Another Chance to Win an ARC! Back to Blog

Leagh at Romance Book Craze was kind enough to interview me about my upcoming Fallen series. If you get a chance, head over…cause we’re also giving away an Angel of Darkness ARC at her place.

Have a great Friday!!

Update:  I also wanted to post a reminder about the contest below since it is still going on. Lots of great books to be had!!

Want to win some books? (Ah, I do love free books).  Then check out this exciting contest:

(I’ve taken this information from the lovely Ashley March‘s site.  Thank you, Ashley!  This is a great contest–with lots of books to  be won.  Hope you can enter!)

Five huge romance fans who just happen to be romance authors as well have decided that we want to give you the opportunity to receive complete, SIGNED backlists of one of your very favorite authors (and yes, that means EVERYTHING they’ve ever written).

The romance fans/authors who are participating are: Ashley MarchShana Galen, Lila DiPasqua,Vanessa Kelly, and Heather Snow.

The complete, SIGNED backlists they’re giving away are books from the following authors (henceforth known as “The Amazing Authors”):

Lisa Kleypas

Julia Quinn

Elizabeth Hoyt

Cynthia Eden

Julie Garwood

Before we can give these awesome prizes away, though, we need you to show how fanatical of fans you are. Since we know that you’re already following The Amazing Authors on Facebook (you are, aren’t you??), all you need to do is follow the authors who want to give away these complete, signed backlists to you. We all have to reach a certain number of followers; once that happens, then we will run a Facebook giveaway on our individual pages where you can enter to win the complete, signed backlists from the Amazing Authors.

(Please note, you must follow and enter on each of the five Facebook pages to be eligible to win each backlist. The giveaway won’t happen until AFTER the goals are met for ALL of us, and the giveaways will be open to US and international residents! All books will be in English as print books; if any books in the Amazing Authors’ backlists are currently our of print, used books will be purchased for those titles so that the backlist will be complete.)

Ashley March (must reach 2500 total “Likes” in order to give away Lisa Kleypas backlist)

Shana Galen (must reach 2000 total “Likes” in order to give away Julia Quinn backlist)

Lila DiPasqua (must reach 3500 total “Likes” in order to give away Elizabeth Hoyt backlist)

Vanessa Kelly (must reach 2000 total “Likes” in order to give away Cynthia Eden backlist)

Heather Snow (must reach 2500 total “Likes” in order to give away Julie Garwood backlist)

Those are the rules! Tell your friends, tell your family, tell any fellow romance fan you know. Soon, 5 lucky winners will win a complete, signed backlist from a favorite author!

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One response to “Another Chance to Win an ARC!”

  1. Diane Sadler says:

    Thank you for the chance to win a copy of Angel of Darkness at Romance Book Craze, Cynthia!