Writing, Interrupted
Posted in Romance on December 12th, 2008 by Cynthia Eden
Ah, holiday magic. Such a busy time. Presents to wrap. Gifts to buy so you can do that wrapping.
Life interrupts my writing schedule a lot during the holidays. Just one of those things. I’m trying to stay on track right now–I’m into my revising/polishing stage with the story I’m calling I’LL BE SLAYING YOU (my latest paranormal). Instead of a daily page count with this one, I’m setting up daily work time requirements–i.e., I’ll edit/revise for 3 hours today and 3 hours tomorrow. Sunday is a break day for me b/c my son turns 3 (3!!!!) and we get to enjoy birthday party madness. But I’ll be back to work on Monday because I’m determined to finish up this book by next Friday.
You see…I want to start another story. Always, another story. But if I’m not writing (and I classify my writing as a whole other beast from my revising b/c the process is so different), then I just feel…kinda lost. I need to write to keep my mind busy; otherwise, I just seem to flounder about. So I need to write.
Last year, I just pretty much wrote off (ha) the month of December. I knew life would be crazy and productivity would be next to nothing. But this year–no, I want to write. Before the new year comes, I could write a novella or churn out a good 200 pages on a new story.
But what about the other writers out there? Are you finding your writing has been interrupted by the festivities? And if you’re not a writer, how about your reading schedule? I’ve been trying to get my pleasure reads in, but my time for reading has dwindled–okay, disappeared. (That means my TBR stack is just growing and growing…)