Birthday Fun!!! Back to Blog

Update: Thank you all so much for the birthday wishes!  And thank you for sharing your birthday memories with me. I had such a wonderful time reading through all the comments. You’ve sure had some fabulous birthday celebrations!
The winner of the $15 gift certificate (by random drawing) is…Jeanette Juan! Congrats, Jeanette!

Hi, everyone!  Hope you are enjoying my Deadly Days of Summer.

Today is my birthday (Yay! Happy birthday to me!) so I thought I’d share the birthday cheer and give one commenter a present. Want to win a $15 gift certificate? Then just tell me about your favorite birthday memory.  Share! I’ll pick one random commenter to win.

And have a great day.  🙂

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62 responses to “Birthday Fun!!!”

  1. Lois M. says:

    Happy Super-Terrific Birthday! 🙂 Me. . . well, no one memory, but I always look forward to the birthday Carvel ice cream cake every day. . . well, I did start my rubber duckie collection around my birthday maybe a decade ago. . . in my 20s. 😉 Could have gotten the official Ernie Rubber Duckie for Christmas, though, give the two dates are only two days apart, unfortunately. LOL The events can blur together sometimes. 😉


  2. Virginia C says:

    Happy, Happy Birthday! I hope you treated yourself to something wickedly wonderful : )

    The Traditional American Thanksgiving Dinner, with all the trimmings, is my favorite meal, and I prepare it at random times throughout the year to give myself a treat. My birthday is in July, and years ago a family friend surprised me with a complete, “pull out all the stops” Birthday Thanksgiving Dinner. It is my all-time favorite birthday dinner ever!

  3. Michele says:

    That was so nice of you to share your birthday fun with all of us. Hope your birthday was fabulous with your family.

    Favorite birthday memory for me was when I was six getting to take some of my friends to this cool ice cream palor and all of us getting to order whatever we wanted 🙂

  4. Tracey D says:

    Happy Birthday, Cynthia. I wish you a wonderful and fun-filled day.

    When I was in college, one year was really tough. Several close relatives had died, including 2 of my grandparents; all in a span of a few months. I was in the dumps on my birthday and it was cold and snowing. All I wanted to do was go to class and return to my apartment and warm bed. A couple of friends stopped by and convinced me to go out to dinner with them to celebrate my birthday, which I did. When I returned home, my roommates had organized a big surpirse birthday bash for me.

    It was such a surpise and so sweet, I ended up crying! But I’ll always remember it.

    Thanks for sharing your special day with us.

  5. Britt says:

    Happy Birthday!!!! I hope you enjoy your special day!
    My grandmother calling me first thing in the morning of my B-Day to sing sing the Happy B-day verison that says I looked like a monkey and smelled like one too! She sang it to me every year from the time I was a child till I was an adult and she had a stroke and wasn’t able to anymore.
    Now I make sure that I sing the same verison to my little monkey as soon as his eyes open on his Happy Day!

  6. Shari C says:

    Happy Birthday on your Special Day!

    Remember…Don’t count the years! Count the Blessings!

    Enjoy! Enjoy! Enjoy!

  7. blodeuedd says:

    Well the bdays I had when I was a kid. My friends would come on, over, we would play, eat yummy food, and then always go and play in my grandparents haybarn. My parties were famous for that and it was so much fun.

    Happy Birthday!!

  8. Valere says:

    Happy Birthday to you!!!!!!

    I remember my 21st, when my friends took me to a Mexican restaurant and I fell in love with Mexican food. We had a wonderful evening. They got me a lovely cake and the band played Happy Birthday for me. When the band stopped playing, the guitar went around our table and we all sang together. Sigh, that was a long time ago.

  9. Lina says:

    Happy Birthday, Cynthia!
    My best and worst birthday was when I turned 30. For some reason I felt like I was over the hill. LOL My whole office got together and threw me the biggest, best bash to celebrate my day because they knew it was a tough one for me. Nice people!

  10. Quilt Lady says:

    A BIG HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU! Every year around my birthday I spend a weekend at my sister’s house and we have a big dinner and a few drinks ater. We always have a wonderful time. I look forward to it!

  11. Dinah says:

    Happy Birthday, hopefully it is not as hot where you are as here. They are predicting 100+, yesterday was 109 I think.
    It is birthday time with my family. My Mothers was yesterday and mine is Tuesday. This year a group of friends and I are going to play with fabric paints and fabric as well as a group lunch.

  12. LSUReader says:

    Happy birthday. You share a birthday with a significant historical event–the anniversary of D-Day. I share a birthday with my hubby. That’s my favorite memory; every year we get to share it together! Hope you have a wonderful day.

  13. Happy Birthday!!! I hope all your wishes come true and that you have a truly spectacular time on this special day of yours.

    My fave B-day memory…when my Mum surprised me with a shopping spree day…we had such a blast…buying books and eating out at a fantastic restaurant. It was awesome.

  14. Viki says:

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY! I hope you have an extra wonderful day.

    My favorite birthday memory is when I was dating my husband and he brought a lemon cake over to my house. My 2 yr old wanted to blow out the candles and spit all over the cake. It was very interesting eating a cake covered in baby spit and ashes. We laugh about it every yr on my birthday.

  15. Colleen says:

    Happy Happy B-day!!! 😀
    My fav B-day memory was my 11th… we were on a Disney Cruise and my b-day was on the last day… the staff came out with a cake and sang… it was the grandest thing I ever saw as a kid… they even gave me a small cake to take home with me, but it ended up boiled in the heat of the car… still one of the greatest memories I have of a B-day! 😀

  16. Barb P says:

    Hi Cynthia! A very Happy B-Day to you! My favorite birthday memory is the birthday that I just had. I turned 50, (Yea!) and on my birthday, my son graduated from highschool as his classes Valedictorian. Talk about a great birthday present! I was so proud!!!!!

  17. Jeanette Juan says:

    Happy Birthday Cynthia! I hope you have a fabulous day! My favorite birthday memory was a get together with my closest friends to celebrate after not seeing each other for a long time. It was fun catching up and hanging out together.

  18. Joder says:

    Happy Birthday Cynthia! My best memories were when my grandmother was still alive. She would make my favorite meal of chicken and dumplings every year. And since I have a love of black olives, she’d give me a can as a present. Now that she’s passed, birthdays always seem lacking.

  19. Judy Cox says:

    Happy Birthday Cynthia!! Have a great day!!

    My favorite birthday was when my husband asked me to marry him at my birthday party. My now sister-in-law had given me a big party and he suprised me with a ring :)That was about 46 years ago!!! Wow!!

  20. Ina says:

    *singing* Happy Birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Cynthia, happy birthday to youuuuuuu 🙂 wish you all the best!

    My favorite birthday was 20th – we made a big party and I got a lot things for a quick move-out *gg*
    greetings, Ina

  21. Cybercliper says:

    Happy Birthday!!! I no longer have birthdays – just anniversaries of my 29th birthday – I feel much younger doing it this way. Best birthday – easy – the day I turned 18. The very next day I packed up a suitcase and walked out to start my new, much improved life – I joined the military to see the world!!

  22. Jane says:

    Happy Birthday, Cynthia. Hope you have a wonderful day filled with cake and presents. One of my best birthdays was a few years ago when my cousin surprised me with a ticket to Amsterdam.

  23. Chelsea B. says:

    OK. My favorite birthday memory was when I turned thirteen. Me and a friend (with the help of A LOT of people) planned this huge Halloween part consisting of about 150 guests. We had a haunted room which you and only one other person could walk into at a time ( to make it scarier) in almost pitch dark (well, there was light when needed) all sorts of ‘monsters’ would jump out at you, you had to put your hands in stuff like bowls of ‘eyeballs’ ‘liver’ ‘brain’ ‘guts’ etc. We also had a game room which was like a carnival, a fortune teller (equippt with crystal ball) and a room where you could get your hair died differnt colors (Halloween spary on) fake nails, and makeup done! I still look back on that party and think it was the best! 🙂
    A happy birthday to you! Hope you get everything you want 🙂

  24. Brandy says:

    Happy Birthday! I hope your family treats you like a Queen today!
    One of my favorite Birthdays was when my Mom was still alive. She understood that though I am a mother and wife, I still needed to feel special. The hubs, well, he’s not good at occasions and since she’s passed it’s hard to feel good when a Birthday rolls around.

  25. elaing8 says:

    Happy Birthday!!!! I hope you have a fantastic day

    my birthday was at the end of the school year,so my dad would always bring in cake and pop for my whole class and the teacher would make a whole day of it,playing games and having fun.

  26. Cathy M says:

    Happy Birthday Cynthia!

    My favorite present was on my 35th birthday. My hubby foot the bill for a 5 day cruise for me and my sisters. What a blast, it was so relaxing and fun. And the best part is he watched our twin boys that whole week, with no hysterical phone calls or disasters!

  27. Angela says:

    Happy Birthday Cynthia!!!!

    Favorite memory for me is when my kids surprised me and made breakfast and served it to me in bed. Nothing like a homemade breakfast made by your kids 😀

  28. Audrey A says:

    My mom would always decorate after I’d go to bed so when I got up there’d be streamers and signs all over saying Happy Birthday.

  29. CatsMeow says:

    I’m hoping you have the best Birthday ever, Cynthia.
    My best memory… I was just a child, but I’ll never forget and it was the best day. My birthday is in the middle of August. We didn’t have much money, but all through the day I would get these little hints. I’d follow them and I would find a present then later on I would find another clue. This went on all day. Now everyone is going to think I’m weird, but the presents were all school supplies. I loved every one of them. Since then I have had this thing about office supplies. lol.

  30. Martha Lawson says:

    Happy Birthday Cynthia!! I hope it is a good one. You know, I haven’t really had a birthday that has stood out!! They are pretty much the same.

  31. Jessica says:

    Happy Birthday! I think one of my fave bday memories was once my son understood what birthdays are and he showered me with love and affection all week since he couldn’t quite figure out which day it was on. Every morning for a week I got happy birthday wishes from my lil boy!

  32. limecello says:

    Oooo favorite birthday memory? Actually, does it have to be one of my own? What came to mind first was… once a friend had a party at a bowling alley. (He was turning like 11?) He’s ADDICTED to watermelon. Can eat a large one himself. He also had just gotten a basketball hoop and needed a better ball… so we got a giant box, put the basketball, a large watermelon, and some smaller gifts in it. It was too large to wrap well so we spray painted it and painted a bow on it. He had no idea what the gift was and loved it – still does 15+ years later 😀

  33. Raonaid Luckwell says:

    Since my birthday is September 7, every so often it falls on Labor Day, and I do not have to go to school. Plus, around in my area Ohio/West Virginia. The first weekend of September they always have a carnival/fair. Then the second weekend is always Sternwheeler

    But the birthdays I cherished were the ones I always got to have with my grandparents. They are long gone now which is sad.

  34. Casey says:

    Happy birthday!!

    My favorite birthday memory was when my family threw me a surprise early b-day party and gave me an ice cream cake, even though it was freezing outside (my birthday is in December lol!)

  35. Sue A. says:

    Happy Birthday Cynthia! I hope you’re celebrating with friends and family!

    My favorite B-days were celebrated with a small group of friend and included dinner out, dessert and presents.

  36. RobynL says:

    Happy Birthday to you Cynthia; hope your day was as you wanted it to be.

    My fav was when I was 16 and the family gave me a long stemmed red rose in a beautiful blue vase.


  37. Julie says:

    Happy birthday! 🙂 My most memorable birthday is when my friends ambushed me outside of school and pied me. xD

  38. Pam P says:

    Happy Birthday, Cynthia!

    One year my birthday was labor day and we had a big cookout and homemade cakes. But just as the grill fired up, out of the blue we got hit with a storm with hailstones the size of baseballs. It was so odd, lol. Most of us grabbed everything and ran inside, but the guys stayed out to cook on the gas grill with umbrellas, finally gave up on the umbrellas with the wind and they started hailstone (rather than snowball) fights, laughing up a storm, and all the kids wanted to run out and play, too.

  39. Stacey Smith says:

    Happy birthday!!
    My Favorite mimery was a birthday where we had like a little cornavel whit diffent boths of stuff i was about seven i think.the was pin the tail on the donky and and a few other things its hard to renember but it was a good day the older i get the more that birthdays do not seem to mather but as a kid the where a big deal.


  40. Happy Birthday! My favorite birthday memory is when my family took me to Olive Garden then to a movie.

  41. happy birthday!

    my favorite birthday memory is my 21st and my first surprise party. i was pledging for my sorority then and my sorority sisters came up with this elaborate plan that involves a pretend initiation night. i fell for it of course (might’ve been because i also had the flu that night). it turned out fun though because the party was at a karaoke place.

  42. Edie says:

    Happy Birthday! I have a dust covered giant pink stuffed animal in my bedroom that my husband gave me on my birthday when I was dating. I don’t know why, but that popped into my head. I had great birthdays when I was a kid. We always had parties, with all my friends over.

    Google Reader is sending me your blogs a day late. Bad Google Reader.

  43. Pamk says:

    Happy Birthday Cynthia. My favorite birthday was my 21st. I went out to eat with my dad and step mom and then they took me out for a drink which is funny now since I don’t drink but daddy thought I’d like it lol.

  44. Sue Brandes says:

    Happy Birthday! Hope you had a wonderfilled day! My favorite birthday was when my son & I went out to see a movie & ge toke me out to eat too. We spent the whole day together. It was a great day!

  45. Jessica says:

    Happy Birthday! My birthday is this month on the 13th! But anyway best birthday so far… only 1 comes to mind i was maybe 12 and we didn’t have a lot of money and my dad asked what i wanted for my birthday so i told him i just wanted the family to get together and have a nice dinner. I still remember making the cake with my grandma, and theres never been a cake since thats tasted even remotely as good. When i looked out the window my dad was riding a bike that he had fixed up for me for my present. we hade croquet and horse shoes set up and just spent the day enjoying each others company and presence.

  46. Natasha A. says:

    I wouldn’t say FAVOURITE, but my most memorable was when I decided to dye my hair Blond. Not a great move on my part!

    Anyways, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!

  47. Amy S. says:

    Happy Birthday! Hope you have a great one!

  48. Scorpio M. says:

    Happy birthday! My favorite b-day memory comes from childhood. I got a “Summertime” Barbie that I had been eyeing. I remember being extremely happy 🙂

  49. CrystalGB says:

    Happy birthday. My favorite birthday memory was 7 years ago. My husband and I had just returned from our honeymoon and he planned a surprise party at my parents home. It was wonderful birthday that year.

  50. Diane Sadler says:

    Just this past january and why? Each year brings me a new and wonderful birthday with my family so one more to add to my pile of great memories.