifices himself at the end, that made me sad; so did King Kong. I’m sure there are many more that I haven’t thought of too.
Hi Cynthia Eden!
My favorite movie monster would probably have to be the “Demon Barber of Fleet Street” Sweeney Todd. Such sympathy…and honestly, when he’s killing his victims I didn’t care. Then when he finds his family only to have them taken away again…sigh, so sad. 🙁 I definetly sympathized with him.
Dracula and Pinhead are the only two who have made me cried because I was so scared. Jason and Michael Myers were more amusing than scary.
Val, I agree about Phantom; also King Kong, Mighty Joe Young.
I just wanted to comment.
Thanks for the interesting post Cynthia.
Nicole Kidman & the two children got to me in the movie The Others.
All the best,
Hi Cynthia! I feel sorry for Lon Chaney Jr, in The Wolfman. After all he was just trying to save the friend of his love interest, and looks what happens. He didn’t ask to go all furry on the full moon. And what does he get for it, killed at the end of the movie!
Beast from “Beauty and the Beast” always made me sad. From the TV show, not the cartoon. He always was nice, kinda handsome, and definetly romantic.
Yeah, King Kong made me sad. And I felt bad for the Terminator when he sacrificed himself. I know there have been many more misunderstood monsters that I felt sorry for in the end, but I can’t seem to remember them at the moment.
Hey Cynthia 😀
Please don’t enter me in, just wanted to comment. For me Jack the Pumpkin King from “Nightmare Before Christmas”, was so misunderstood.
Really been enjoying your Month of Monsters!!!
Def King Kong, any kind of beast monster usually has my sympathy but he really got to me I saw it back in the 70’s and when they remade it and both times cried!
Before I read “Silence of the Lambs”, I read Thomas Harris’ “Red Dragon.” Francis Dolarhyde was the first of Harris’ villains I found strangely appealing.
Yep it was frankenstein for me. He didn’t ask to be here and it was only about his looks that got him into trouble.
Frankenstein’s monster was definitely one for me – especially when I read the book in college! I wept openly and raged for him. I liked his portrayal in Hugh Jackman’s rendition of Van Helsing.
The other big one that stuck out to me, though he’s not so much a monster as the Goblin King, was Jareth from Labyrinth. Everything he did was out of love. And he was left alone anyway. I bawled like a baby, I swear!
Frankenstein’s monster (remembe Frankenstein was the doctor who created him, a different kind of monster)He didn’t asked to be put together and brought back to life, and he didn’t understand why people hated him or were afraid of him. The scene with the little blind girl was so touching.
The monster that made me care and cry is “Hellboy”. I think it is in the first one that his girlfriend (can’t remember her name) but she finds out she is pregnant and wants to get away from him and the hero stuff. So they are fussing and he doesn’t and can’t understand what he is doing wrong all the time. Yes, that made me cry. I’m very weepy over stuff like that.
In movies, I always felt so sorry for King Kong. In books, I am a sucker for Beauty and the Beast stories.
I have always felt so sorry for Frankenstein and the last remake didnt change my mind at all. He didnt mean to scare everyone it wasnt his fault he was like and and I dont think he ever would have chosen to have that happen to him.
I want to hug Frankenstein when I watch his movie.
I always cared about Frankenstein it was terrible the way people treated days I got a soft spot in my Heart for Hellboy and I always love the Beast in Beauty and the Beast.
Edward Scissors hand was the one who made me care.
Frankenstein’s monster and the Hunchback of Notre Dame always got to me.
I always felt really bad for Karen White in The Howling, because after all the crap she goes through, she still ends up a monster who must be destroyed. Unlike the rest of the werewolves, she doesn’t even get to enjoy what she’s become.
Reading Frankenstein broke my heart, too.
I cried during GODZILLA and KING KONG. I can’t watch animal movies. Even when the animals are monsters!
lol! I play “Resident Evil 5” on the Xbox 360 and it hurts me to shoot at zombie dogs or roosters.
Yes, I found King Kong so misunderstood. And his ending was tragic. Gary Oldman’s Dracula made me feel bad for him too. His ending made me want to cry for him.
Frankenstein’s monster definitely tops my list of monsters that make me care. He truly is misunderstood. He’s not only abandoned by his creator, but Victor also tries to kill him because he’s disgusted by what he created. Reading the story the monster tells Frankenstein when they meet up in the Alps just squeezes my heart.
I would also say frankenstein. I felt sorry for him.