Friday the 13th Back to Blog

Happy Friday the 13th!!  Ah, I love these special Fridays–because I know that later tonight, when the wee one is asleep, I’ll be able to curl up on the couch (or, grr, hop on the glider) and get my very long fix of a Friday the 13th movie marathon.  Jason, here I come!!

Why do I love horror movies so much?  No clue.  Maybe I like to be scared–a safe scared.  Maybe it’s that kick of adrenaline I get.  Whatever the reason, I’m hooked.

I don’t think I have a “favorite” horror movie of all time.  Some folks do, not me.  As long as the flick isn’t too gory (or doesn’t take place in an insane asylum), I’ll watch.  There’s just something about an insane asylum that turns me off the movie…

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9 responses to “Friday the 13th”

  1. Jane says:

    I like the Exorcist.

  2. Allison says:

    I’m not good with them. My imagination takes over and I can kiss my good night’s sleep goodbye. I still have to “look away” when it’s the swamp scene from Princess Bride!!! Enjoy your movie marathon Cynthia 🙂

  3. Jeanette Jackson says:

    I also do not have a favorite..I pretty much love them all.

  4. Brandy says:

    My imagination works overtime when I watch horror movies! I haven’t seen one in years. I can say that I LIKE Rose Red (the Stephen King movie based on a script he wrote) but I have to watch it during the day. *G* That’s not a horror movie though, is it?

  5. Edie says:

    I don’t like horror shows. I watched The Sixth Sense, but that really wasn’t a horror show. I’ve never even watched Psycho. That was too scary for me.

  6. Lisa F. says:

    When I was a teenager I loved all the scary movies – now I can’t stand them. I can’t sleep at night if I watch one now. Give me a good book anyday over a scary movie!

  7. LaDonna says:

    Hey Cindy, I’m a fraidy cat basically! Last night hubby and I watched 30 days of night. That was even too gory for me. I did love the Mothman movie, though. 🙂

  8. Zoe Winters says:

    I don’t like them. They tend to make me anxious or a bit depressed. I’m generally not anxious about what the movie was about, it just sort of triggers that brain response.

  9. Cynthia Eden says:

    Oh, Jane, that one scares me! 🙂 But, of course, I watch anyway.

    Hi, Brandy! I count that one as horror–and, hey, I caught that on TV just a few days ago (on the Sci Fi Channel)–sure made me nervous…

    Hey, Edie! I loved The Sixth Sense–one of my favorite movies.

    Lisa, I can’t sleep after I watch them either–but I still feel compelled to watch! What is wrong with me?

    I saw that one (30 Days of Night), LaDonna! Caught it in the theaters with the hubby. I liked it–until the end. Not the ending I was hoping for.

    Hi, Zoe! I know others who feel the exact same way.