A party, a drink (or two), and a break-up.
Posted in Romance on June 4th, 2006 by Cynthia Eden
Tuesday is my birthday. I’ll be turning thirty. Yep, the big 3-0. And I have so not been looking forward to this big day.
On Saturday, my good friend Ashley offered to take me to lunch–a nice early birthday treat. I went with her, gossipped happily, and had a rather yummy apple martini. Then, we went back to my place…and I found a party waiting for me.
The hubby (thanks, Nick!) and my truly wonderful friends had arranged a surprise party for me. When I first saw everyone standing in my kitchen, my first impulse was to turn and run–and, um, I think I may have done that. My second impulse was to kick previously mentioned good friend Ashley in the shin and demand to know why she hadn’t warned me. (By the way, I did restrain my kicking impule–after all, she really is a good friend!)
I had delicious ice cream cake, fun chats, and perfect presents. I got a book of hexes, a book of spells, a henna tattoo set, enough chocolate to happily knock me into oblivion, a gift card to my favorite clothing store, a gi-normous witchcraft encyclopedia, a perfect lounge suit for reading/writing, scented candles, a dreaming kit…oh, my lovely list could go on and on! Dang–but I was one happy camper. And, honestly, I was very impressed by my gifts–those people sure know what I like!
(The party concluded with a song from my oh-so-muscially-talented buddy Saundra!)
But wait…cuz the fun didn’t stop there!
Ashley and Felecia then went with me to a local martini bar (hey, I’d only had one so far!). I ordered a Harry Houdini and decided that I’d have to go back to that place soon–it had awesome atmosphere!
Then we headed to the movies–saw The Breakup (um, I’m not going to recommend this–I still don’t really understand why the characters broke up, and I found myself wanting Jennifer’s character to get together with a handsome, rich guy, even though I’m normally a huge Vince fan…)
After the movie…we headed back to my house. And Nick joined us for a tarot reading. We took turns, gazing into the cards and predicting.
I think I got in bed around one.
Very cool. Sigh.