Posted in Romance on March 13th, 2007 by Cynthia Eden

Edie Ramer tagged me tonight. And I’ve got to confess, I love this particular game of tag. Here are the rules (as taken from Edie’s blog): “Turn to page 123 in your work-in-progress. If you haven’t gotten to page 123 yet, then turn to page 23. If you haven’t gotten there yet, then get busy and write page 23. Count down four sentences and then instead of just the fifth sentence, give us the whole paragraph.”

So, here’s my contribution (from my recently finished story, so not a WIP–Work in Progress):

* * *

Once upon a time, he’d possessed Maya. Had all that hot, rich power in his hands. Sex with a vampire–it was one of the best pleasures on earth.

And the most dangerous.

They were walking away now. Hurrying down the street toward the promised Jag.

His fingers uncurled and his left hand rose toward the phone that waited on his desk. Tap. Tap. Tap. His nails clicked against the back of the plastic receiver.

* * *

So, okay, I broke the rules a little bit. But the sentences were short, so I thought I’d throw in a few extra…

Now, I think I’ll tag Larissa Ione.

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In a Fog

Posted in Romance on March 8th, 2007 by Cynthia Eden

I finished the rough draft of Call of the Blood on Sunday night. Ended up with a page count of 415. On Monday, I began the great and glorious process of creating a synopsis for the story. Took me three hours, but the dreaded thing is done. And yeah, I am most definitely planning on writing a synopsis post in the very near future. In the meantime though, I am trying to get through the first draft of my edits. I don’t anticipate any major scene changes in the story (that’s why I went ahead with the synopsis), but I’m trying to make certain I don’t have any glaring plotholes or character inconsistencies. I’m hoping that I’ll have this round of edits finished by the end of the weekend. After that, well, then I’d like to get some writing-related posts up.

I’ve noticed a pattern with my blog. Each time I finish a WIP, when I’m on my “break”–I try to get writing posts up. This time, I’ll aim for five writing posts.

In the meantime, if you’re looking for some absolutely fabulous blog reading, check out Magical Musings.

Oh, and if you haven’t heard yet, Anna Genoese is leaving TOR.

That’s all the news I’ve got for now. I promise–when my brain feels less fried, I’ll be a blogging maniac!

Take care—ooh…I almost forgot. A movie that looks pretty awesome, 300, is coming out tomorrow. Anyone planning to catch a show?

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Secret Agents

Posted in Romance on March 4th, 2007 by Cynthia Eden

Are you a writer who is looking for an agent? If so, then you might enjoy this article on some secret (and some not so secret) literary agents. And, yes, in the interest of full disclosure, one of the agents mentioned, Laura Bradford, is my agent–but I didn’t even realize she was listed until I’d read half of Chuck Sambuchino’s piece.

Other agent resources:

If you’re a member of the Romance Writers of America, the RWA website has an extensive listing of romance agents.

Or you can try checking out Agent Query–the site has great search options.

As always, before signing with an agent, make absolutely certain that you research him/her. The Preditors & Editors site is a great place to start said research.

Good luck on your agent hunt!

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A Very Cool Site

Posted in Romance on March 1st, 2007 by Cynthia Eden

If you haven’t already checked out Romancenoveltv.com, then I highly recommend that you visit the site. They have some fabulous author interviews up (Mary Jo Putney, Nora Roberts, Rebecca York and many more). I really like this site b/c the videos are of a good, professional quality, and I enjoy the “behind the scenes” feel of the interviews.

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Good news

Posted in Romance on February 26th, 2007 by Cynthia Eden

Yay! I’ve got some good news to share. The Wizard’s Spell has been nominated for the 2006 ECataromance Reviewers’ Choice Award.

Here’s a link to the review for The Wizard’s Spell that I received from ECataromance.

What a great start to my week!

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