Inspiration/My Favorite Artist Back to Blog

Inspiration is where you find it. Some people get ideas when they hear songs, when they go for walks on the beach, or even when they are in the shower. Personally, I get ideas from just about anything.

But…there is one thing that really inspires me: the work of my absolute favorite artist, Stacey Kite. A few years ago, I stumbled upon Stacey’s work at an outdoor art fair. I didn’t get to buy any of her work because the canvases I wanted (and, yeah, there were a lot!), were a bit (a big bit) out of my price range. (Hey! I was a recent college grad–I was doing well to buy gas!)

Stacey’s work is all about fantasy. She paints dragons, mermaids, fairies. And she uses brilliant, mood-creating color combinations. And dang if she doesn’t make you believe in the fantasy, at least for a moment.

One day, I’m gonna have one of her canvases in my living room. And I’ll let the thing inspire me every single day…

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One response to “Inspiration/My Favorite Artist”

  1. Michelle Diener says:

    Wow, what a great picture. I write fantasy, so I can relate to your appreciation for her work. It would inspire me, too.