Creepy or Cool? (Wait–I promise, the giveaway is cool–a Bath & Body Works Gift Card!) Back to Blog

Update: The winner of the Bath & Body Works gift card is…Janie McGaugh!

Have you heard of the Elf on the Shelf? I bet you have…

And I’ll confess, when I first heard of the Elf on the Shelf, I thought it was a little creepy.  An elf that “watches” your child and reports back to Santa Claus? A little being that sneaks around when you aren’t looking and plays tricks on you?  I think it was because the clown in the old Poltergeist movie frightened me so much (who remembers him?!), but I’ve been leery of stuffed animals/dolls/etc. that can “move” for a long time.

So, yes, I was hesitant about the Elf on the Shelf.

My son wasn’t so hesitant. From the minute he saw the elf in the store, he was hooked.  My son named his elf Fizzley–and he loves Fizzley. I’m talking mad, bad, total love. When Fizzley leaves our house, it’s like my son loses a friend. And when Fizzley comes back…oh, sweet happy times, there is much rejoicing.

And, Fizzley, well, he’s not creepy. He’s sweet. He plays tricks, sure, but they are all in good fun.  I like to think that if that crazy clown from Poltergeist ever came calling, Fizzley would fight him. Fizzley is my son’s protector, his guardian elf.

Here’s a little bit of Fizzley action for you…

Elves like snow, right? We just don’t get a whole lot of real snow in Alabama…
Um, I think elves also like toilet paper. Or, at least, toilet paper Christmas tree slides…

But what’s your vote on the elves? Creepy or cool?  And for this giveaway, I want to offer a prize that will let you indulge a bit–a $25 e-gift card to Bath and Body Works.  Just comment to be entered in the giveaway! The winner will be randomly selected after noon (Central) tomorrow.

And, hey, if you happen to be looking for Elf on the Shelf ideas, check out this great site–it’s helped me!

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107 responses to “Creepy or Cool? (Wait–I promise, the giveaway is cool–a Bath & Body Works Gift Card!)”

  1. Ora says:

    I have always thought it kind of creepy because of its smile. It makes me think of the Puppet Master.

  2. Limecello says:

    I’ve heard people talking about Elf on the Shelf, but hadn’t seen one until now. Creepy. Totally creepy. But then, I also think dolls etc are creepy. And you know what/who are always always bad in horror flicks? Kids, and kid stuff. That’s right. The dolls, etc. They’ll get you!

  3. Kym says:

    I think a little creepy. My daughter didn’t want him anywhere near our house. LOL 🙂

  4. Heather M says:

    I think they are CREEPY!! My older kids are 12 and 10 so they want nothing to do with this. I also have a 2 year old but she knows nothing about it yet. I am hoping she never wants it

  5. Michelle Bledsoe says:

    I find elves both creepy and cool. It depends on how they are portrayed. I really love cartoon elves though. We have a Santa Ladder that has a stuffed Santa, Reindeer, Snowman, and Elf attached to it. My daughter always takes the elf off and hides him. She says he gives her the creeps…LOL

  6. Leagh says:

    I think it is a bit of both, creepy and cool but something that kids can get into if they aren’t creeped out by it. LOL. I could see how it could possibly creep someone out though and I wouldn’t want to see him sitting in a dark room. *shudder*

  7. Melissa B says:

    LOL, OK, really? Kinda creepy! They squick me out!