Finding time to write. Back to Blog

When people find out what I do for a living, I often get the response of “I’d love to write, too–but I just don’t have the time.”

Well, if you truly want to be a writer, you have to MAKE TIME.

I know, I know–this is a terrible point in the year for the old “you’ve got to write!” talk. The holidays are coming. People have turkeys to cook. Gifts to buy. Festive songs to sing. But…

If you want to write, don’t wait until the New Year rings in–don’t wait until you make a resolution for 08 in which you vow to write 3 pages a day–write now. Why? Because I don’t believe in putting things off until tomorrow. I’m not Scarlett–she likes to worry about things tomorrow.

If you are a person who wants to write, truly wants to write–you will find the time. You won’t let a job, school, family, a move (cough-cough–okay, the last one is directed at myself!) stop you.

Take thirty minutes. Skip a favorite show. Stay up late. Write during lunch. If you want to write a book, claim the time and get started.

Best of luck to you!

Note: This rant was inspired by my previously blogged visit to FedEx. Did I mention that the FedEx clerk wants to write? So many people have the desire to write inside of them–time to let that desire out. What is the worst thing that can happen? Rejection? Come on, been there, done that. Try!

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3 responses to “Finding time to write.”

  1. You’re so right, Cindy. You have to make the time to write. This year we moved too. Add that to a full-time job and a husband who’s had some bad luck healthwise this year…and I know I never would have started, much less finished any stories this year if I’d waited until I had time to write.

    I can’t stay up late – my eyes get too tired. But I write during my lunch break and I don’t watch much TV and I don’t read as much as I’d like. But I get a lot of pages written! It can be done!! Great post!

  2. Edie says:

    Cindy, you’re absolutely right! I have a friend who gets up at 3 in the morning to write 2 hours before she gets ready to go to work. When Allison Brennan was in my critique group, she worked full time and had five kids. She would write late at night every night. If anyone had an excuse not to write, it was Allison. And look what happened to her! Her books are on the bestseller list now. She’s an inspiration.

  3. Cynthia Eden says:

    Thanks, Natasha! It certainly sounds like you’ve had one busy year–congratulations on all that you’ve accomplished!

    Hi, Edie! Wow–getting up at 3 a.m. is definitely dedicated! And Allison with her five kids–inspiring! I guess it just comes down to how badly you want to write…