Happy Thanksgiving! Back to Blog

Happy Thanksgiving! I hope you all have a great holiday–eat lots of turkey and dressing and enjoy your day!

I thought I’d list a few of the things I was thankful for:

1. The baby boy who is currently sleeping on my lap.
2. The husband who let me sleep in today because I was feeling a bit under the weather.
3. The mother who bought me so many books when I was growing up.
4. The friend who walked for hours with me on Monday–shopping, hunting for bargains, and eating cookies in the cold.
5. The book I finished writing just a few weeks ago.
6. The house that isn’t as clean as it should be, but, well, it’s mine and that’s all that matters.
7. The Christmas tree that will come down from the attic soon and fill my son with wonder.
8. The turkey thawing in the fridge–when it’s prepared, it might not be a Martha Stewart wonder, but I think it’ll be edible.
9. The people who love me and who I love–even when we drive each other crazy (which can be quite often!)
10. The holiday movie I’ll watch with my niece this weekend–and the hot chocoloate we will drink.

What about you? What are you thankful for?

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3 responses to “Happy Thanksgiving!”

  1. Edie says:

    A great blog, Cynthia! I’m grateful I didn’t eat too much this Thanksgiving. I’m grateful for my family’s health. I’m grateful I finished revisions on a book and sent it to an editor last Wednesday. I’m even grateful for my kitten who’s grooming herself on my desk as I type. And of course, I’m grateful for all my writer friends.

  2. LaDonna says:

    Cynthia, what a grand blog! I’m grateful for my less-than-clean home too. LOL. But most of all, the people in my life who love me for who I am, and support me whether I’m published or not. They just believe, and I feel that and believe too.

  3. Cynthia Eden says:

    Great things to be thankful for, Edie! 🙂 Good luck with your submission!

    Thanks, LaDonna! And having people who believe in you is most definitely something to be thankful for!