Want some inspiration?

Posted in Romance on August 20th, 2007 by Cynthia Eden

Are you a writer who needs some inspiration? Well, I’ve long been a believer that if you just look around, you’ll find tons of things that will inspire your creative juices.

Today, for example, I stumbled upon a gargoyle in a store–had to buy it. I tried walking away from the thing four–yes, FOUR–times, but ended up with the gargoyle at the register. Just looking at Gargy puts me in the mood to write some serious paranormal stories.

And here’s a great link that might put you in the mood to write. All of the photos on this site are old (some over 100 years, some in the later 1900s). When I saw the pictures, I instantly started thinking about ghosts. But, if you’re a lover of history, perhaps you will get an idea for a phenomenal historical tale.

After all, inspiration is where you find it.

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Brava Blog

Posted in Romance on August 20th, 2007 by Cynthia Eden

Today, I posted at the Brava Blog. 🙂

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Wicked Ways

Posted in Romance on August 17th, 2007 by Cynthia Eden

Okay, as promised, I’m back to offer a blurb for my Kensington Brava novella, Wicked Ways. Wicked Ways will be released in 06/08 (what a great birthday present for me!), and it will be in the anthology, WHEN HE WAS BAD. (The talented Shelly Laurenston will be the second author in the anthology.)

The hero in this book is my previously mentioned jaguar shifter (I had so much fun doing my jaguar research!). Here’s a brief description of the tale:

Miranda Shaw’s date is from hell, or at least, that’s what she thinks when he suddenly transforms into a fanged vampire and tries to bite her. Luckily for Miranda, her new neighbor, the sexy and mysterious Cain Lawson, comes to her rescue.

Cain is used to dealing with vampires and the other creatures that stalk the night. A former FBI agent, Cain isn’t exactly human, either. He’s a shifter, a being graced with the ability to hold the form of a man or shift into the form of a great black jaguar.

After the attack, Cain discovers that Miranda’s date has a bad habit of killing women, and Miranda is next on his list. Cain sets himself up as Miranda’s protector and vows to stop the vampire from making his next kill. But when Miranda witnesses the true fury of the jaguar, will she run from him as others have in the past, or will she stay and be strong enough to face the beast?

* * *

Here’s the blurb that will appear on the back of WHEN HE WAS BAD, told from my hero’s POV:

I’m too dangerous for her. I know it, but I can’t get my sexy new neighbor out of my head. When I hear her scream one night, the absolute last thing I expect to see is Miranda Shaw–star of my hottest fantasies–being attacked by a vampire. Now the undead jerk is after her, and I’m the only thing standing between the beautiful lady and a killer who just won’t stop. Well, too bad for him, because that vamp has just made the worst mistake of his afterlife–he’s tangled with a shifter. And Miranda, well, she’s so busy watching out for him that she won’t see me closing in on her–not until it’s too late–and I’m about to show her just how wild I can get…

What do you think??

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Work Update

Posted in Romance on August 15th, 2007 by Cynthia Eden

So, just a quick post about my current projects:

I finished the rough draft of my succubus story. Woo-hoo! I’m not going to begin my revisions right away, I’m actually going to take a few days off to let my mind chill a bit (and I’m going to read EDGE OF MIDNIGHT by Shannon McKenna–ooh, and read the second story in Shelly Laurenston’s THE MANE EVENT–I read the first tale already and absolutely loved it!). I’ve got to think of a good working title for my succubus story. As I was writing, I just saved it as “Sex and the Succubus”–but that was just a play name, and one that is way too light-hearted for my tale. So, I need to come up with something else, though if my “something else” sucks, I know the lovely ladies at Kensington will come up with something much better for me! The succubus tale finished at 421 pages–but that number is so subject to change, depending on my edits/revisions.

After my reading break, I plan to write a novella, about 25,000 words. My hero needs to be immortal for this tale, so I’m currently bouncing around different immortal ideas. I’m probably going to do what I call my “multiple-beginnings” writing option. With this option, I write about 5 pages of several different stories. The story that flows the easiest for me, well, that’s the one I stick with for the long-haul. The other stories are saved in my Idea Folder–I can always use them later.

I also recently finished up the page proofs for New Year’s Bites, my novella in A RED HOT NEW YEAR. Then, I spent some time autographing my lovely VistaPrint postcards that I created to promote that release.

I plan to post an excerpt for New Year’s Bites very soon, and I’ll also post a blurb for Wicked Ways, my novella that will appear in WHEN HE WAS BAD (Kensington Brava, June 08).

And, yep, I am planning to revamp my website. Nick is working on a new design for me now, and, though we had a bit of head-butting, I think we’ve finally got a look that we both like. And, okay, by “we”–I really mean me. 🙂

Hope everyone out there is staying busy with reading, writing, and life!

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Toy Recall

Posted in Romance on August 15th, 2007 by Cynthia Eden

Okay, so I was watching the Today Show this morning, and getting seriously freaked out about all the toy recalls we seem to be having lately. I went to the computer, did a search, and found this handy site that lists all the recalled products (not just recently recalled, but dating back quite a while–in case you wanna be obsessive and protective like me!). And guess what? Jack had two of the recently recalled toys! Yep, my little builder-to-be had the lead paint drill and the lead paint tool set. Talk about flipping out! I immediately started digging through his toy boxes to make certain he didn’t have any other dangerous items. But with more recalls expected, I have the feeling I’ll be diving into those toy boxes of his again real soon.

So, if you’re a parent, grand-parent, heck, if you KNOW some kids, check their toys.

I think like 80% of the toys in this country are imported from China, so I’m definitely planning to pay close attention to the news to make certain I catch any other recalls.

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