Is Elisabeth Naughton Scared? Back to Blog

Hey all, thanks so much to Cynthia for having me here today during her super cool month of monsters! I have to admit, I’m a scardy cat. Horror movies send me running the other way, and Halloween? Well, monsters of any kind give me the heebie-jeebies and make me want to hide under my bed for a year.

So what the heck am I doing writing paranormals? Good question. I don’t really know. It’s one of those things you never plan, it just…happened. Sometimes when I’m writing I scare myself, which probably isn’t a good thing. Especially since I write late at night with most of the lights off. And this time of year, when the wind is howling through the trees and limbs are smacking the side of the house, making me jump and yelp like a heroine in a B-rated horror movie flick, you can only imagine where my imagination wanders.

I’m increasingly surprised at how dark paranormal romances can be. Sure, we know there’s the promise of a happily-ever-after at the end, but scary monsters abound these days, even in my own books. I keep asking myself, Where’s your limit, Elisabeth? But so far I haven’t found it. I have nasty-ass, seething demons running amuck in my books, doing some pretty awful things, but for some reason it works.

How about you. Do you have a dark limit? At what point would you put a paranormal romance down because it was just too scary?

My first paranormal romance, MARKED, releases May 2010. Here’s the info about my new Eternal Guardians Series:

THERON – Dark haired, duty bound and deceptively deadly. He’s the leader of the Argonauts, an elite group of guardians that defends the immortal realm from threats of the Underworld.

From the moment he walked into the club, Casey knew this guy was different. Men like that just didn’t exist in real life—silky shoulder-length hair, chest impossibly broad, and a predatory manner that just screamed dark and dangerous. He was looking for something.  Her.

She was the one. She had the mark. Casey had to die so his kind could live, and it was Theron’s duty to bring her in. But even as a 200-year-old descendent of Hercules, he wasn’t strong enough to resist the pull in her fathomless eyes, to tear himself away from the heat of her body.

As war with the Underworld nears, someone will have to make the ultimate sacrifice.


Since I don’t have copies of MARKED to distribute yet, how about some adventure? I also write romantic adventure and am giving away a copy of STOLEN HEAT to one commenter today. Simply answer the question above to be entered into the drawing.


Elisabeth Naughton

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50 responses to “Is Elisabeth Naughton Scared?”

  1. I’m not into the jump factor either. And I avoid scary movies like the plague, lol. For some reason, though, I don’t mind a scary romance. When I’m reading paranormal, if my heart gets pounding during a particularly scary scene, that’s all right…as long as all the lights are on, the hubby’s home or the dogs are in 🙂

    Can’t wait to read MARKED! It sounds excellent!

  2. I put down paranormal romances when the romance itself seems dark and self-destructive, even if the writing is good. I still want something life-affirming, even in my scary romance!

  3. JK Coi says:

    I hate scary movies–especially gross ones–and will avoid them like the plague, but when it comes to books I’m actually pretty open to just about anything. Actually, the darker the better–I think it makes the final resolution that much more satisfying! Congrats on your foray into paranormal 🙂

  4. Thanks, Amber. Scary stuff aside, MARKED was super fun to write. And even though I tend to make myself shiver, I’m really enjoying this new paranormal series.

    It’s funny you mentioned movies vs. books. I’m the same way. My husband loves horror movies, but I can’t watch them. Doesn’t matter if it’s sick serial killers (ala Hannibal) or twisted evil demons (like the Ring), I can’t watch them. But a book? That’s another matter entirely. My tolerance for scary is much greater when reading (and obviously, writing).

  5. Heather – I’m with you there. If the romance scares or disturbs me I won’t read it either. That’s the one part of a scary book that keeps me reading.

    JK – thanks for the congrats. 🙂 Ew, gross movies. Who even likes those? The ick factor is definitely not entertaining to me.

  6. Susan says:

    I haven’t really read a book that scared me enough to stop reading. The only time I came close to be frightened was when I was reading Salem’s Lot and a door slammed shut (not from a supernatural influence) and I jumped in my seat. But I still kept reading 🙂

  7. Nancy Gilliland says:

    There has to be some redeeming factor in the romance or I’m outta there. I don’t like it when there is no warmth, or passion.

  8. Karin says:

    I’m not sure I have a limit. I know I don’t like horror and haven’t read any book that is classified as such. So far, though, I haven’t come across any paranormal romance that is too dark or scary for me. I guess I’ll know I have a limit when I reach it. lol

  9. Paty Jager says:

    You know me the abominable snowman on Rudolph scares me! I’m a weenie! So I read very little paranormal. But the premise of your books is intriguing. Looking forward to reading Marked and seeing if it’s too scary for me. LOL

    Congrats on all your success!

    (PS) don’t put me in the drawing I already have Stolen Heat)

  10. Lori T says:

    I am not a fan of scary movies either, especially those gory ones. I have not at this point run across anything that has made me want to stop reading. I do not seem to mind the scare factor while I am reading and it really helps that I know my happily ever after is usually waiting for me at the end of the book.

    Marked sounds really good and I am looking forward to it. My tbb list is already bursting for 2010. Stolen Heat is on my list too.

  11. Valerie says:

    I love dark, scarey romances….but there just better be a happy end!!!

    in Germany

  12. Tammie King says:

    Wow Elizabeth – This new paranormal series sounds very cool and I loved the brief excerpt. You have me hooked.

    Now for monsters –

    Parnormal – vampires, werewolves, fae and things of that nature. Love that in movies.

    What scares me the most are the movies like Jason, Freddy and the like. I also can’t stand those up in the hills there are some twisted killer types.

    My dad was a horror movie fan – I inherrited his collection, but don’t watch them – I can still hear him telling me one that the movie he had brough over for Andrew and I to watch wasn’t a horror movie. He said it was just a thriller. Ya right dad – scared me half to death.

    So – I think monsters have really changed and there are so many types.

    I recently read an article on Vampires and how they are no longer the nasty beings they used to be. Now we want a cute vamp…demon…wolf etc for our hero or heroines.

    My are things changing.

    Tammie King
    Night Owl Romance

  13. Edie says:

    Great excerpt! I’m always happy my dog is in the house when I’m reading something scary. She may not bite, but she barks. Loudly and often. I wouldn’t put something down because it’s scary, as long as it’s well written and not gratuitous horror or gore.

    No need to enter me in the drawing. I have your book already. 🙂

  14. limecello says:

    Great question. I freely admit I’m a giant pansy… so I tend to avoid the horror. I stayed up for ~2-3 weeks past 3 AM after watching the Exorcism of Emily Rose. (Not by choice.)
    It’s interesting though, because I can take “more” from movies than books. Maybe my imagination is a scary place – but I always like experimenting, and finding new things. I don’t know – I haven’t hit my dark limit yet, but some of Brenda Joyce’s skate the edge. (The Third Heiress I think? And… one other one…)

  15. Chris says:

    Hey, I recently finished Stolen Fury and Stolen Heat is on my list to pick up and read! 🙂

    Um, I haven’t encountered a paranormal that was too scary for me. Things that have been too scary for me to read in the past include HP Lovecraft (slept with the lights on) and some pretty ooky Stephen King short stories.

  16. blodeuedd says:

    I think my limit would be horrible things rather than scary things, like too much violence, rape and murder.

    The scary things I can live with since they are not that scary in books for me

  17. Susan – okay, that would have freaked me out. 😉

    Nancy – well said. Me too. 🙂

    Karin, I think by definition, if it’s a paranormal romance, we know it’s going to end well so we’re able to put up with a lot more than we would, say, if we were reading a straight horror novel that could end really, really bad (and usually does). At least I know that’s true for me.

  18. LOL, Paty. I don’t know that the Abominable Snowman ever scared me, but those darn flying monkeys in The Wizard of Oz used to seriously freak me out! To this day I still can’t watch that movie.

    Thanks for stopping by!

  19. Lori, thanks for stopping by. I’m glad you like the sound of MARKED, and I hope you enjoy STOLEN HEAT!

    Valerie – another vote for happy endings! 🙂

    Tammie, thanks so much! You know, interesting about Jason & Freddie and all the rest. Years ago my hubby saw a video in the story, something about horror movie villains, and he was so excited he bought it. He turned it on, sat down to watch it, and maybe got through the first 20 min. before he turned it off. The whole thing was nothing more than gory clips from those icky horror movies. Even he couldn’t watch it!

    It is interesting that vampires aren’t the creepy scary creatures they once were, isn’t it? I guess we owe that shift in POV to all the paranormal vampire romance authors of the world. 🙂

  20. Edie, thanks for stopping by! My dog is a great watchdog, too. (Thankfully!)

    Limecello – LOL – you’re the odd one so far in the group. And I can’t believe you watched the Exorcism of Emily Rose. I saw the old Exorcism movie and it was quite enough for me. (This is where I stick my fingers in my ears and go, “lalalalalal”)

  21. Jane says:

    I think my threshold for gore is pretty high, but I would expect these scenes to move the story along.

  22. Diane Sadler says:

    I won’t read scary stories similar to poltergeist or freddy, I don’t even watch the movies; but I do enjoy paranormal books, I haven’t yet gotten one that seemed to scary to me. I’ve already got your Marked new release on my wish list and am looking forward to it.

  23. Chris, I hope you enjoyed STOLEN FURY. Thanks for letting me know STOLEN HEAT is on your tbr list!

    When I read your comment about Stephen King you made me think of the last real horror movie I watched – 1408 with John Cusack. And I realized something profound…if a horror movie stars one of my favorite actors (like Cusack) I’ll watch it regardless of the content. (There goes that whole limit thing, LOL!) I’ve loved John since his Better Off Dead days, so much I’d watch him get sliced and diced or even pitch hemorrhoidal cream. *sigh*

    But isn’t it interesting that most BIG name hollywood stars don’t star in horror movies? Hmmm….

  24. Bodeudd – good point. Horrible things, vs. scary things are a good place to draw the line.

    Jane – of course, that’s the key. In everything, the point has to be to move the story forward, which is why slasher movies (like Friday the 13th) seem more stupid than scary, because it’s just gore for gore’s sake, not for the story.

    Diane – thanks so much! I hope you enjoy MARKED!!

  25. Brandy says:

    I don’t mind scary, but can not handle gross, in books anyway. I can’t watch scary movies or horror movies. I’ve tried to read a few books that were classified as horror, but just couldn’t get through them when the descriptions made my stomach turn. However, scary books are okay as long as my hubs is home, the lights are on and I can put down the book for a second or two to let my heart rate return to normal. *G*

  26. RKCharron says:

    Hi 🙂
    I loved the excerpt. Thank you for sharing Elisabeth.
    All the best,

  27. hmmm…I don’t usually watch what are considered horror movies these days. They all seem to be the same slice-n-dice or dragged-to-hell stuff (yawn). Give me something psychologically twisty, instead, like old Night Gallery episodes. I’ll watch and then have nightmares for weeks. LOL

    As for books, early Stephen King is always a guarantee for a scare. I think only 2 books have really terrified me enough that I considered stopping in the middle–then thought better of it, thinking of the years of nightmares I’d have, not knowing the ending. Those books? The original Dracula by Bram Stoker and The Shining by Stephen King. Can’t think of a paranormal romance that’s been truly scary, but I’m looking forward to reading Marked.

    PS. I already have Stolen Heat and I really enjoyed reading it!

  28. Allie Harrison says:

    I can’t think of a scary romance I’ve ever had to put down. Stephen King’s Salem’s Lot creeped me out though, but I remember reading it this time of year when the wind was blowing and trees were scraping the house. In my present book NO FEAR, there’s a part with snakes, and those always bother me and keep me from sleeping! But I wasn’t bothered at all by the walking skeletons in the cemetery!
    I can’t wait to read either Stolen Heat or Marked!

  29. Movies I can do without but scary or paranormal books I love to read as much as possible!

  30. Brandy, yesterday I was flipping the channel and came across a movie called “Hooked” or something like that. The scene I walked into was a couple hiding under the bed while these monsters roamed around with machetes, grunting and dragging a mutilated body. The info blurb said: Horror. Campers run from three inbred and twisted cannibals.

    Ew. I passed.


    RKCharron – thanks so much!!!

  31. Cathy M says:

    I’ve never read a paranormal that I considered a horror story. Love a great suspense storyline, but for me too dark would involve graphic torture scenes.

  32. Debbie – thanks for coming by! And I agree…the Shining was uber scary!!!

    Allie – I can’t think of a scary romance I’ve put down either. I’ve read a few twisted RSs I’ve chugged my way through. There are a few authors I don’t buy now because of the gore factor, but not because of the scare factor.

  33. Bella says:

    Hi Elisabeth! Marked looks absolutely yummy!

    Thinking about your question, there isn’t much that would make me put down a spooky, scary romance. I like romantic suspense and when combined with a little fear, that’s ok. It’s the real gore of horror that doesn’t do it for me — real violence, and pain, and I would have to put it down.

    Thanks for visiting with us, and thanks to Cynthia for hosting!

    Happy Almost-Halloween!


  34. Thanks for the comment, Bella. We all seem to be on the same page with regard to gore vs. scare.

  35. Linda Henderson says:

    I don’t enjoy deliberate cruelty, that would make me put a book down fast. I expect a paranormal to be scary so that isn’t an issue for me. No abuse for me.

  36. Barb P says:

    Hi Elisabeth! My thoughts on this are, that if I buy a book being catagorized as a paranormal romance, I want there to be romance. I also don’t care for extremely gorey scenes ( when I say gorey, I mean gorey )in my romance novels. I think that they belong in horror. Great post, thanks for stopping by today.

  37. stacey smith says:

    I would not be able to read about a child being raped are worse it would be to much for me to read.what scares me is real life the books only scare me when it gets to close to what happen in real life to people.Munster do not seem real to me but bad people do.

  38. Deidre says:

    I haven’t found a book that was too much for me so far and I don’t ever expect it to happen. I love dark and scary, the more, the better.


  39. Sue R says:

    I am a terrible partner in watching scary movies. I jump and scream before the actual spook happens. I am just a scardy cat. I think a scardy cat has more courage than me. I do love reading paranormal. Maybe it is my way of getting a thrill. I havent reach my dark limit as of yet. I think the problem with me is that my imagination just runs rampant when it comes to reading paranormal.

  40. Chelsea B. says:

    I think for me, it would be when the scary element completely covered up the romance and other aspects of the book. Then I would put it down.

    Your new book sounds really good, Elisabeth! Thanks for posting!

  41. Carol Thompson says:

    I am a Horror movie fan but only if the story, plot and acting is good. As far as reading is concerned I am a great Stephen King fan although he has moved on to other genres lately.

    I get a chill when reading a good horror or watching a good movie but it passes and doesn’t really longer.


  42. Danny says:

    Great excerpt, Elisabeth!

    I really dislike too gory details, that really turns me off

  43. Pam P says:

    Hi Elisabeth, definitely have to catch up with your series after reading Stolen Fury.

    As far as paranormal romance, I haven’t come across anything too dark yet, and I like the extra edge. True horror and gore is what I don’t want to read, or see. Never was a fan of most horror movies, though I tend to like the pyschological ones like Hannibal and Pyscho.

  44. Pamk says:

    I’ve not put anything down cause it was too scray. I have some suspense books that make me look at people carefully. Some human beings are sometimes much more scary than the quote monsters. Although I read about monsters I don’t really believe in them lol. Not saying I wouldn’t love to meet my own perosnal vamp or shifter but haven’t yet.

  45. Emily Bryan says:

    Scary, I can do. Gross, not so much. I put down JAWS because it made me nauseous.

  46. Mary G says:

    Hi Elizabeth
    Great excerpt. I don’t like blood & gore. Don’t mind suspense. My suspense threshhold is The Omen. I actually slept with the light on for 2 weeks after I saw the movie & read the book.

  47. Sue Brandes says:

    I love scarey movies! I can some gross but; some really get to me~like demons. LOL. I haven’t ever had to put down a book cause it was too scarey yet.

  48. Virginia C says:

    When the paranormal romance becomes a life or death battle for the heroine, then I start to become turned off. The intriguing thing about “lovin’ a monster” is that he can be redeemed. He is vulnerable. However, some paranormal romances are not that subtle. I don’t like for women to be denegrated in any situation.

  49. Melissa says:

    Elisabeth…I missed this somehow!!
    I LOVED Stolen Heat…it ROCKED.
    And I can’t wait for the Marked series….you got smiled on by the cover goddesses!!