Happy New Year–and, oh, no, is it really time for resolutions? Back to Blog

Happy New Year!!! (Okay, it’s a little early, but you get the idea.)  Later tonight, I will light the sky with bright bursts of light, or, well, my fireworks will light the sky.

In the meantime, I’m realizing that I haven’t listed my resolutions for 2008 yet. I wanted to post my resolutions here because I thought if I made ’em public, I might be more inclined to keep them. So, here goes:

1. Write 3 novels.

2. Write 2 novellas. (I’d like to aim for three, but I’ll play it safe and say two now.)

3. Buy a cookbook and actually use it.

4. Finish unpacking all of my moving boxes.

5. Take two vacations with the family.

Hmmm…those sound pretty tame, huh? Okay, let me throw in another one:

6. Go ghost-hunting.

I’ll let you know how item six works out later. But…Ashley, Saundra–all I can say is…Get ready, ladies. We’ll be hunting together.

Happy New Year! And, come on, don’t be shy…tell me your resolutions.

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4 responses to “Happy New Year–and, oh, no, is it really time for resolutions?”

  1. Edie says:

    Good goals! I want to write 3 books too. I’d like to eat healthier, but instead of cookbooks, I’m looking up recipes on the internet. (I already have a couple good recipes.) Lose 7 pounds. Clean one closet a week until they’re all clean. Start a non-writing project that I’m not ready to talk about.

    The ghost hunting sounds like fun! I’ll be interested to hear what you say about it.

  2. laDonna says:

    Enjoyed those goals, Cynthia! And please share the ghost-hunting stories, okay? I want to revise one novel, write a new book, and eat healthier. Oh, use the stepper that sits in my office, in the corner. lol.

  3. Liz Kreger says:

    Good goals to have. Good luck with keeping them. I’m gonna try to be a little more realistic with any resolutions.

    1. Finish this bloody WIP that I’ve been working on for the past two years. It’s the book that will never end.

    2. Get my vampire book written. This one has been swirling around in my head for far too long.

    3. Put together a proposal for a third book that I want to submit to Samhain to round out my other two books I have with them.

    Hmmm. Maybe it is a little ambitious. This would be far easier to accomplish if I could just quit my job and have done with it.

  4. Cynthia Eden says:

    Hi, ladies! Happy New Year!

    Hmmm…Edie, you’ve got me curious about your non-writing project. But, whatever it is, I wish you the very best of luck!

    LaDonna, I’ll definitely let you know how my ghost-hunting goes. And, hmmm maybe I should use some of my dusty exercise equipment, too!

    Hi,Liz! Oooh, a vampire novel–yes, please write that!