Allison Brennan–Kiss Me, Kill Me Back to Blog
Update: The winner of KISS ME, KILL ME is…Rachel. Congrats to Rachel! And thanks to all the great folks who commented!
New York Times best-selling author Allison Brennan contributed a great novella to the ENTANGLED anthology (see, another reason to pick up the book–Allison’s tale!), but, earlier this year, she also had a fabulous release.
Lucy Kincaid has firsthand experience dealing with deadly criminal predators, and shes fully prepared to share her many talents with the FBI. But when her career plans are derailed, her boyfriend, security expert Sean Rogan, asks for help on his latest private investigation. Using her well-honed cyber-hunting skills, Lucy is soon on the trail of a missing teenage girl with a penchant for disappearingand a shocking secret life.
FBI Agent Suzanne Madeaux is also tracking someone: a serial killer on the loose in New York City. Dubbed by the press the Cinderella Strangler, he cruises seamy underground sex parties, where drug-fueled women make for easy pickings. As Lucy and Seans desperate search collides with the FBIs hunt, Lucy isnt about to step aside. Haunted by painful memories of her own harrowing encounters with evil, shes determined to keep any more innocents from meeting the fate she so narrowly escaped. Delving deep into the twisted psyche of a remorseless killer, Lucy must confront her own fearseven if it means risking a future job with the FBI and future happiness with Sean.
Want to win a copy of KISS ME, KILL ME? Then tell me about a scary fiction killer (can be from a book or movie) that kept you awake at night. I’ll pick one winner to receive a copy of KISS ME, KILL ME. (I’ll ship the prize from, so it will be winner’s choice–either a mass market copy or a Kindle ebook version.) Thanks!
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I would say It. I watched that as a child and I’ve been scared of clowns since!
Me, too!!
Hannibal was scary for me. I still don’t like watching the movie.
Diane, did you watch Hannibal Rising, too?
Hannibal is way too scary for me. After watching just 1 movie with him in it, I could never look at Anthony Hopkins the same way again and won’t ever be watching any of those Hannibal movies.
Thanks for the giveaway!
Silence of the Lambs had me watching (kind of watching…) with a pillow over my eyes!
I recently watched Kiss the Girls with Ashley Judd and Morgan Freeman for the first time. It reminded me of The Hunt. Only The Hunt was scarier.
I love that movie, Edie!
Stephen Kings IT! The clown scares the bejeesus out of me, but then again I’m afraid of clowns anyway and puppets!
Gah!! Me, too!!! That clown scared me from the first moment I saw his head poking out of that sewer thing. I just thought–RUN, RUN!
Hannibal. Creepy!
Scream, isn’t that sad. I have to say I was young when it came out so it scared me to death. Now I laugh at the movie.
LOL, Sherie, you are not alone. When it 1st came out, I was terrified.
I saw the original My Bloody Valentine movie when it came out on Valentine’s Day in 1981…at 8 months pregnant. BIG mistake!!! I was up all night cuz I kept hearing that miner breathing in my bedroom. Looked under the bed. Tried to tell myself I was crazy. Finally woke her father and told him it was HIM breathing like the miner..STOP BREATHING!!!! I never said I was reasonalbe at 8 months pregnant LOL
Oh, no!! I saw the re-released version and left the lights on for days. (Jensen Ackles drew me to that flick.)
Freddie Kruger scares me! I have never watched those movies and never will..LOL I do not like SCARY movies but that one FREAKS me out!!
Freddie is one scary guy. When I was younger, he made me afraid to sleep!
Freddy Kruger, remember him from when I was 3 or 4. Still can not even stand to look at him. Never have seen any of the movies, can’t stand the sight of him
He would just kill those other characters in such terrible ways. Totally creeped me out!
When I was young Jason from Friday the 13th movies freaked me out. I used to be scared at camp when I was there, because I thought Jason would show up. I always worried about the counselors getting killed.
You are a new author for me and would love to read and win your books. I am always looking for new authors and books to read and this one looks great
Chris, the first Friday the 13th was filmed not too far from where I live. I loved the older shows, but the re-released version had me scared a few nights back!
The scariest for me was the doctor in Cheyenne McCray’s No Werewolves Allowed. This guy was down right evil – dissecting live werewolf children.
I would say Hannibal was the scariest but what kept me up at night was the first Friday the 13th.
Freddy Kreuger and The Ring – Both those movies made me lose sleep. The Ring (believe it was that way) I could NOT have a tv in the room with me as I slept. The stupid things you do on Halloween with your hubby and his cousin. This is why I don’t do scary movies
I would have to say Michael from the Halloween movies. When I was a kid we went to a drive in movie to see the first one. I had to go to the bathroom. When I came back his big,scary face was on the screen and it scarred me for life. I HATE scary movies….LOL
The killer from Saw was scary. I haven’t any of the movies since the 2nd one but they were very psychological.
Beckerjo at verizon dot net
Silence of the Lamb was scary… Kiss the Girl was creepy too…
I have the first book in the Lucy Kincaid series and would love to read the second one.
The last scary book I read was “Don’t Breathe a Word” by Jennifer McMahon. The scary part was in the mind games and illusions, and not knowing what is going to happen next.
It seems to be a popular choice but IT was far too scary for me, but then sneaking books from my Dad’s shelves at 12 probably wasn’t my best decision ever!
There’s been a few Criminal Minds episodes that have got to me lately, especially the ones involving kids. I always tuck the kids in twice after watching those and sometimes through the night.
Oh boy… Freddy from Nightmare on Elm Street… I really can not watch those movies… gave me the creeps and nightmares when I was a kid!
Easy one when i was a kid Friday the 13th. I do not watch scary movies now lol
Lisa B
I read the last hannibal lecter book and it was FREAKY! I couldn’t fininsh the book! UGH!
When I was young Poltergeist freaked me out. We had a tree next to my bedroom window & I kept feeling like it would crash in my window.—Rachel
ok, im a freak, but the planet of the ape scared me as a child and i still dont like monekys
Hmmm, I cant watch scary movies. They keep me up all night. That chick from the Ring still freaks me out when I think of her.
I can’t think of another fiction one but some of the scariest to me are the non-fiction ones. I already have Kiss Me, Kill Me and whoever wins will be thrilled, Allison. Good luck with the anthology.
I would have to go with the majority and Hannibal Lechter.
I agree with people who said Hannibal Lechter. He is so scary to me!
Pinhead from Hellraiser used to give me nightmares.
The scariest character who kept me awake at night, would have to be (Don’t laugh) but JAWS, I know he isn’t human being a shark and all, but after watching that, I could not sleep for a couple of days and still will not go in the sea, even now, I know you said fiction and JAWS is fiction but there are plenty of sharks out there in real life, Would you want to be eaten by one? shivering as I am writing, x x
Never liked Freddy Krueger. Can’t even watch commercials about it.
i got scared crapless from the dinosaurs in Jurassic Park… otherwise the face suckers from Aliens
The damn clown in It! I am terrified of clowns now!! (Also, and this isnt really a killer, but the ending of The Fly, where the guy is a little fly with a human head saying “help me! help me!” that still freaks me out!! Also the zombies in the ORIGINAL night of the living dead!!)
Ashley A
There is a memorable set of killers from Crazy Sweet by Tara Janzen that stick with me. Dr. Souk, who was evil from the word go, and Tony Royce, who was suppossed to be the good guy, turned traitor. I think those character’s are the scariest. The guys you trust and look to for help that betray you.
caity_mack at yahoo dot com
Scream– you know the guy with the white, open-mouthed mask? Guh! He STILL gives me the creeps!
I wasn’t as scared of Pinhead from “Hellraiser” as I thought I’d be but the velociraptors from Jurassic Park? *shudders* There’s just something about sentient animals out to get a person… (as long as it’s not hilarious like “Cujo”)
Cujo *shudders* watched it when I was about 15 with a friend who lived in the country. When we had to go out at night to get something we both were very twitchy for a long time afterwards. Jumping at any noise. Also if I’m home alone have to watch what I read as very suggestable lol. But then I check the dogs are there and am okay again (for a wee while) lol
I guess Michael from the Halloween movie scared me some.
I’d have to say Texas Chainsaw Massacre was the one that gave me nightmares. I also prefer paperback versions of books to the e-books but I’m not picky when it comes to free, LOL!
Hannible Lector always creeped me out! Eating people…nasty!
mmafsmith at gmail dot com
The clown from It creeped me out. Still not afan of clowns.
Leatherface from The Texas Chainsaw Massacre still creeps me out.
hannibal lector, the movie wasn’t near as disturbing as the book. I can’t get over the scene where he cuts someone else’s face off to lay over his and disguise it. Or where he hijacked a car when someone was digging in their trunk – I couldn’t use my trunk in public places for a long time, lol.
I don’t watch much horror, but I’m addicted to zombie novels even though they are guaranteed to give me nightmares.
Hannibal is one of mine but the killers in the Saw movies are real close too