Booking It Back to Blog

Yes, I am bringing back my “Booking It” posts–those posts that let me chat all about books I like, books I want to read, books on my keeper shelf–books! And if you want to talk books, too, feel free to chat it up in the comments. Tell me what you want to read. Tell me your favorite all-time book. If you’re an author, tell me about your latest release–Booking It is open to everyone.

First up, today, one of my favorite authors (and a really fun lady) has a release. Congratulations, Larissa Ione!  ECSTASY UNVEILED is available now in a bookstore near you!

If you haven’t tried books in Larissa’s Demonica world yet–what are you waiting for?  This book will give you a half-breed demon assassin and an earthbound angel. Come on, you know that sounds cool!  I love the Demonica stories and I think this installment will be just as compelling as the others.

Now, for my second book…


This is a YA book about a girl who discovers she’s actually a vampire princess.  Oh, wow. I couldn’t put this book down!  After a few pages, I was addicted. Such an easy, fun read! Great characters–cool plot.  If you’re looking for a good YA read, I’d definitely recommend this!

Now, what have you got for me? What should I be reading?

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9 responses to “Booking It”

  1. Melissa says:

    OOH, this sounds like a fun feature, Cynthia!! And let me tell you, I LOVED Lore! This story ROCKED, and I cannot WAIT for Sin’s story. I’m all about some Demons these days, lol.

    I love when authors I love feature authors ~~~ I’ve found some great books that way. Elisabeth Naughton is one that has become a keeper that I found this way. Beth Kerry is another that comes to mind….Very cool idea!!

  2. Edie says:

    Both books sound great! I was planning to write my next Magical blog on favorite books. lol The subject came up on a group I belong to, and I thought it would make a good blog topic. I think I’ll still do it.

    Mine is back to the classics. Pride & Prejudice by Jane Austen. Great characters, great wit, great insights, great first line, great writing. 🙂

  3. jodie west says:

    i love this feature Cynthia!! greaat way to find out about new books!! i am currently reading Lore! i love the demonica series!!!

    JESSICA’S GUIDE TO DATING ON THE DARK SIDE sounds great too. must add to my TBR wish list!! thanks for sharing!

  4. Michele says:

    Love that you are bringing back Book It 🙂

    In an hour I will be on my way to the bookstore to pick up my copy of Lore’s story. Another book I’m going to grab is Jennifer Ashley’s new book Pride Mates: Shifters Unbound. Been really excited about this new series by Jennifer.

  5. Brandy says:

    Yay! Book It is back! I always enjoy learning about new-to-me authors. *G* I read Jessica’s Guide to Dating the Dark Side and liked it. My daughter did as well. Since my reading is so eclectic I’m not sure anything I bought-you’d like. However, I just purchased Firespell by Chloe Neill (YA), The Next Best Thing by Kristan Higgins (Romantic Fiction) and Steamed by Katie MacAlister (Steampunk).

  6. Rhonda says:

    Woot! I love this feature… Larissa’s series pulled me right into the demon world! Lore was waiting for me when I got home and I’m already a few chapters in 😉

  7. Cynthia Eden says:

    Oh, Melissa, you are making me jealous!! I’ve got to read this ASAP! (I need more reading time!!)

    Hi, Edie! Oh, I will eagerly await that Magical post. I’m all about favorite books! 🙂

    Hey, Jodie! I think you’ll really enjoy Jessica’s Gudie–and I think the author is writing a sequel–all about how to marry a vampire.

    Michele, I’ll have to check out Pride Mates–thanks so much for mentioning that one!

    Brandy, I like the title Firespell. That’s interesting. I’ll go to Amazon and check out all these books!

    Rhonda, you and Melissa are trying to make me jealous! I’ve got the book, just haven’t had the pleasure of cracking it open yet. Grr!

  8. If you guys liked “Jessica’s Guide” you might want to check out an additional story the author wrote on her website:
    It takes place after this book and is really good!

    It’s not paranormal but a good book I just read was “The Secret Year” by Jennifer Hubbard, Also “Getting Revenge On Lauren Wood” – that one is worth it for the cover alone 🙂


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