Interview & Book Giveaway at Manic Readers Back to Blog

Happy Monday! 🙂 Today, I’ve got an interview posted over at the Manic Readers’ blog–and one commenter will win a copy of ETERNAL HUNTER. So head over to the Manic Readers’ blog for a chance to win!

In other news…I’m working on a new paranormal novel. The hero is a wolf shifter and my heroine is a charmer. For those of you who have read my books, you know that charmers are folks who have the ability to communicate telepathically with certain animals. This will be the first time a charmer has held the primary role in one of my books. When I created charmers, I wanted them to be the thinkers–the planners–the plotters. That’s why they’re often leaders (like Captain McNeal from the Midnight books). But, charmers can also be extremely sneaky and manipulative. When you throw all those character traits together, you can have a dangerous brew. Ah, fun!!!

Enjoy your Monday! And has anyone else been Christmas shopping?

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5 responses to “Interview & Book Giveaway at Manic Readers”

  1. Brandy says:

    I’ve been picking things up here and there and even ordered a couple of things online. One of which arrived today! *G* I hope my kids enjoy what I’ve picked for them. I’ll be sure to check out the post!
    Have a great Monday!

  2. Willa says:


  3. Willa says:

    Oops – was having trouble posting!! Christmas shopping?? Already?

  4. Diane Sadler says:

    Looking forward to the charmer; I’ve pretty well finished my shopping but still have to wrap them up; I do have chocolates left to pick up for the stockings but that’s about it.

  5. Edie says:

    I ordered a few things. I need to find a sturdy box for something that needs to be shipped overseas.

    Charmers are awesome characters!