The Good, The Bad, and the Unread

Posted in Romance on April 24th, 2008 by Cynthia Eden

Sandy M has posted a review of HOTTER AFTER MIDNIGHT over at The Good, The Bad, and the Unread.  (Thank you very much, Sandy!)

The book was given a grade of A+.  I seriously don’t know if I can say how happy that made me.

Here are a few snippets from the review:

“What I got was a hot, sexy, lusty, and dangerous story — and hero.”

“The villain is one of the nastiest to be written, and I loved the circumstances around his final curtain.”

“There’s not one thing wrong with this book. The writing is simply wonderful and it’s put together to give you a paranormal story that’s different and all-encompassing.”

To read the full review, please click here.

And in other review news (hey, since I’m already talking about reviews, I thought I’d post this news, too)…My June 08 Kensington Brava anthology, WHEN HE WAS BAD (with the wonderful Shelly Laurenston) has received 4 Stars from the Romantic Times.  Here’s a quote:

“This collaborative effort comes from two popular paranormal romance authors — each writing a dark, exciting novella. Laurenston’s offers up a surprisingly rigid yet entertainingly wanton heroine. Eden’s tale is suspenseful and mildly gory as she continues to give readers what they love: evil, lusty vampires and fiercely protective, sexual shifters. A commanding read when combined, each could stand alone thanks to grounded characters, plentiful love scenes and useful settings.”

(Thank you to Jennifer–the reviewer for RT.)

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Brava Blog

Posted in Romance on April 23rd, 2008 by Cynthia Eden

I’m blogging over at the Brava Blog today–and I’m giving away an autographed copy of HOTTER AFTER MIDNIGHT.  Wanna win?  Then hop on over there!

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Character Dilemma

Posted in Romance on April 22nd, 2008 by Cynthia Eden

Before I talk about my little dilemma, I just have to say…


Sorry. Had to get that out.

Ahem, now back to my post…I’ve got a dilemma. I’m working on my demon story and there is a secondary character, one that I actually didn’t give a whole lot of thought to when I was plotting this story.  You see, I planned for her death.  So, that was pretty straight-forward. But, now that it’s ah, killing time (so to speak), I find myself hesitating.

I think I want to let her survive.

And there’s my dilemma. To kill her or to let her live.  Not really the kind of issue I face everyday.

I just finished a big scene with her (quite possibly her last living scene), but I feel like I’m a bit at loose ends with her.  I could easily write the story with her surviving–or with her becoming the latest victim of my brutal killer.

I may have to try writing a bit each way–and see what I like better.

Any other writers have this problem?  When a character you’ve clearly planned to have an abrupt end seems to raise her hand and ask for just a wee bit more book time?

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Paranormal Workshop

Posted in Romance on April 21st, 2008 by Cynthia Eden

It’s an absolutely beautiful Monday down here today-with temps expected in the mid 80s. So, um, yeah, I’ll be heading out soon. But first…I wanted to post my paranormal workshop handouts for any authors who might be interested.

(This is the workshop I presented at the recent Silken Sands Conference; the focus of the workshop is giving human flaws and character traits to non-human characters). If you’d like to view the material, just click here.

The workshop material will be up permanently (well, okay, for the next couple of months anyway) in my “Extras” section–just click the “For Writers” button.

Have a great Monday!

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The Romance Studio

Posted in Romance on April 18th, 2008 by Cynthia Eden

Happy Friday!!  I’m blogging today over at The Romance Studio–talking about just how hard it can be to let some characters go…

If you get a chance, drop by for a visit!

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