ANGEL IN CHAINS–Giveaway Winners Back to Blog

Thank you all so much for the costume comments on my ANGEL IN CHAINS giveaway! I selected 5 winners and those commenters are:


Kara Nix

Irene Jackson

Lisa Uranker

Diana Brown



I’ll email the winners now with prize details.  And stay tuned for more contests!

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6 responses to “ANGEL IN CHAINS–Giveaway Winners”

  1. Irene Jackson says:

    Fantastic thank you!
    Congrats to everyone.

  2. Michele says:

    Congrats to the lucky winners 😀

  3. angel_grace says:

    Thank you! Congrats to the winners, and good luck next time to everyone else 🙂

  4. Diane says:


  5. Colleen says:

    Congrats winners!

  6. Diana says:

    Thanks! Congrats to the other winners! The email came at a great time, as I was not having a good day!!!!