Gearing up for Halloween… Back to Blog

I couldn’t wait any longer..I had to get my decorations out, had to start gearing up for the big day…Halloween.

At the side, you’ll see photos of a few of my favorite decorations. When I was younger (yep, back in the day when I still lived with my parents–the kiddie and teen years), I prided myself on having the scariest house on the block. I wouldn’t decorate until Halloween–I’d start early in the afternoon and work until just before dusk. I’d use the standard tricks–lots of fake spiderweb, a scarecrow armed with a glowing machete (Okay, to be perfectly honest, sometimes I’d use two scarecrows–one was the real, stuffed variety and the second was a replica knight in shining armor that I’d cover with a sheet and fit with a “Jason” mask–trust me, it scared the kiddies!). To spice things up, I’d also borrow one of my brother’s remote control cars. I’d put a grusome mask over the car, hide the new tiny monster in the shadows and spiderweb on the porch, and wait until an unsuspecting trick-or-treater approached my house. Then, showtime! I’d send my car monster racing across the porch–just as the trick-or-treater stepped on the hidden scream mat (you know the type, it’s a welcome mat you step on that will scream at you). The trick-or-treaters would unvariably scream in return. Ah, the fun.

What about you? Does anyone have any Halloween memories to share?

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2 responses to “Gearing up for Halloween…”

  1. Yasamin says:

    last year i threw a hell of a bash and invited about 30 or 40 of our closest friends and family! 4 people showed up… bringing the total guest count to 6 counting nickster and i… 8 if you want to count my evil cats. :p

    that didnt stop us from having a hell of a time and drinking like a bunch of dried up sponges on death row!

  2. Cynthia Eden says:

    Hi, Yasamin!

    Sometimes parties like that are more fun with just a few good friends…and some evil cats!