Creepy or Cool? (Wait–I promise, the giveaway is cool–a Bath & Body Works Gift Card!) Back to Blog

Update: The winner of the Bath & Body Works gift card is…Janie McGaugh!

Have you heard of the Elf on the Shelf? I bet you have…

And I’ll confess, when I first heard of the Elf on the Shelf, I thought it was a little creepy.  An elf that “watches” your child and reports back to Santa Claus? A little being that sneaks around when you aren’t looking and plays tricks on you?  I think it was because the clown in the old Poltergeist movie frightened me so much (who remembers him?!), but I’ve been leery of stuffed animals/dolls/etc. that can “move” for a long time.

So, yes, I was hesitant about the Elf on the Shelf.

My son wasn’t so hesitant. From the minute he saw the elf in the store, he was hooked.  My son named his elf Fizzley–and he loves Fizzley. I’m talking mad, bad, total love. When Fizzley leaves our house, it’s like my son loses a friend. And when Fizzley comes back…oh, sweet happy times, there is much rejoicing.

And, Fizzley, well, he’s not creepy. He’s sweet. He plays tricks, sure, but they are all in good fun.  I like to think that if that crazy clown from Poltergeist ever came calling, Fizzley would fight him. Fizzley is my son’s protector, his guardian elf.

Here’s a little bit of Fizzley action for you…

Elves like snow, right? We just don’t get a whole lot of real snow in Alabama…
Um, I think elves also like toilet paper. Or, at least, toilet paper Christmas tree slides…

But what’s your vote on the elves? Creepy or cool?  And for this giveaway, I want to offer a prize that will let you indulge a bit–a $25 e-gift card to Bath and Body Works.  Just comment to be entered in the giveaway! The winner will be randomly selected after noon (Central) tomorrow.

And, hey, if you happen to be looking for Elf on the Shelf ideas, check out this great site–it’s helped me!

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107 responses to “Creepy or Cool? (Wait–I promise, the giveaway is cool–a Bath & Body Works Gift Card!)”

  1. Kelsey S. says:

    I never really thought much about the elf on the shelf until my son came home from daycare last year all excited about it. He was so excited to go into school each day to see where the silly elf was hiding.


  2. Lillie says:

    This the the first I’ve heard of Elf on a Shelf. It’s a little creepy to me. Maybe it’s on of those things that have to grow on you.

  3. Ashley H says:

    I think they are cool and kids seem to love them.

  4. pam parise says:

    my niece just got one of these for her two sons..i personally think he’s a little creepy but if it helps the kids behave more power to the elf!!!

  5. Melissa Becker says:

    I think it’s creepy. All the kids in our family have one in their house except for us. I refuse to “invite” one it. I always liked the elves in our house for decoration but no way on the elf on the shelf.

  6. Catherine Lemanski says:

    I personally think it is creepy but understand the concept behind it. Kids today need a physical reminder to be good for the coming holidays.

  7. Deanna G. says:

    I vote cool.

  8. My kids think they are so cool…. as long as I don’t put them in their bedroom and they have to stay up high because they scare them if they get to close lol
    so my answer is they are creepily cool 🙂

  9. martha lawson says:

    Well, personally, i think elves are pretty cool! Thanks for the chance.

  10. Sharon says:

    Sorry-totally creepy! Yikes! There was this old TV show, can’t remember the name, that had an episode about killer dolls. It was very scary! 20 odd years later, I’m still not a doll lover.

  11. Jolene A says:

    I just got elf on the shelf and have been collecting ideas on pinterest! Can’t wait to get started!!

  12. elaing8 says:

    Last year was the first time I heard about this Elf on the Shelf.And I thought it was kinda creepy.Normal elves are cool..this one not so much 🙂

  13. Timitra says:

    Just now was the first time I heard of elf on the shelf…I don’t think they’re creepy I always thought of them as cute so I’m going with cool!

  14. donnas says:

    Elves are cool. This one though has the potential for both, but it can be made fun.

  15. I haven’t done the Elf on the Shelf with my kids yet, though I was considering it this year. I’ll admit, it did seem kind of creepy to me at first but after a few years and several friends doing it I’m warming up to the idea. 🙂
    And Bath & Body Works, you’ve found my weakness! I get myself into all kinds of trouble online at that store! lol

  16. Rebecca says:

    Growing up we had this creepy elf and I didn’t know why it was just there. It wasn’t until last Christmas that it was a spy for Santa. When left home I took some of the Christmas decorations but left the elf for my brother.

  17. angelmarie says:

    Totally creepy!! My niece who’s 3 totally digs it.::shudder::

  18. Terry F says:

    I’ve never heard of it before but if it helps the kids behave that’s totally cool with me…LOL.

  19. Lisa B says:

    elves are cool as long as they are funny and they aren’t playing tricks on me lol

    Lisa B

    I don’t have a Elf on the shelf but i know lots of people who do and really get into the fun of it.

  20. Barbara Elness says:

    Oh, I think the elves are cute, and definitely cool, not creepy. 😀 I’ve just started seeing these Elf on a Shelf, and think they’re a lot of fun.

  21. Diane says:

    I never knew about the Elf until my mother in law gave me this ragged toy that she said her son, my hubby, loved as a child; needless to say, he didn’t remember it at all!!!

  22. Sheryl says:

    I just found about the Elf on the SHelf this year. I think it’s a cute idea. I am thinking that I need to get one of these for my son.

  23. catslady says:

    Lol I’ve never heard of it but it sounds like fun to me!!

  24. Awww I think they’re cute—cool vote all the way 😉 Thanks so much for a fun post!

  25. JoAnna B says:

    I think it is cute. But my kids are a bit too old for the Elf on the shelf.

  26. Allison W says:

    Kinda undecided… I don’t necessarily get it… lol

  27. Nareh says:

    I think it’s cool.

  28. Janie McGaugh says:

    I always thought elves were cool, even before I discovered Legolas! Now, I think some of them are hot, too!

  29. Chelsea B. says:

    This is the first time I’m hearing about it, actually! If the kids love it, that’s great. I think I’m on both sides of the fence, though 😉

  30. Sherry says:

    I’ve never heard about the elf on a shelf but it sounds great.

  31. Jacki C says:

    I actually bought the “elf on a shelf” for my preschool classroom. We are going to have a big welcome for him on the 3rd of December. He is going to slide down a rope and land on the head of one of my staff – to the astonishment of my special ed preschoolers. It should be so fun!!

  32. bn100 says:

    a little of both

  33. Barb P says:

    I think that Elf on a Shelf is cute. My son was way past this when they came out with it, but if it had been around when he was little he/and his parents would have loved it. Thanks for the giveaway.

  34. Julianne says:

    I’ve heard of Elf on a Shelf, but I have no idea what it is or about. In general, I do like elves, they can be cute and funny.

  35. Bonnie Hilligoss says:

    I had never heard of Elf on the Shelf until last year when we went to dinner with a couple and their two young children and they brought the Elf along to watch. A little creepy. But the kids behaved!

  36. Cindi C says:

    OMG, thank you for reminding me. *runs off to move the elf* I am always forgetting to move the damn thing every night.

  37. May says:

    I think it’s kind of cool… not creepy to me…

  38. Taz says:

    I rather find them more cute, definitely not creepy!

  39. Anne R says:

    We have an elf. I really do think it is a bit creepy but the little man LOVES it. And we have so much fun coming up with good locations for him. I am using these too ideas. I have used flour and the elf made a snow angel.

  40. Tiffany K says:

    I’ve never heard of those, but I think they are cool!

  41. PamM says:

    I have been wanting to get one for a while now. Now that they have a girl Elf I want it for sure for my little one.

  42. Meg G. says:

    Its a little of both, cute idea but the elf is actually a little creepy. Thanks for the giveaway!

  43. jeanette8042 says:

    This is a bit creepy for me since I’m not a huge fan of dolls.

  44. Kimh says:

    Both lol

  45. Hilleary Peterson says:

    Mixed feeling on the elf however I have a while my little one is only two we are still trying to get used to Santa. I not really sure I like the elf because I don’t want her to feel like Christmas is in jeopardy I felt like that too much growing up and I was actually good.

  46. chelleyreads says:

    cool! (but slightly creepy at the same time)

  47. Little Lamb Lost says:

    I had never considered but actually think it falls under cool. At least, Fizzly sounds very cool.

  48. ELF says:

    As an ELF myself…he sounds cool…hopefully, lol

  49. CateS says:

    I’ve always been a fan of elves… long time LOTR reader and fan…

  50. Carol says:

    My cousin’s girls go crazy over the elf, and cuz and wife love finding hiding places every might for him…. They laugh, giggle….great for their marriage!