Best. Monster. Ever. Back to Blog
Update: The winner of the Barnes and Noble gift card is…Dana Gold!
My life-long love of monsters inspires my writing. Seriously, if I hadn’t watched so many horror movies as a child, I doubt I’d be writing about vampires and werewolves today. What can I say? Monsters motivate me. Only…instead of being the bad guys, I often love to make my monsters into heroes. Who says the beast can’t save beauty? I think he can.
So that got me to thinking…just who/what is the best monster ever? A beast that was supposed to be bad, but you still found yourself rooting for him anyway?
Spike comes to mind for me (of course!), but there are other supernatural guys out there who have to make the list, too. My husband says that Frankenstein’s Monster is far and away the best, but I don’t know about that. Never quite loved the whole electrode bit.
What do you think? If you had to make a list, who/what would top it for the title of Best Monster Ever?
I’ll pick one commenter to win a $20 gift card to Barnes and Noble. (And please remember–all contests will stay open until noon, Central time, on 8/29/12.)
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Who/what would top my list for the title of Best Monster Ever? It would have to be Michael from the Underworld movies, even when he is half vampire/half wold he is HOT!
I totally agree! I was so sad that he really wasn’t in the last underworld movie!! Good pick 🙂
When it comes to monster besides wolfs. I love Vampires. I think Dracula is pretty remarkable. He has been the inspiration of many other great monsters. I love a monster with sexy fangs not matter what it is.
Bella Lugosi as Dracula! When I was growing up he was the first Vampire I ever saw and I have always loved him:) Then as I got older I fell in love with Angel of course!
Mine would be David(Kiefer Sutherland) from the lost boys
i just love that film and he was evil but very sexy.
Ohhh I love The Lost Boys! We just let our daughter watch that this summer and she really liked it too!
I am going to go with Joshua Jackson in Cursed. He is a hottie. 🙂
What about that movie from the 80’s(I think) called Swamp Thing with Adrienne Barbeau. He was something else…LOL
Ok, he’s not a hottie guy, but as a kid I always loved Godzilla. Everyone was scared of him, but to me I always knew he had a good side, a protective side — soo very much like my favorite book characters. Maybe that’s why I think that about so many characters today. LOL.
Okay, for hottie “human” guy monster, I have to go with Spike from Buffy, too. Just too perfect (all bad, but with heart).
What about that monster god in Conan the Barbarian (Part Two) with the horn and grosteque body?
Tim Curry as Darkness in the 1985 movie Legend…with Tom Cruise. Didn’t really care for the movie itself, but Darkness (with his fake torso beautifully sculpted)…oh my…he was fine, fine, fine. And the voice was WONDERFUL.
Just saying.
OMG! THis is exactly what I was going to say :sighs:
For me it’s Beast from Beauty and the Beast! 🙂
I would say Angel (David Boreanaz) in season 2 of Buffy!!
He just lost his soul through the act of love and he was horrible…but I was still so in love with him. The season finale still makes me cry!!
I am all into the forbidden relationships–
Vampire with a Werewolf
Angel with a Demon
What other relationships are forbidden??
I have to agree with David from Lost Boys. I also love Spike <3
I don’t watch many monster movies so I will say The Beast from Beauty and The Beast. He was so grumpy and bitter but Belle was able to turn him around to the loving human he once was! Talk about a HEA! 🙂
I am going to go with Khal Drogo (aka Jason Momoa) from Game of Thrones! Not only was he sexy and alpha, he fell in love with Daenerys Targaryen when I didn’t think that he was capable of it.
I also have to add Eric Northman (Alexander Skarsgård) from True Blood! Sexy!
I think that my favorite monster was Gary Oldham as Dracula. He was cute and I liked the accent…then he got all scary looking when he turned.
Monsters…I think Spike from Buffy was one of the best. I also love the kid that played American Werewolf in London.Brad Pitt in Interview w/ the Vampire. LOL Hellraiser..Yeah, he was a little freaky but he was still kind of hot LOL.
I’ve always been a Disney girl who likes Happy Endings so Beast from Beauty in the Beast is my best monster ever.
Well, he’s not a monster in the actual sense of the word, but in deeds sure – Darth Vader, baby! 🙂 He’s a very big time bad guy… but yet, oh so cool! LOL
I don’t know all their names but the best monsters I watch are those created on the tv show Grimm, they can get really creepy.
hmmm, maybe not the best but a monster to me would have to be the character Scream from the movies. Still bothers me when I see kids dressed up as Scream…
The bad guy in Blade 3 ..he was hot!!
I’ve always had a soft spot for the bad boy that everyone thinks is unredeemable. (I know, I know, I’m a sucker). A few years ago I would have totally said Spike from Buffy, but then ALeksander Skarguard happened. “Eric” for Sookie Stackhouse/True Blood is my favorite monster. Not only is the man HAWT, but he’s got that irrefutable bad boy thing for him. He’s the classic case of doing whatever he has to do to get what he wants without given a flying monkey who he destroys or hurts in the end. I think I’m actually going to cry when Charlaine Harris ends her Sookie Stackhouse series and she doesn’t end up with Eric. Right behind Eric and Spike, I would recommend Alcide for Sookie Stackhouse/True Blood. *waves like crazy stalker fan* Hi Joe! LOOOOOOOVE you as Alcide. LOL!
Ah, Spike is also one of my favorite TV monsters! Niol from your Midnight series was also so bad… but in a good way!
One guy that comes to mind is Nero from the 2009 version of Star Trek, played by Eric Bana. Although technically not a monster, he’s Romulan, he is total badness. By the end of the movie, when you find out how he came to be bad, you feel sorry for him.
When I read you Angel of Darkness I was rooting for AZ the whole time :)! And yes Spike is another one I always found my self rooting for. I don’t know if you seen the new show Once Upon a Time, but I find myself hopeing that Rumpelstiltskin gets a happy ever after too 🙂
It’s Niol for me. I agree with your husband. Frankenstein’s monster does fit at the top of my list.
Hm.. There are so many good ones out there! I always loved Spike from Buffy. He was bad and sexy and just fun. In the first few seasons. But I still loved him even after he redeemed himself. I also LOVED Monster Squad growing up. I loved the Wolf Man and Frankenstein. Thanks!
I know you will lau, but my all time favorite monster is Cookie Monster. I love my horror, but puppets are awesome!
delphinareadstoomuch at yahoo
Don’t know if he would count, but the phantom of the opera is a sad and twisted soul. The hunchback of Norte dame is another sad being. Hmm. Noticing a theme. Man can be the worst monsters but the outside appearance doesn’t necessarily correspond to the person inside.
I’m going to second the Darkness from Legend comment. Something about Tim Curry’s diction and his lines. And when he steps out of the mirror, hooves and all…YES!!!
I would have to say Gerald Butler as the Phantom in Phantom of the Opera or a Dracula. He has that dark brooding look down to an art.
Hmmm….well, mine doubles as a super-hero, I guess. The Incredible Hulk. The rage and anger turned into primal strength and still the good guy.
I have to agree with several of the folks here for my list. Spike and Angel from Buffy, Erik from True Blood/Sookie Stackhouse Mysteries, Beast from Beauty and the Beast, Michael from Underworld…all of them would be on my list as best monster who is really a hero!
It has to be Dracula for me.
I’m with the first poster. Michael from the Underworld movies. He didn’t get into the next movie in that series because i believe he and the main actress whose names escapes me hooked up and she was was um married to the director i believe. Yeah won’t be invited back after that.
I loved the two together though. Lots of chemistry.
Lisa B
I would have to go with Dracula, can’t beat that darkness about him.
Not a monster but a bad guy, I always felt bad for Tybalt from Romeo and Juliet. I just always thought he was given a bad over all image but was just trying to get his Uncle’s approval
I have to go with Eric Northman from the True Blood series too. Yummy.
I loved Dracula 2000 and though Gerard Butler as Dracula needed to die, I had to root for him because he was just too dreamy!
I’m not really a horror buff, but I always felt bad for the underdogs. But, Heathcliff from Wuthering Heights!
I agree with Spike and Michael from Underworld. I would add the guy in American Werewolf in London.
Spike from Buffy definitely makes my list. I was always rooting for him!
These aren’t really bad guys in their shows but they are supposed to be viewed as such:
Monroe, the Blutbad, from Grimm
Scott McCall from Teen Wolf (TV)
My favorite monster isn’t in the traditional sense. Mine is an actor on a TV show. He’s a serial killer which is a monster of sorts. I’m talking about the TV show Dexter, and the title character Dexter. Dexter kills other murderers or bad people that get away with their crimes. He fights for the good and takes over when the justice system lets the bad guys go. He is my favorite monster because he’s a monster that does bad things but for a good reason. He really has a good heart and is just screwed up in the head. It’s a great show! Love it!
You just can’t beat Frank Langella as Dracula! He just oozes
sensuality in the movie with just enough menace in his voice. Gives you the shivers.
I have to go with Dracula and David from the Lost Boys.
i think chucky… i still cant watch that movie.. creeps me out
I agree with Tim Curry as Darkness in Legend!
Dragonheart, voice of Sean Connery.
Man everyone has such great choices but I think I’m gonna go old school horror movie bad guy and say Pinhead from the Hellraiser movies. He’s pretty badass and scary to me! =)
This might sound weird but I kind-of thought of Hansel and Gretel. But other than that, what about American Werewolf?