ANGEL OF DARKNESS – Update Back to Blog

Just a quick note to say that the ANGEL OF DARKNESS re-release is starting to show at retailers! It is currently listed as F*R*E*E at Apple Books, Barnes & Noble, Kobo, and Google Play. The price at Amazon is showing .99–but I am working to get that price adjusted. As soon as the price has been adjusted at Amazon, I will be back with a new post! (Prime Day fun is happening at Amazon, though, and I’m not sure how long the adjustment may take there. I’ll update as soon as I see it process. I was told by the rep that it could take 2-3 days for the change to go through the system.)

ANGEL OF DARKNESS was first published with Kensington all the way back in 2011. HOW has so much time passed??? I received the rights back to the book, and I am very happy to be bringing the fallen angels back to readers again! The book has a new cover and I made some editing changes (no major scene changes). If you read the book before, Keenan’s story is the same.

I wanted to make the first book in this series free because I know it’s sometimes hard to remember if you’ve read a book before or not (especially when there is a new cover!). So I thought offering the first book free would help out on that confusion…because if you click it and then realize you *did* read Keenan’s story years before…you’re not out anything! You just have a new, free copy of the book. 😉

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