American Title Finalists Back to Blog
Sylvia Day is posting interviews with the American Title finalists on her blog—and she’s posting interviews with the characters from those finalist entries. Today, she’s got an interview up with Edie Ramer–Edie is interviewing the main character from her novel, DEAD PEOPLE. Go check out the interview. Fabulous prizes are being given away to commenters!
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Yay for Edie!
Cindy, you’re a sweetheart for announcing this!
I read the interview (it was great!) and am pulling for Edie to WIN the writing contest. (Because now I HAVE to read Dead People!) *G*
I agree, Zoe–yay, Edie! 🙂
Edie, I loved your two interviews!
Hi, Brandy! I’d love to read that story, too!