Book Shout-Out and NaNo Back to Blog
Congrats to Ava Gray (Ann Aguirre) on the release of her new book, SKIN GAME!
I’ve been wanting to read SKIN GAME for a while, so I’m excited about release day. 🙂 But, since I am participating in NaNoWriMo, I’m going to have to wait a bit on the actual reading of the book. I’ll buy it today, but I’ll save SKIN GAME until I hit my mid-way point on NaNo–it’ll be my reward read. I do love reward reads.
Is anyone else participating in NaNoWriMo? This is my first time to join the writing festivities. (November is national novel writing month! Got a book you want to write? Now is the perfect time!) I’ve actually got two books I want to write this month–one is a Christmas novella and one is a paranormal novel. Um, will I actually write them both in a month? LOL, probably not, but I am going to try and knock out as much as possible before December (and the madness of Christmas) comes calling.
If you are participating in NaNoWriMo, tell me how you’re doing. There’s strength in sharing the pain–er, fun!
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I’m not in NaNo, but I’m planning to write a lot, even without Nano. Go, Cindy, go! Write like the wind. Or better yet, like Nora!
Good luck doing NaNo! I and a few of the ladies from Heartla are doing NaNo as well this year. So far so good, 3k words. 🙂
I’m not a writer, so I won’t be participating in NaNo. But, I wish you the best of luck on accomplishing your goals!
I’m doing ok. Passed the 5000 mark and moving in on 6000. You better get the one story done since it is due in December! LOL! I’m sure you’ll get it done although with no serial killer, you may not be happy with it.
Definitely not participating but cheering on all of you who are! Good writing to you, Cynthia!
Never participated but have heard good things about NaNo. I have too many time constraints that I KNOW I’d never keep up. Good luck with your run, Cyn.
I’m in on NaNoWriMo, too. I’m not writing a novel from start to finish. Instead, I’m finishing the novel you were so great to critique for me. I figure it needs about another 30,000 – 50,000 words. Wish me luck!
I’m a NaNo! My first year, and super excited about stumbling onto the website just weeks before NaNo started! I spent those weeks plotting my paranormal romance (and ignored my contemporary that I was writing – at least until December 1st)! The first two days I wrote over 11K words. But, I had to take the next couple off for family. Last night I added another 3K. I now have a total of 14+K… and just dying to get behind the keyboard again!! I have the synopsis on my blog. And I’m on NaNo as Michelle_Bethell if you (or anyone else) wants to add me as a buddy.