Monsters In Fairyland Back to Blog


Thank you to Cynthia for having me as a guest during the month of monsters. In theUK, we don’t celebrate Halloween as much as you do in the States, but it has become more popular in recent years, probably because of the American influence.

When someone mentions monsters, the first thing to come to mind is not fairies. But during the research I’ve done for my Magic Knot Fairy series, I’ve discovered plenty of monstrous creatures in fairy myth and legend. I’ve even created some of my own monsters for my series. A main secondary character in The Magic Knot and The Phoenix Charm is a nightstalker—a creature I created. (Although I suspect the name nightstalker has been used before.) My nightstalker is called Nightshade and he starts off as one of the bad guys. He is a beautiful black vampiric fairy with wings and a lot of attitude. The name Nightshade gives a clue to one of his powers. He can shift into a shadow form to move fast—great in a fight.

I love writing about paranormal creatures who go against type—monsters who are good. In The Phoenix Charm, I introduce a character who is a shadow elemental—a djinn otherwise known as a demon. Although he is powerful and dangerous, he defies his breeding to be an honorable character with a good heart.

The classic monsters such as vampires and demons can be scary, but for me the scariest monsters are not supernatural at all, but humans who may be possessed or just plain evil. And I’d rather come face to face with a vampire than a snake any day!

The latest book in The Magic Knot Fairies series is THE PHOENIX CHARM. Due out December 29.


He’s Pure Temptation.

Cordelia has sworn she’ll abstain from looking into Michael’s future—particularly when the image in the gilded smoke of her divination mirror shows him half naked. Yet she can’t resist watching the sexy rascal slowly running his hand down his ribs, over his abdomen, flicking open the button on his jeans with a little flourish like a magician performing a trick.

She’s Trying To Resist.

Respectable wise woman Cordelia restrains her secret water nymph sensuality with the Celtic symbols painted on her skin. But Michael’s powerful fairy glamour leaves her breathless, off balance, struggling for control. When Gwyn ap Nudd, the Welsh King of the Underworld, steals away Michael’s infant nephew, Cordelia must work with him to save the child. But how can she trust her instincts with Michael tempting her to explore the hidden elemental depths of her nature and insisting that she believe in the power of…The Phoenix Charm.

I also have a novella—THE FEAST OF BEAUTY— in The Mammoth Book of Irish Romance due out January 26.


Kate’s grandmother’s dying wish is that she should return her pearl pendant to the tiny fishing village in Ireland where she was born. At the village’s Midsummer Feast of Beauty, the unearthly silver hair and emerald eyes of Esras, the wealthy local landowner, mesmerize Kate. But how can she trust her heart to a man who claims to be a sea fairy king?

Leave a comment to tell me what type of monster you would least like to find in your bathtub! (Can be anything from a spider to vampire.) I’ll choose one commenter to receive a copy of The Magic Knot or The Phoenix Charm so please leave a contact email address.

Helen Scott Taylor

Adventure Fantasy Romance

Visit me at for more information, and to read book excerpts.

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44 responses to “Monsters In Fairyland”

  1. Paula says:

    I have to agree, I’d rather find a vampire than a snake in my bathtub. lol But I think the creature I’d least want in my tub is that alien from the “self-titled” movies.

  2. Jacqueline L. says:

    I’d least like an insect-like monster in my bathtub. Ewwwwwwww!

  3. Minna says:

    Insect or rodant-like monsters would definitely make me call the exterminator.

  4. Willa says:

    Ooh – anything with more than 2 legs that can scuttle, scurry or swim! Ack!

    Of course, then I would call you in as the Pest Control Person (yes, been reading your website!) and tis very handy that you are only just down the road . . .

    Your books have gorgeous covers by the way! 😀

  5. Michele says:

    I would not want to find a snake in my bathtub 🙁

    Thanks for stopping by Helen. I have never read any of your work but that will soon be changing. I will keep my eye out for your book, THE MAGIC KNOT, at my local bookstore 🙂

  6. Lindsey Ekland says:

    I do not want to find little furry things in the bathtube like mice.

  7. Edie says:

    I don’t like to find any monsters in my bathtub, but mine are usually insects, too.

    Helen, I’m looking forward to The Phoenix Charm! Great premise. And love the cover. Very eye-catching.

  8. RKCharron says:

    Hi Cynthia & Helen 🙂
    Thank you for the great post Helen.
    Congratulations on The Magic Knot being on Booklist’s Top Ten Romances for 2009!
    My least favorite monster in the bathtub? A “monster” electric eel.
    All the best,
    PS – Will you come back to Twitter Helen?

  9. guest says:

    Hi Paula, OMG, the Alien for the movies. I hadn’t thought of that one. I love those films but I wouldn’t want one of those in my bathtub or even sharing the same planet!

    Hi Jacqeline L, insects with lots of legs kind of creep me out but I’m not too freaked out by insects of ‘normal’ size–as long as they don’t sting.

    Hi Minna, I’m okay with rodents, but I know a lot of people hate them. My daughter’s fiance says it’s the tails that get to him. On one occasion he stood on a chair while my daughter caught a mouse and put it outside LOL.

    Hi Willa, I don’t do any of the hands-on pest control any more. (Thank goodness.) The most interesting part of the job for me was seeing behind the scenes in some of the restaurants and hotels where we have contracts.

    Hi Michele, I’m delighted you like the sound of The Magic Knot. As I live in the UK, I’ve never seen it in book stores in the States, so I’m not sure where it is available now. It was in all the book stores when it first came out. (It’s available on Amazon and B&N online of course.)

    Hi Lindsey, I once found a mouse in my daughter’s bed when she was about four or five. Totally freaked me out despite the fact I’m normally not scared of them. I think it was the surprise.

    Hi Edie, I’m pleased you like The Phoenix Charm cover. It hasn’t reproduced that well in the blog post–or not on my computer screen anyway.

    Hi RKCharron, a monster electric eel would send me running for my husband. He’s good with fishy stuff. I can’t get into the habit with Twitter. I keep forgetting about it. To tell the truth, I still don’t really understand how to use it properly. I keep meaning to search for a tutorial.

  10. Nancy Gilliland says:

    I definitely would not want to share my bath with a zombie!! First of all, they are kind of squisy already, so he might melt and get yucky stuff all over. Second, he’s dead and has no mind of his own-I see enough mindless people as it is (I have three sons).

  11. CrystalGB says:

    I would not want to find a creepy, slimy monster in my bathtub.

  12. Diane Sadler says:

    I do love vampires and werewolves so would not mind one of those but I don’t like creepy crawlies of any kind or snakes and skunks and such.
    Have a great day

  13. guest says:

    Hi Nancy, the thought of a Zombie in the bath is completely yuck–good one. My teenage son defies type. He has a quick dry wit that drives his teachers nuts.

    Hi CrystalGB, slime is definitely high on the yuck scale. I cringe just thinking about it.

    Hi Diane, I agree on the vamps and werewolves. Actually I go more for werecats, but maybe they’re scared of water.

  14. guest says:

    Okay guys, I’ve just noticed I’m listed as guest and I haven’t signed my name on my two posts. Just so’s you know it’s me!!

    Helen Scott Taylor

  15. Sue R says:

    I would freak out if there is a cockroach or a spider in my bed tub. I would freak even more if Freddie Kruger or Jason are waiting for me in my tub.

  16. Morning Glow says:

    I’d love to find a vampire in my tub… if I had a tub. But the more I think on it, I’d love to find a Faerie in my tub.. not the little ones, a big stronger muscular one.. kinda like what you find in Laurell K. Hamilton’s Merry Gentry series.

  17. Danny says:

    Hi Helen,

    I wouldn’t have a problem with a Vampire or Werewolf (or perhaps with the Werewolf could be a problem, because wet dogs are a little smelly. LOL.But if he is a hunk, I could live with it.), but I definitely hate spiders.

  18. More books to put on my TBR list! Faerie and werewolf def wouldn’t mind-ooohhh Freddie Kreuger creeps me out totally! Wouldn’t want him in there!

  19. Teresa W. says:

    I’m deathly afraid of snakes so that would be my pick!

  20. Angela says:

    I would just die if I found a black widow spider making residence in my bathtub.

  21. Valerie says:

    No zombies, no snakes, nothing overly hairy unless it’s a hot looking were!!! LOL!!!

    Loved the post and I really want those books!!!!!

    in Germany

  22. Brandy says:

    I could handle vampires, werewolves, and such in my bathtub. However, bugs or snakes would have me screaming my head off and trying to climb the shower walls.(Wouldn’t that be a sight? *G*) *G* I’m finding I love books with Fairy’s and such in them, so will have to check out your books!

  23. Tara W says:

    My biggest fear is “daddy long leg spiders” and I would hate to see one in my tub.

  24. Mel K. says:

    I would not want to find a chupacabra in my bathtub!

  25. Jane says:

    I would definitely lose my sanity if I ended up in the bathtub full of hissing cockroaches.

  26. Lauren says:

    I’m terrified of sharks, so I definitely wouldn’t want to see one in my bathtube.

  27. guest says:

    Hi Sue R, yup, Freddy Kruger or Jason would totally freak me out as well.

    Hi Morning Glory, I totally agree. A sexy fairy would be rather a nice find. My fairies are similar to LKH’s. Tall, powerful and sexy.

    Hi Danny, I have an idea for a paranormal with a spidery villian. Definitely couldn’t be the hero.

    Hi Tamara, vamps and weres are always welcome LOL. I have a shapeshifting fairy king in the latest book I’m writing.

    Hi Teresa, snakes are my worst nightmare as well. That is unless I’m in the sea then it’s sharks.

    Hi Angela, I’m really lucky that we don’t have any poisonous spiders in the UK, and only one poisionous snake.

    Hi Valerie, I’m glad you like the sound of my books. I don’t mind hairy but I hate slithery.

    Hi Brandy, a fairy fan–wonderful. I think fairies are gaining in popularity at the moment.

    Hi Tara W, I don’t mind daddy long legs, but someone told me that if you eat them they are poisonous. Mind you, I’m not sure who would be stupid enough to eat one!

    Hi Mel K, I remember and episode of Supernatural where they hunted a chupacabra. I hadn’t heard of it before that.

    Hi Jane, hissing cockroaches are kind of gross. My kids had some once many years ago. I wasn’t sorry to see them go.

    Thank you all for reading my post and leaving a comment.
    Helen Scott Taylor

  28. Allie Harrison says:

    Thank you, Helen for a great post!

    I don’t want to find any monster in my bath tub, especially anything that can then climb out and chase me. I guess if it had to stay in the water or die, I’d be safe and just use the other bathroom!

  29. Liz Kreger says:

    Don’t care for creepy crawlies. For whatever reason I see centipedes in our bathtub too often for my peace of mind … particularly during the summer. Ick.

  30. Barbara Elness says:

    Creepy crawlies are the worst. When I lived in Calif. we had these bugs called “potato bugs,” that used to get in the house sometimes, they were so nasty looking and creepy. Now if I found a vampire in my bathtub, as long as he was a friendly, hot one, that would be fine!

  31. Darkreader says:

    Nothing would be worse than a snake! I can’t even watch them on TV!
    I would love to find a Were-Hunter in my tub!

  32. Chelsea B. says:

    I would least like to find a….spider. Definitely. I hate those things with a fire burning passion 😉

  33. guest says:

    Hi Allie, using another bathroom definitely solves the problem.

    Hi Liz, we don’t really get many centipedes in the UK. Or not that I’ve noticed. We’re pretty lucky over here. No dangerous animals or poisonous bugs/snakes.

    Hi Barbara, I’ve never heard of potato bugs but they sound deceptively innocent.

    Hi Darkreader, I’m totally with you on the snakes. I think I was born with a phobia of them.

    Hi chelsea B, I think spiders/bugs and snakes have racked up most hate points so far. So you are not alone LOL.

    Thank you all for stopping by to post a comment.

    It’s gone midnight in the UK so I’m off to bed now. I’ll draw a name for the giveaway tomorrow morning and post the result.

    All the best,
    Helen Scott Taylor

  34. Karin says:

    I’m definitely going with a spider as the monster I would least like to find in my bathtub. Spiders totally freak me out. As for the scariest types of monster, I have to agree with you that human monsters are the scariest. It’s the fact that their appearance hides the monstrosity within that makes them scary – there’s no way to tell them apart from regular people just by looking at them and that’s to their advantage.

  35. Barb P says:

    Hi Helen! Fantastic post! I think that I would least likely find a cat shifter ( in cat form ) in my bathtub, after all cats don,t like water and they may be a little testy. Now a cat shifter in human form, that’s another story! Yummmmm.

  36. Sue Brandes says:

    Spiders!! I hate spiders!! That aracophobia movie. That scared me!

  37. Pamk says:

    I love cat shifters but since they not too fun of water. For this one I pick a nice sexy fae warrior. yummy.

  38. Deidre says:

    Irish romance, love that accent. Can’t you just imagine that sexy brogue? lol


  39. Donna S says:

    A Spider. Hate them, cant stand them, dont ever want to see one if I can avoid it.

    The Phoenix Charm sounds great. Going to have to go out and get The Magic Knot now so I am ready to read it when it comes out.

    Thanks for sharing!

  40. stacey smith says:

    I Can’t stand Spiders the Bigger thay are the scaryer they are.and bus whit lots of legs the more legs on them the scaryer they look can’t stand bugs whit lots of legs.

  41. Linda Henderson says:

    I’m going to go with a scorpion. I hate those things.

    ernicole2001 at yahoo dot com

  42. Raonaid Luckwell says:

    Absolutely LOVED The Magic Knot, cannot wait for the next one in the series! I’ll have to get the Mammoth Book of Irish ROmances, love my Irish-Scottish themed stories!

    Oh man, if it was shaped like a spider, then there is no way you’d get me to remain in anywhere. Me and spiders, don’t go well together.

  43. Ina says:

    What type of monster I would least like to find in my bathtub! *argh* that’s not fair – know I’m thinking of monster spiders in my bath *ihh* I absolutely hate spiders!!


  44. BRIANA says:

    I have happened to be searching all above for this particular stuff. Thankfully I just found it in Bing.