Creepy or Cool? (Wait–I promise, the giveaway is cool–a Bath & Body Works Gift Card!) Back to Blog

Update: The winner of the Bath & Body Works gift card is…Janie McGaugh!

Have you heard of the Elf on the Shelf? I bet you have…

And I’ll confess, when I first heard of the Elf on the Shelf, I thought it was a little creepy.  An elf that “watches” your child and reports back to Santa Claus? A little being that sneaks around when you aren’t looking and plays tricks on you?  I think it was because the clown in the old Poltergeist movie frightened me so much (who remembers him?!), but I’ve been leery of stuffed animals/dolls/etc. that can “move” for a long time.

So, yes, I was hesitant about the Elf on the Shelf.

My son wasn’t so hesitant. From the minute he saw the elf in the store, he was hooked.  My son named his elf Fizzley–and he loves Fizzley. I’m talking mad, bad, total love. When Fizzley leaves our house, it’s like my son loses a friend. And when Fizzley comes back…oh, sweet happy times, there is much rejoicing.

And, Fizzley, well, he’s not creepy. He’s sweet. He plays tricks, sure, but they are all in good fun.  I like to think that if that crazy clown from Poltergeist ever came calling, Fizzley would fight him. Fizzley is my son’s protector, his guardian elf.

Here’s a little bit of Fizzley action for you…

Elves like snow, right? We just don’t get a whole lot of real snow in Alabama…
Um, I think elves also like toilet paper. Or, at least, toilet paper Christmas tree slides…

But what’s your vote on the elves? Creepy or cool?  And for this giveaway, I want to offer a prize that will let you indulge a bit–a $25 e-gift card to Bath and Body Works.  Just comment to be entered in the giveaway! The winner will be randomly selected after noon (Central) tomorrow.

And, hey, if you happen to be looking for Elf on the Shelf ideas, check out this great site–it’s helped me!

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107 responses to “Creepy or Cool? (Wait–I promise, the giveaway is cool–a Bath & Body Works Gift Card!)”

  1. Maria D. says:

    Well…I usually like elves – and I think the idea of an elf you can put on a shelf as a decoration is pretty cool but yeah…not so sure about this Elf on the Shelf idea – but hey…if your son is not freaked out then it must be okay…so I’m going with the ambiguous I’m not sure…lol..thanks for the giveaway

  2. I like elves. I think they are cute but I can definitely see the creepy factor with them watching you. I honestly never thought about it like that.

  3. Catherine says:

    I’m saying this as someone who doesn’t have kids….I think he’s a kinda creepy, peep-y critter. One of our local attractions here has one that shows up in various places in their lush gardens. I have a secret fantasy that one of the giant oak limbs would land on him…hehehe…
    catherinelee100 at gmail dot com

  4. Chris Bails says:

    I like elves, not creepy at all. My kids both love this book. They read it in school all the time during the holiday season. I have not read it. I guess I am going to find at library and check it out.
    I do like elves. I especially love the movie ELF. Will Farrell does make the best elf.

  5. Michele says:

    Love the elves!!! Both of my children have one each and they look forward to their elves returning each year. Now we don’t have the Elf on the Shelf, just found stuffed elves at a store. Love the magic they create with my children. They write notes to their elves and I keep each and every one 🙂

  6. Shelly E says:

    Elves are ok — clowns are creepy. And sock monkeys with that huge red mouth makes me think of zombies… won’t have one in the house!!!

  7. Minna says:

    I like elves. Here they are called tonttu, and traditionally it was believed they took care of a farmer’s home and children and protected them from misfortune, in particular at night, when the housefolk were asleep.

  8. Renee says:

    Well I was glad our girls were too old to appreciate Elf on a shelf when it finally came out since I kind of find it creepy LOL and I usually am all for elves and those kinds of things LOL

  9. Larissa Hardesty says:


  10. Lianne says:

    The elves are cute in a creepy way. If I had children in my house I’d get an elf!

  11. Shell says:

    Hiya Cynthia! 🙂

    Elves are super cool! They are cute, sometimes sexy, sometimes smexy, and sometimes warrors!

    Kind Regards,

    Michelle Louise Pratley

  12. Raonaid Luckwell says:

    Um… lol my vote would go to D&D type elves. Now those I love ’em. Drow, Sylvan. Actually they are what I write about in my story.

  13. Na S. says:

    The elves seem to be very adventurous which makes them pretty cool!

  14. JeanMP says:

    Elves are cool. First time I saw the Elf on a Shelf, thought it was so cute.

  15. tammy polla says:


  16. Anne says:

    Creepy, but I like the toilet paper tree. I like whimsey.

  17. Rosemary Krejsa says:

    The elves with Santa are a fun bunch, but none of my children liked the elf on the shelf. Too creepy.

  18. Julie Kornhausl says:

    I didn’t know anything about Mr. Elf on the Shelf until about 2 days ago. I don’t know why I haven’t heard of him much sooner,since I have three young children. My friend was posting pictures of her Elf on Facebook and I thought it was the cutest thing! I have a Bah Hum”bug” that I hang in my Kitchen for Christmas. He’s some crazy looking bug dressed up like Santa.

    I really like the Elf on the Shelf and I think my kids would, too!

    Julie K

  19. Rana Adams says:

    Miss Cynthia, I have to admit that I have never heard of Elf on the Shelf! How cute the idea is though! I have never really been creeped out by dolls, clowns and whatnot. Thank you sharing and I am going to check out the link you posted. Happy Holiday to you!! *hugs*

  20. Shayna Snyder says:

    Omg! So creepy! My Aunt does this with her three kids and they aren’t freaked out about it, but I am 😉

  21. Cammih says:

    We have an Elf on the Shelf and my daughter writes to him every night .. and he writes back .. 🙂 She is 10 years old now and we have had him several years and she still loves the thought of him “flying to Santa” and reporting every night .. Even though she knows it’s not true… We have really enjoyed him!

  22. Nancy Naigle says:

    I have to say that this little guy creeps me out totally! He just looks like a troublemaker to me.

  23. Micki says:

    Elves are cute, but having said that, I will physically hurt anyone who decides the Elf on the Shelf is a good thing for us to have. My understanding is that the elf moves every night or else the child will believe that elf had nothing good to report to Santa. Kind of like the tooth fairy visiting EVERY NIGHT. That part is the creepy part of it. Plus the tooth fairy who visits our house is a bit forgetful at times. I don’t want my kid traumatized if the elf sips a little too much egg nog one night and forgets to report to Santa. And really, does Santa need a daily report? I chalk Elf on the Shelf up to evil marketing geniuses who prey on unsuspecting moms with some cutesy gimmick. But if you can keep up with your elf, more power to you!

  24. Jeannie Platt says:

    My friend does this with her son… I didn’t hear about it till my son was 6 and he isn’t in to that sort of thing and well with the jokesters in my house it wouldn’t be a good idea to get elf on the shelf involved… But i don’t think it is creepy i think it is sweet…however i agree if it was a clown totally creepy.

  25. Amy S. says:

    I like elves. I don’t like clown dolls. I think the clown in It made me not like clowns. I like the movie Elf too. Its one of my favorite Christmas movies.

  26. Shannon says:

    Maybe a tiny bit creepy but a whole ton of fun. I can’t wait to do this with our son once he gets a little older (he is almost 2). I love the creative ideas

  27. jennifer mathis says:

    it is creepy when you look at it as a spying doll but my kids love the elf on the shelf idea

  28. Larena Hubble says:

    He looks cute but something that is always watching? That is a little creepy. Elves overall are fine.

  29. Rita Wray says:

    That is cute, I like it.

  30. Heather A says:

    I think the elves are great! We have one an his name is Dwight Howard Elfie. He will be coming out in a couple days.

  31. Michelle Harlan says:

    Not creepy at all! I love elves…wish my kids were younger so that we could have our own Elf on a Shelf. Unfortunately, I didn’t learn about him until last year & youngest had already discovered that *spoiler* Santa’s not real *shudders*.

  32. Elizabeth H. says:

    A little creepy.

    ehaney578 at aol dot com

  33. I say cool I luv elfs

  34. Texas Book Lover says:

    A friend of mine has one and swears by it! I think my youngest daughter would probably like it for another year or two so to me it isn’t worth investing in now. My oldest daughter would come up with reasons to make fun of it. So it is a no for our house!

  35. Joyce says:

    I like sexy Lord of the Ring elves! Not sure about this little red guy, semi-creepy.

  36. BarbaraV says:

    My daughter loves the Elf on the Shelf. They look forward finding her every day in the mornings. We even bought a skirt for our elf. It’s fun and a great holiday tradition that helps with the girls’ behaviors. I think is pretty cool.

  37. JanieC says:

    I think elves are cute. I also like Will Ferrell’s Elf, but he might freak people out.

  38. I think they are great ~ I picked up the skirt last week. This years elf is a girl ~ I just know she is going to get into all kinds of trouble.

  39. Carla Gallway says:

    I think the Elf on a Shelf is a cute idea and helps the tradition of Santa Claus. I think it’s adorable that kids think the elf really reports back to Santa. 🙂

  40. Glittergirl says:

    Elfs at Christmas are way cool. When I was a child (way before Elf on a Shelf) my Momma had them tucked all over the house. Now that she’s passed I’ll have to dig them out of the Christmas stuff 🙂

  41. Amy R says:

    Elves in general are just weird. Can’t say they are creepy or cool. I think the Elf on the Shelf thing is neat. I have never done it but it would be fun to do with my kids – gotta go check out the website. 🙂

  42. Rachel says:

    I think they are cool. I want one.—Rachel

  43. Lori Cameron says:

    I had them for my kids when they were little. And they also looked forward to them every year.

  44. Shannon says:

    I think they can be creepy just like clowns and dolls. It just depends on how they look. Their facial expression and especially the eyes can make it go creepy or cute.

  45. petula winmill says:

    I think I would like to be an Elf. I could be good or naughty. Not sure if we have that shop here in Spain but never mind I wanted to comment anyway.

  46. kimberleyc says:

    I love elf on the shelf… My mama used to make up stories for me when I was little about my Leprechaun Mixed-Up Paddy. (wish she had written them down for me)
    Elf on the Shelf reminds me of those stories and makes me smile.

  47. Viki S. says:

    Christmas elves are cool but I think all others can be a bit scary. Like Shannon says, they’re kind of like clowns.
    Thank you.

  48. Shari C says:

    Don’t care for the elf on the shelf, but, in general, I like elves. They are cute and in most tales they are fun to be around…Santa seems to enjoy having them at the North Pole, so who am I to not want their company.

  49. Colleen says:

    Never read the book… I do not mind elves… I think of elves for both Christmas and Celtic fairytales…

  50. Brooke F. says:

    I, personally, think the Elf on a Shelf is a little creepy and I would have flipped out as a kid if one of my toys “moved” around. However, my kids do not see it the same way and think it is cool. Guess you gotta be young LOL. 🙂