Susan Fox is YOURS, UNEXPECTEDLY (or, rather, her book could be!) Back to Blog

Update: The winner of YOURS, UNEXPECTEDLY is…Yadira A. Congratulations!!

Do you like sexy, fun romances?  Then I’ve got a treat for you! Fellow Brava author Susan Fox is my next guest–and the lady has a gift for writing great contemporary romances.  One lucky commenter is going to find out all about that gift…because Susan is giving away a copy of her new book, YOURS, UNEXPECTEDLY.


It’s release day, and Cynthia and I are release sisters with Kensington Brava. How exciting! And thanks, Cynthia, for inviting me here today.

My new Brava is Yours, Unexpectedly . It’s the fourth and final Wild Ride to Love book. This is a sexy “planes, trains, automobiles, and a cruise ship” series. In the first three books (Sex Drive, Love, Unexpectedly, and His, Unexpectedly), the three older Fallon sisters travel home for their baby sister Merilee’s wedding.

In families, siblings each tend to find their own niche. Growing up, Merilee felt like she was in the shadow of her larger-than-life sisters – until she met Matt at age seven. She found her soul mate and her special niche: she was the Fallon sister who was lucky in love.

She and Matt are M&M, and Merilee’s always known they’d get married. At least until her sisters arrive home one by one, with exciting guys and passionate new romances. Suddenly, her relationship with Matt feels a little . . . flat. They’re only 21, yet they act more like a comfortable middle-aged couple than people who are passionately in love. Is this what she wants, for the rest of her life?

You can see what’s coming, right? This is a runaway bride story – with a twist.

When Merilee calls off the wedding two days before the ceremony, she needs to get some distance and perspective, to be alone and think. Because the Mexican Riviera honeymoon cruise is non-refundable, she decides to go.

But Matt has the same idea. And neither of them will back down and go home.

The idea behind the Wild Ride to Love books is that travel is a journey in more ways than one. And so it proves for M&M. It’s time to stop being joined at the hip – even though they’re stuck sharing a cabin – and find out who they are as individuals. As adults. Yes, it’s time to grow up, and to discover whether that means growing apart or growing together.

I hope readers will enjoy M&M’s wild ride from Vancouver to Puerto Vallarta, Mazatlan, Cabo San Lucas, and back home again.  As they redefine themselves and explore new opportunities, they find that they’re still drawn to each other – even more deeply and passionately than before. And now, the idea of a lifetime together looks like the most exciting, romantic adventure they can imagine!

I’d love to hear your comments about travel, how to keep a long-term relationship fresh, and anything else that strikes your fancy. And, last but not least, I’m giving away an autographed copy of Yours, Unexpectedly.


Susan Fox, who also writes as Susan Lyons, is the award-winning author of “emotionally compelling, sexy contemporary romance” (Publishers Weekly). She is published by Kensington Brava, Berkley Heat, and Harlequin Spice Briefs. A resident of both Vancouver and Victoria, B.C., Susan has degrees in law and psychology but would far rather be writing fiction than living in the real world.

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128 responses to “Susan Fox is YOURS, UNEXPECTEDLY (or, rather, her book could be!)”

  1. Patty C says:

    Hi Susan! This book looks like so much fun, I love the concept, it makes me laugh just thinking of it!! Before anyone busts me on this I am going to repeat a story I used on another giveaway, but it fits in your request as well. My husband of 22 years is always surprising me, and I never see it coming. My favorite was when we were on a trip with his MBA class to Hong Kong in 2009. On one of our nights out we were overlooking Hong Kong Harbor. He got down one one knee, asking me to spend the rest of my life with him(again) and presented me with a new wedding band set. Of course I said yes!! I did manage to surprise him once(a Richard Petty Driving Experiance for his 40th bday), even though I cannot keep a secret and I am a horible fibber. Keep em’ guessing, to keep it fresh! Thank you for the offer!!

    • Susan Fox says:

      That’s such a sweet story, Patty. What a great guy, telling you that after all those years together, you’re still the woman he chooses. And making that grand romantic gesture. Incidentally, that kind of grand romantic gesture is one of the things Merilee’s missing in her relationshp with Matt. She sees her sisters’ boyfriends doing these wonderful, romantic things – and she wants what they have! You’ll have to read the book to find out if she gets it.

  2. Cecile says:

    Ohhh gosh, I have read all the sisters and I have been waiting or M&M story!!!!!! Thank you so much for finally letting us have it! Ha!

    Oh gosh… travel is the time for escape and not having to be yourself! So what better way to be someone else for a little while! I am from New Orleans… So there is always time to “be someone else”!

    And as far as keeping the relationship fresh…. Make sure you have more in common that just sex! =)
    Thanks for the post!

    • Susan Fox says:

      Cecile, you’ve made my day. You’ve read all the Wild Ride to Love books! Thanks so much for that. Ah, New Orleans – what a fascinating city that is. Lucky you.

  3. Anne R says:

    I think trying one important step in keeping a relationship fresh, especially with kids, is getting out with each other. Whoever thought up “date night” is a genius. It is so important to burn off some steam and cut loose aka go out and have fun. Granted, one night, DH & I played cribbage at the local bar during a football game, it was still time together and I loved it.

    • Susan Fox says:

      Anne, you’re right that date night doesn’t have to be a fancy meal or going dancing. And it doesn’t have to be expensive. There are so many great ways to have fun together.

  4. Sherry says:

    I love to travel. Only wish I had more money to visit all the places I would like to visit. My daughters and son in law presented hubby and I with a Bahama cruise this year and I think that definitely rekindles and keeps a relationship fresh and fun.

    • Susan Fox says:

      What a fantastic gift, Sherry! Not only is the Bahama cruise wonderful, but it’s also terrific that your kids think so highly of you and your hubby that they’d gift you with something like that.

  5. Susan Fox says:

    Thank heavens for books! I’m glad you’re enjoying some armchair travel, Jeana.

  6. Krissy Holstein says:

    I love to travel and visit my family but I hate flying:(

  7. Stacey Marin says:

    I love to travel!!! I have been to Italy and Greece, and want to travel more when I have the money!!! It is such a rewarding experience.

  8. Larena Hubble says:

    I think keeping a long distance relationship is very difficult. I had one that didn’t last but truthfully it wasn’t the distance that did that one in. LOL

    I love traveling and seeing new places. That is so very fun and a great learning experience. 🙂

    • Susan Fox says:

      I think it takes a strong relationship to survive being long distance, Larena – but if there are other problems as well, that makes it way tougher. Sorry yours didn’t work out, but it sounds like you’re better off without it.

  9. Monique says:

    You have to make sure you spend quality one on one time together. Date nights and romantic out of town get-aways are important.

    • Susan Fox says:

      Yes, one on one time is great and, as you point out, especially when you’re doing something special, not just the “same old, same old” of, for example, vegging on the couch watching TV!

  10. Julia - Yen says:

    I would be a bad example on keeping relationship in long term fresh. I been in long distance relationship for 4years and it didn’t last longer then that. But this was…about 8 years ago. But I’m happy to those who managed to make their long distance relationship work 🙂

    • Susan Fox says:

      I survived 3 years of a long distance relationship, Julia – but we’d never actually intended it to be permanent, so I don’t feel bad about it. We both wanted different things and we knew that from the beginning, but we did spend some lovely time together, and we both learned a lot from each other.

  11. Spav says:

    I love traveling, I’ve been to many places but Italy is still my favourite.

  12. Chris Bails says:

    I don’t care for long distance relationships. When I first started dating my husband we lived a hour from each other. We only got to see each other on the weekends and that sucked. We talked everyday, but that is not the same. I need to be near him. Not saying that now I don’t mind hime going away for a couple of days, but not too long away.
    Thanks for the chance to win.

  13. Sebrina says:

    Keeping things simple. Not stressing over the little things, letting some things just go….I think for some people, the longer you’re with the same person, the more you have to try and work at it. You’re each changing as the years go by, your taste in music, your favorite foods may change. You may change your job and meet new people; you may change more than you think you do, but the significant other will always notice. Just keeping open that line of communication and realizing that ‘things change’ and roll with it.

  14. J. A says:

    We have three kids and my husband works insane hours and we are always struggling to find time to spend with just us and no kids. What has always worked for us is making time no matter what! Sunday’s is the only day my husband has off and Sunday’s is our day and we center it around getting out and spending alone time with eachother if not for just an hour. The kids want daddy time too but we try to put ourselves first on Sunday’s

    • Susan Fox says:

      J.A, that sounds like a great rule. I admire you and your husband for having found a way to spend time together when your lives are so crazy.

  15. JenM says:

    Actually, travel is the way that we keep our relationship fresh. There’s something about getting out on the road, being in new surroundings, that tends to remind us of why we love each other.